
gàn dào
  • artery;trunk road;main road;highway;arterial road;boulevard;main line;high street
干道 [gàn dào]
  • [arterial road] 主道;干线

  • 大水渠的干道

干道[gàn dào]
  1. 兰州市交通干道车流量与噪声污染分析研究

    Analysis of Vehicle Flux and Noise Pollution of Traffic Artery in Lanzhou City

  2. 横卧北侧的长江是通往外地的重要水运干道。

    Yangtse Rive that lies on the north of the city is a key waterway artery .

  3. 罢工的卡车司机们同意解除对主干道的封堵。

    Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads

  4. 这条主干道把整个小镇一分为二。

    The main street bisects the town from end to end .

  5. 韦布驶离干道,驱车拐入停车场。

    Webb turned off the main road and drove round to the car park .

  6. 由于今天的示威游行,警方封锁了旧金山一条主干道上大约12个街区。

    Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today 's march

  7. 戴上头盔,发动引擎,开上乡村干道。

    Put on a helmet , fire up your engine and head out on the open road .

  8. 他们离开干道,转入乡间小路。

    They branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane .

  9. 对不起,我迟到了&因为干道上发生事故临时绕道的缘故。

    Sorry I 'm late & there was a traffic diversion due to an accident on the main road .

  10. 二维主干道CA交通流模型的研究

    A study on the two-dimensional main-road CA traffic flow model

  11. CA交通模型中两条主干道车辆的转向概率效应

    Change direction probability effect of acar on two main streets in CA traffic model

  12. 在此基础上,建立了基于三层BP神经网络的城市干道路段事故多发点鉴别模型。

    Furthermore , a model to identify the hazardous locations of urban arterial link based on BP artificial neural network was established .

  13. 机动车尾气污染物NOX在主干道水平、垂直方向上的浓度分布规律初探

    The preliminary study on the distribution principle of NO x concentration from vehicle exhaust between horizontal and vertical direction at main road in Nanhai City

  14. 晚餐时间一到,直奔埃斯特拉吧。这是一家开在楼上的小餐馆,感觉很僻静,即便那里靠着下城区的一条主干道豪斯顿街(HoustonStreet)。

    Once dinnertime rolls around , head to Estela , a small , upstairs restaurant that feels tucked away , even on Houston Street , a main downtown thoroughfare .

  15. 该系统默认东西方向为主干道(放行30s),南北方向为次干道(放行20s)。

    The system default for the main road east-west direction ( release30s ), secondary roads north-south direction ( release20s ) .

  16. 改进了Gao等(1994)方法,并用以计算潮汐汊道口门落潮干道的垂线平均流速。

    Improvements to the Gao Collins ( 1994 ) method are suggested to obtain long term depth averaged current speeds within the central ebb channel of a tidal inlet system .

  17. 在罗卡,当你走在主干道的土路上时,悲伤的感觉会步步加深:从寺庙走过五分钟,你会看到一片房子,居住在那里的一个大家族有16名成员感染了HIV。

    Grief seems to reach a crescendo in Roka as a visitor walks down the main dirt road : Five minutes from the temple is a cluster of houses where 16 members of an extended family were infected .

  18. 提出一个二维二速主干道CA交通流模型,并对该模型进行计算机模拟,考察模型的各种参量在模型中所起的控制作用。

    A main-road CA traffic flow model with two speeds on two dimensions was presented . The parameters which control the speed and flow of the vehicles are considered through the computer simulation . Some conclusions about this model are drawn .

  19. 他们设法购买店家,希望将主干道CorsodiPortaTicinese改造为时尚中心。

    They tried to buy out storeowners in hopes of turning the main street , Corso di Porta Ticinese , into a fashion hub .

  20. Wally的种植园是在金沙萨一条主干道的沿线,那里曾是一大片荒地,野草丛生。

    Wally gardens along one of Kinshasa 's main arteries , in what used to be a vast , abandoned swath of weeds .

  21. 使用Tenax管在常温下富集采样,研究了南京市交通干道大气环境中苯系物的污染状况和季节变化规律,监测过程历时1年。

    Pollution degree and seasonal variable regularity of BTEX in atmosphere by truck road in Nanjing were studied by Tenax at normal temperature .

  22. [方法]用大流量采样器,采集城区交通干道旁约18m高度处大气中的PM10。

    PM 10 was collected on glass fibre filters using a high volume sampler , located nearly urban traffic road at the height of 18 m.

  23. 选择上海市路网某典型次干道上的两点进行机动车污染排放因子测试,获得了城市次干道上机动车排放污染物浓度、交通参数、气象参数等实测数据.NET平台下编写一个RSA算法程序。

    At two monitoring points established in a certain typical hypo-artery road in road net , Shanghai , measurements of the emission factors of pollutions from motor vehicles were carried out and the concentration of the pollutants , traffic activity and meteorological data were gained .

  24. 为此,本文利用简单的干道式毛细芯,设计制作了一个单回路CPL系统,实验研究了该系统的性能。

    Therefore , a single-loop CPL system was made and studied in the thesis , in which the porous wick of main was used , and the experimental investigation was carried on into the system performances .

  25. 方法:测定重庆市主要交通干道空气中铅含量、苯并(a)芘[B(a)P]浓度、总悬浮颗粒、PM10、PM2.5和PM1浓度并进行相关分析。

    Methods : The concentration of lead , B ( a ) P , TSP , PM_ ( 10 ), PM_ ( 2.5 ) and PM_1 in the air of the main roads were measured and analyzed .

  26. 对西北师范大学校园8个学生集中活动区(空间)共15个测点的空气微生物进行了取样和分析,并对主干道、绿地及其周围道路进行了16h昼间变化(时间)的监测。

    The article , by taking samples from 15 monitoring points in 8 activity areas ( functional districts ) on Northwest Normal University campus and analyzing them , examines the air microorganism and monitors the roads , green land and roads around during the daytime for 16 hours .

  27. 该此研究分别于5月和8月在广州市主要的交通干道进行空气样品采集,并运用吹扫-捕集GC-MSD系统对其进行定性和定量分析。

    Halocarbons were one of the major pollutants in urban atmosphere , being adverse effects on human health and ambient ozone . In this study , air samples were collected in urban Guangzhou streets respectively in May and August , and analyzed by a system of Purge_Trap / GC_MSD .

  28. 重庆市城区交通干道空气污染特征

    Characteristics of Air Pollution Related to Main Roads in Chongqing City

  29. 域市快速干道网规划布局与容量规模初探

    Approach on Planning & Layout and Capacity of Urban Expressway Network

  30. 实现快速公交运营指标的城市干道协调控制

    Urban Arterial Road Coordinate Control Realizing BRT 's Target of Operation