
  • 网络contract theory;Theory of contracts
  1. 合约理论视野中的地方政府竞争制度分析

    Institutional Analysis of Local Government Competition from the Perspective of Contract Theory

  2. 我国资源类企业对外投资的有效性&基于合约理论的分析

    Effects of Outward Investment of Our Resource Enterprises : Based on Contract Theory

  3. 以合约理论分析医生与医院的关系

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Doctors and Hospitals with Agreement-theory

  4. 这是合约理论的基本观点。

    This is the basic assumption of Contract Theory .

  5. 不完全合约理论的逻辑悖论与企业理论的创新

    A Paradox of Theory of Incomplete Contracts and Innovation of the Firm Theory

  6. 合约理论在电网企业价格风险管理中的应用

    The Application of Contract Theory to Power Grid Enterprises In Prices Risk Management

  7. 基于金融合约理论的风险投资资本结构研究

    Study on Capital Structure of Venture Capital Contracts Based on Financial Contract Theory

  8. 金融合约理论述评

    Review on the Theory of Financial Contract

  9. 动态合约理论在经济学及管理学的相关领域里应用广泛。

    Dynamic contract theory is a useful tool for analyzing a variety of economic issues .

  10. 隐性合约理论及其新发展

    Implicit Contract and Its New Development

  11. 不完全合约理论述评

    A review of incomplete contract theory

  12. 隐性合约理论评述

    Survey of the Hidden Contract Theory

  13. 文章接着阐述了考虑到既体现灵活度与可信度的制度安排即谨慎中央银行家理论与最优合约理论。

    After that , the article puts forward some institutional arrangements such as conservative central-banker approach and optimal-contract approach which fully consider this convertibility .

  14. 最后,运用关系合约理论、分工理论和投入产出分析法探讨休闲产业集群集聚度测度方法,并构筑其绩效评价指标体系。

    At last , the paper discusses the appraisal method of leisure industrial cluster using complementary theory , dividing theory , and input-output analysis .

  15. 经典的合约理论认为企业的本质在于用要素交易的合约替代产品交易的合约。

    Classical contracting theory believes that the essence of enterprise is replacing the contracting of the product trade by the contracting of the factor trade .

  16. 进一步分析发现,合约理论的“悖论”又根源于企业产权理论中的“两权分离”说。

    Montesquieu 's separation of powers doctrine ( separation of the legislative , executive and judicial powers ) originates from Walker 's separation of powers theory .

  17. 本文运用合约理论分析和比较了这两种分销渠道的交易特征,并利用博弈论模型探讨了这两种分销渠道的运用环境和适用条件。

    Business characteristics are analyzed and compared with contract theory . Exertion and adapting conditions of two kinds of distribution channels are researched with a game model .

  18. 内容提要最优合约理论和管理权力理论都从不同侧面对高管人员的激励报酬进行了解释,但都有不足。

    The Optimal contracts theory and the Management Power Theory both explain compensation of the CEOs from different aspects , but both of them have some insufficiency .

  19. 包括经济人道主义、卡尔多&希克斯效率、隐性合约理论和失业理论;

    The relevant reference on SOE exit theory has been outlined : " Economic Humanitarianism ", " Kaldor - Hicks Efficiency ", and " Implicit Contract Theory " .

  20. 行为合约理论认为代理人具有公平偏好,会关注自己的物质收益与他人相比是否公平,因而试图建立包含公平偏好的最优激励合约。

    Behavioral contract theory tries to design optimal incentive contracts based on fairness preferences , which mean that agents will pay attention to the comparisons of his payoff and others .

  21. 在现有的研究成果中,企业的人力资本已经纳入到企业合约理论的分析框架,承认企业的人力资本是企业合约的签约一方。

    Now , the capital of the firm has been enrolled in the skeleton of the firm contract theory , and is accepted as one party of the firm contract .

  22. 本文首先从现代合约理论出发,对传统质量概念中的合约化内涵进行发掘和深化,并进一步对质量合约的风险特征及原理进行讨论。

    From the theory of modern contracts , this article exhumes the contract contain of the tradition quality concept and discuss the risk character and principle of the quality contract ulteriorly .

  23. 本文从经济学的视角研究了会计信息失真,其理论基础包括合约理论、产权理论、制度理论和委托&代理理论。

    Accounting information distortion ( AID ) was studied from economic view in this dissertation which was based on contract theory , property rights theory , institution theory and principal-agent theory .

  24. 本章还通过文献研究法对我国学者的相关观点进行了梳理,最后对合约理论、制度理论和权威的理论模型做了概括介绍。

    The chapter also combed the related views in China through read the literature , and finally made a summary instruction to contract theory , system theory and the authority model .

  25. 以合约理论的视角看,国有企业的性质可以归结为一种嵌入了生产、就业、社会保障与福利等单项合约的综合经济制度。

    From the contractual approach point of view , the nature of SOE in China is a comprehensive system which embodies the contracts of producing , employment , social security and welfare .

  26. 然后,本文运用不完全合约理论以及预算软约束理论等现代经济学工具分析了证券投资基金的主流类型&开放式基金的治理机制。

    Finally , the governance mechanism of opened-end fund , a main stream type of securities investment fund , has been analyzed with the theories of incomplete contract and soft constraint budget .

  27. 不完全合约理论源于科斯提出的交易成本理论,两种理论的根本差异在于对不完全合约的基础及其导致的合约功能的不同认识。

    Incomplete contract theory originates from the transaction cost theory started by Coase , the fundamental difference between the two lies in the different recognition of the foundation and function of incomplete contracts .

  28. 接着本文给出了新古典理论框架、交易费用框架、合约理论、专业化理论、不确定性理论及其他相关的分析范式中的企业与企业成长的有关概念、内容和分析。

    Then I 've represented theoretical framework of neoclassical theories , transaction cost , contract theory , specialization theory , uncertainty theory and other conceptions and analysis related to firm and its growth in relevant paradigm of research .

  29. 本文采用合约理论的分析范式,讨论了会计信息管制的合约性质,分析了管制机构和上市公司之间的合约机制,并对现有管制实践进行了评论。

    This article applied theoretical analysis framework of contract to the discussion of the contract nature of regulation of accounting information . It analyzes the contract mechanism between regulators and listed companies and comments on the present regulation practice .

  30. 本文首先阐述了早期隐性合约理论的基本思想,然后进一步分析了隐性合约理论在近期的发展和完善情况,最后在上述分析的基础上评价了隐性合约理论的创新及局限性。

    The paper explains firstly the basic idea of implicit contract theory during the early period , and then further analyzes the recent development of implicit contract theory , and finally , evaluates the innovation and limitation of implicit contract theory .