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  • joint training
合练[hé liàn]
  1. 不过刚刚才发现好象还缺套鼓,还有主唱GlennWeiner这几天好忙,都没怎么合练过。

    We just found out today that we don 't have a drum kit . Also , our singer , Glenn Weiner , has been busy and is pretty unrehearsed on our material .

  2. 当然舍瓦在第一次与自己的新队友合练以后充满了热情。

    Certainly Shevchenko was full of enthusiasm after his first work-out with his new team-mates .

  3. 以前在奥德伯格,每个部在合练之前都要配一个专家单独训练一周。

    Once in Aldeburgh , each section worked for a week with a specialist before the full rehearsals .

  4. 不到一周前,安东尼.戴维斯退出训练营,专注于他在洛杉矶湖人队的第一次合练。

    Less than a week earlier , Anthony Davis withdrew to focus on his first campaign with the Los Angeles Lakers .

  5. 彭南特在本周加盟红军后,首次与他的新队友合练。

    Jermaine Pennant has trained with his new Liverpool team-mates for the first time since joining the Reds earlier this week .

  6. 俄亥俄州独立市,一月的一个冷成狗的周三上午,克利夫兰骑士队刚刚结束了合练。

    The Cleveland Cavaliers have just wrapped up practice on a bitterly cold Wednesday morning in January in Independence , OH .

  7. 由于大部分的曼联队友如今都在南非备战季前热身赛,因此朴智星将留在曼彻斯特单独进行训练,直至队友们回归才进行全队合练。

    With his team-mates currently in South Africa as part of their pre-season preparations , Park will be working out alone until United make their return .

  8. 总的来说比分相当不错,因为我们是一支没怎么磨合的球队。大家合练也就几天时间。

    Overall it 's a great scoreline from our point of view because it 's a new team out there that was put together over a couple of days .

  9. 不过这位前阿森纳队长身体并无大碍,本周即可与法国队合练。

    Medics said the former Premiership star , now with Juventus , was fit enough to join the French team to train for the World Cup later this week .

  10. 自从新的体能教练来到俱乐部后,在全队合练时,我们也开始加入了更多的力量训练。这些训练卓有成效,确实让我在比赛中感受到了不同。

    As a team we have also been doing more strength work since the new fitness coaches arrived . I think all that work has made a difference to my game .

  11. “我不强求直接进入一线队,但我只是希望得到一个公平的机会与他们合练,”他继续说,“我现在希望转会去其他俱乐部。”

    " I 'm not asking to get straight into the first-team . I just want a fair opportunity to train with them ," he continued . " I hope to find another club . "