
  • 网络legitimate power
  1. 但是首先要获得合法权

    But first , to gain legitimacy ,

  2. 差异化优势战略中技术因素对广义合法权起积极的决定作用;

    Technology factor in differentiation strategy can bring more power of legitimate to manufacturers in broad sense .

  3. 严厉打击浸害未成年人合法权义的犯罪分子,奖励知法、守法的模范。

    Last but not least , criminals infringing upon the legal rights of the minors should be severely punished and models kno ing and abiding by the la a arded .

  4. 一般而言,「权力的基础」,计有「专家权」、「参考权」、「强制权」、「合法权」、「奖赏权」、「资讯权」、及「派系权」等。

    In general , the bases of power include the following items : expert power , referent power , legitimate power , coercive power , reward power , information power , and connection power .

  5. 知识产权虽是法律赋予的合法权,有促进竞争的功效,但超过了必要的限度就会造成权利的滥用,给公众和社会带来严重的危害。

    Though the Intellectual property rights are the legitimate right under the law , have the effect that promote the competition , but exceeded the necessary limit and then will result in the right abuse , causing serious damage to general public .

  6. 而他们交叉的部分其实也是可以理解的,就是知识产权赋予的垄断合法权也是有界限的,一旦超出了权力范围,反垄断法就要对其进行规制,而那些滥用知识产权的行为制裁。

    In fact , their cross section is understandable that the legal monopoly conferred by intellectual property rights also have limits , and once beyond the powers of the antitrust laws to regulate it is necessary , and those who sanction the abuse of intellectual property rights .

  7. 扣押在移民遣返中心的人包括寻求避难者、释囚和无留英合法权的人。肖表示,目前扣押人员已超过3000人,但过去一年扣押人次已超过3万人。

    Over 3000 people - comprised of asylum seekers , ex-offenders and those who had been deemed not to have a legal right to remain in the UK - are currently being detained , while the number of people detained at one time or another during the year exceeds 30000 , Shaw said .

  8. 对于王位的合法继承权有过一场争论。

    There was a dispute about the rightful succession to the throne .

  9. 他对该遗产有合法继承权。

    He has a rightful claim to the inheritance .

  10. 知识产权是法律赋予的合法垄断权,一般是作为反垄断法的适用除外存在的。

    Intellectual Property right is a legitimate monopoly .

  11. 毋庸质疑,知识产权作为一种合法垄断权,必须得到保护。

    Undoubtedly , IP rights must be protected as one kind of monopoly rights legally .

  12. 然而在保护公共健康利益时,不能任意侵犯私权,不能完全放弃对合法专利权的保护。

    However , protecting public health can not completely give up the interests of patent protection .

  13. 参赛者必须是参赛作品的独自原创作者,并保证其拥有该作品的合法著作权。

    Competitors should be the solo original author of their works , and assure the legal copyright .

  14. 专利给予发明人对其发明的产品或服务的合法垄断权。

    Patent is a legal exclusive right of the invented products and services given to the inventor .

  15. 已由拥有合法披露权的第三方披露给受让方。

    ( that ) is disclosed to Recipient by third party having a lawful right to do so .

  16. 如果随意扩大权利要求,将导致合法垄断权的越界,损害竞争经济。

    If to extend the claims at will , it will cause the legitimate Monopoly cross the border and hurt competitive economy .

  17. 正义而永久的和平-A·林肯;一个仁慈而公正的人;合理的报酬;他的合法继承权。

    A just and lasting peace - A.Lincoln ; a kind and just man ; a just reward ; his just inheritance .

  18. 国家应尽快制定统一的法规,赋予地方政府合法举债权,但应严格控制债务规模、界定使用范围。

    Central government should grant legal borrowing right to local governments , but the debt amount and its using should be strictly controlled .

  19. 在档案利用中,法律保障公民的合法利用权,档案部门不得予以干涉。

    When archives are utilized , we ensure the citizen 's legal use right by the law , and archive department can 't interfere .

  20. 对于有钱的外国投资者来说,这个方案为他们提供了获取美国合法居留权的方便途径。

    For foreign investors who have the money , the program can be an easy way to gain legal residency in the United States .

  21. 任何先于执行、财产保全或者其他平等救济的要求可以通过法律程序向任何有合法管辖权的法院提出;

    Any claim for advance execution , property preservation or other equitable relief may be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction through legal proceedings ;

  22. 在这一计划之下,一般需要22个月至26个月,即可获得合法居住权,其他签证申请方案则需数年之久。

    It generally takes from 22 to 26 months to obtain legal residency through the program , as opposed to several years for other visa programs .

  23. 他认为新兴的中国中产阶级移民来澳的原因同他一致,他们在获得合法居住权后到来。

    He reckons the new wave of middle-class Chinese immigrants , who arrive with residence already granted , come to Australia for the same reasons he did .

  24. 并提出在构建和谐社会目标下,执法部门必须与时俱进,转变执法观念,保障未被剥夺政治权利刑事罪犯的合法选举权。

    In the light of creation a harmonious society , organs for enforcement must follow the circumstances , change their values , and protect criminal 's political right .

  25. 据报道,霍尔姆斯于本周四在纽约提出离婚申请,以不可调和的分歧为由提出与汤姆·克鲁斯结束婚姻,并且申请要求女儿的唯一合法监护权。

    It 's reported that Holmes filed for divorce in New York last Thursday , citing irreconcilable differences , and that she is seeking sole custody of their daughter .

  26. 赵项题敢于这么做的一个原因是,作为这家内地公司海外董事的孙忠国和斯特拉特,对公司的公章没有合法控制权。

    One reason for his bravado was that Messrs Zhongguo and Strutt , as offshore directors to this mainland company , do not have legal control over the company 's official seals .

  27. 诸如私人财产、房屋、土地、企业所有权、合法继承权、华侨和外国人投资等,一律受法律保护。

    Private property , including houses and land , as well as business ownership , legal inheritance and overseas Chinese and foreign investments on the island will all be protected by law .

  28. 上周有传言称,根据1998年的一项政府规定,墓地的合法拥有权将在20年后到期。这则传言在互联网评论网站上引发了热议。

    There was outcry on internet comment sites last week when word went about that , according to a 1998 government regulation , legal ownership of a cemetery space should expire after 20 years .

  29. 专利权是法律赋予专利权人的合法垄断权,专利池的许可模式不论对许可方还是被许可方都是节省交易费用的、避免侵权的捷径之一。

    A patent is a patent under the law the legitimate monopoly of the patent pool licensing model to both the licensor or the licensee is to save transaction costs , one short cut to avoid infringement .

  30. 他说,最富的中国人更愿意在香港和新加坡等税收较低的地方取得合法居留权,并且尽量利用美国的10年期旅游签证。

    Instead , he said , the wealthiest Chinese prefer to have their legal residences in low tax jurisdictions like Hong Kong or Singapore , and then take advantage of 10-year tourist visas to the United States .