
  1. E语言在有线电视合同档案信息管理系统中的应用

    The Application of E Language in CATV Contract File Information Management System

  2. 介绍E语言在有线电视合同档案信息管理系统中窗体设计思路,并且将费用计算程序、生成打印文本程序、数据备份程序编写的源程序介绍给大家。

    Introduced the E language in the cable TV contract file information management system . Expenses procedure Computing , born print text procedure , data copy procedure of the source procedure are given .

  3. 合同档案的特点及其管理

    The Features of the Contract Document and Its Management

  4. 企业合同档案管理

    On Management of Enterprises ' Contract Archives

  5. 细说合同档案的管理

    Detailed Explanation of Management of Contract Archives

  6. 保留信函档案和合同档案。

    Maintain correspondence and contract files .

  7. 建立并管理公司销售合同档案,协助销售人员催货,安排发货等相关事项。

    Set sales contract and management this contract , support salesman for our company products and arrange the consignment .

  8. 在劳动合同和职工档案管理、合理划分薪酬等级、提升员工素质等方面提出创新管理之策。

    Innovative management strategies have been setted up in the labor contract management and employee files management , rational division of salary levels , improving staff quality , etc. The paper also mentioned the obstacles in the implementation of " Labor Contract Law " .