
  • 网络contract management system;The contract system for governing projects
  1. 略谈企业建立健全经济合同管理制度的必要性

    The necessity for enterprise to build and perfect economic contract management system

  2. 本文从企业内部经济合同管理制度的重要作用着手,从理论和企业经营实践两方面分析了企业建立健全经济合同管理制度的必要性,以引起企业管理者对此的重视。

    Starting from the important role of economic contract management system , this article analyzes the necessity for enterprise to build and perfect economic contract management system make enterprise administration to touch its importance .

  3. 谈现代企业经营中的合同管理制度

    Contract management in the operation of modern enterprise

  4. 笔者认为,应从合同管理制度、合同签订和合同履行等方面解决这些问题。

    In my view , these problems can be solved by the improvement of management system , conclusion and performance of contract .

  5. 电力建设工程管理公司合同管理控制制度的建立

    Establishment of Contract Management Control System for Power Construction Engineering Management Company

  6. 建设工程承包合同专项管理制度的建立

    Establishing special management system for contract of construction project

  7. 谈建筑工程施工合同及其备案管理制度

    On building project construction contract and its records management system

  8. 针对目前实施最低价中标法工程施工阶段存在的问题,提出结合工程量清单计价从合同管理、保证金制度、工程保险、质量管理等方面提出了解决的思路。

    The paper put forward a solution through contract management , deposit system , engineering insurance and management of quality .

  9. 第五部分是住房反向抵押贷款的监管法律制度,主要讨论了贷款机构的市场准入及退出机制、贷款合同的管理登记制度和各类贷款中介组织在该业务中的作用及对其监管的法律原则。

    Finally , legal supervision on the reverse mortgage is mentioned to discuss the market access and exit mechanism for the loan agency , the administration and registration of loan contracts and the function of various intermediary loan agencies along with the laws for supervision on them .

  10. 通过建立合同管理组织和合同管理制度,利用现代信息管理技术,对工程建设合同进行系统管理,提高合同管理水平。

    2 , To management systems building construction contract and raise the contract management level by establishing contract management organization and the system and using modern information management technology .

  11. 因此,承发包双方应尽快树立国际化意识,遵循市场规则和国际惯例,加强建设工程施工合同的规范管理,建立行之有效的合同管理制度。

    Therefore , the two sides should foster international awareness as soon as possible , follow the market rules and international practices , strengthen the construction contract management , establish the effective contract management system .

  12. 阐述了劳动行政部门对劳动合同管理的作用和企业建立健全劳动合同管理制度的重要作用。

    This paper expounds the actions of the labor administrative departments on the labor contract management and the important functions of establishing and perfecting the system of the labor contract management .

  13. 文章阐述了合同管理在现代企业经营管理活动中的重要作用,并提出了建立完善的合同管理体系、审查制度、监督检查制度的具体办法。

    The paper expounds important role of contract management in modern enterprise , and it points out concrete methods of establishing perfect contract management , audit system and supervision system .