
  • 网络interference theory
  1. 童年的经历告诉我们,如果你想在注意力之战中获胜,就不要对信息大杂烩中发现的那些琐碎干扰说“不”;

    The lesson from childhood , then , is that if you want to win the war for attention , don 't try to say " no " to the trivial distractions you find on the information smorgasbord ;

  2. 结合前人研究,提出资源总量与干扰度假说,认为影响群落内物种多样性主要因素包括:群落所能提供的生态位数量、区域多样性及相邻群落种子源状况。

    Based on preceding researches by other researchers , a new hypothesis of resource amount and degree of disturbance about key factors to maintain species diversity within community was developed that the key factors included niche amount and region diversity provided by community and seed source situation neighboring community .

  3. 听音乐会对这类感觉的传递产生干扰,他说。

    Listening to music interferes with the transmission of those sensations , he says .

  4. 然后他公然发动干扰策略,说他喜欢我的“比赛脸”。

    In a blatant piece of gamesmanship , he says he likes my " game face . "

  5. 在我准备文理综合学校考试时,她保护我免受家庭冲突的干扰,太乐说。

    She protected me from the conflicts at home as I prepared for the Gymnasium , says Thai Le .

  6. 搞社会主义,搞四个现代化,有左的干扰。我们说,中国搞资本主义不行,必须搞社会主义。

    In the course of building socialism and trying to modernize we have encountered some interference from the " Left " . We answer that we had to , because capitalism would get China nowhere .

  7. 可以通过定义一些简单的规则来解决这个问题,这些规则用于降低干扰,比如说去除所有三个字母以内的单词以及去除频率在3以内的单词。

    You can fix this by defining a few simple rules from which to reduce the amount of noise , such as removing all words of three letters or less and removing any words with a frequency of3 or less .

  8. C本题中女士提到火车晚点25分钟是个干扰项,她说的后半句话即是答案soitshouldbehereat11:46。

    W : They say its late for25 minutes , so it should be here at11:46 . Q : When will the train arrive ?

  9. 如果我们在面对一个能激发内心深处感情的事物时,能够坦诚的做到心与眼睛的一至,不被客观理论所干扰,就像霍夫曼说的,艺术直观性是精神的信认基础。

    If we can inspire feelings of the heart of things in the face of a frank to do a heart and eyes , do not interfere with the objective theory , as Hoffman says , visual arts , the spirit of the letter recognition foundation .

  10. 当电子设备或电气设备所产生的电噪声不干扰任何其它设备正常工作和不受其它设备干扰时,我们说这些设备是电磁兼容的。

    We say that these equipments are electromagnetisms , when the electronics equipments noise or the electricity equipments has an effect other equipments and be free from other equipments interferences .