
yòng jù
  • appliance;tool;utensil;apparatus;thing;tackle;paraphernalia
用具 [yòng jù]
  • [appliance;utensil;apparatus] 供人使用的器具、工具

  • 厨房用具

用具[yòng jù]
  1. 铁镬是每个中国人家庭里很常用的厨房╱食用具。

    Wok is a very common kitchen ╱ cooking utensil in every Chinese family .

  2. 喂哺用具的改革与预防新生儿乳头错觉的临床研究

    The Clinical Study on the Reform of Lactation Utensil and the Prevention of Newborns ` Nipple Illusion

  3. 有些学校缺少资金购买书本、铅笔之类的基本用具。

    Some schools lack money for basics like books and pencils .

  4. 厨房用具在地下室出售。

    Kitchen goods are sold in the basement .

  5. 我们五人和全部用具都得塞进车里。

    We have to fit five of us plus all our gear in the car .

  6. 我喜爱信笺信封和所有文房用具。

    I loved stationery and all the accoutrements of writing .

  7. 这套平板家具是高尔厨房用具公司出品的。

    The flat-pack units are by Gower kitchens

  8. 锅、盘、壶及拖把是厨房用具。

    Pots , pans , kettles and mops are kitchen utensils .

  9. 他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。

    His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday .

  10. 圣诞节我们把一些娱乐用具包装起来送到儿童之家去。

    We parcelled up some games and toys to take to the children home at christmas .

  11. 别忘了明天带上你的体育用具。

    Don 't forget to bring your sports tackle with you tomorrow .

  12. 我在洛杉矶一家卖家庭和花园用具的摊棚工作。

    I was working at a booth at the Los Angeles Home and Garden Show .

  13. 第二十条电器产品、燃气用具的质量必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。

    Article 20 The quality of electrical products and gas utensils must conform to the state standards or industrial standard .

  14. 第四十五条电器产品、燃气用具的安装或者线路、管路的敷设不符合消防安全技术规定的,责令限期改正;

    Article 45 In case the installation of electrical appliances and gas utensils do not conform to the rules of fire control technology , the person in charge shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  15. 一个酒鬼想在冰上垂钓,因此,他整理好钓鱼用具后,便四处去寻找钓鱼场所。最终,他发现了一大块冰,就跑到冰的中心开始锯洞。

    A drunk decides to go ice fishing , so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice . He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole .

  16. 结果表明,理发用具HBV污染较为严重。

    The results indicated that the HBV pollution of haircutting utensils were serious .

  17. 这部分技术属于微软公司的智能个性服务技术(SPOT),目的是让日常用具工作更有效率。

    It 's part of Microsoft 's Smart Personal Objects Technology ( SPOT ), which seeks to make everyday objects more efficient .

  18. 该公司的市场营销计划是:通过阿迪达斯专卖店以及不同的专业跑步用具连锁店,将EnergyBoost(零售价为150美元)提供给经常从事跑步运动或锻炼的消费者。

    The marketing plan : roll out the Energy Boost , which will retail for $ 150 , to serious runners at Adidas Stores and various running specialty chains .

  19. 事实上,世界上第一台个人电脑诞生于1969年,由Honeywell公司制造,当时是作为时髦的厨房用具问世的,综合计算器空间(integratedcounterspace)随即出现。

    In fact , the world 's first personal computer , a stylish kitchen appliance offered by Honeywell in1969 , came with integrated counter space .

  20. 可以使用IBMDB2AuditManagementExpert技术捕捉大型机数据库事务,通过Collector用具把它们集成为全企业范围的统一视图。

    IBM DB2 Audit Management Expert technology is used to capture mainframe database transactions and integrate them into a unified , enterprise-wide view via Collector appliances .

  21. 探测器把事务转发给网上的Collector用具,在Collector中数据与以前定义的策略相比较以探测违规。

    The probes forward transactions to a hardened Collector appliance on the network , where they are compared to previously defined policies to detect violations .

  22. LotusFoundations是一系列基本软件用具,帮助企业把主要精力放在业务运营上,而不是管理计算机系统。

    Lotus Foundations is a family of software appliances that provide the essential software that businesses need to focus on running the business , not managing computer systems .

  23. 探测器把数据发送给Collector用具,Collector去掉数据头并分析内容,决定如何把内容与策略指定的参数联系起来。

    The probes transmit the data to the Collector appliances , which strip the data headers and analyze the content to determine how it relates to parameters specified by the policy .

  24. 是一个多元化、际化的机构组织,我们拥有自己的女性修甲用具品牌AtoZ,同时也涉及到图形设计、站建设、品开发等各方面的服务。

    ATOZ is a organization of multi-development and internationally , we have owned the female manicure tools brand ATOZ , also come down to logo design , website construction , product development etc.

  25. 该文通过对会话初始化协议SIP中增加一种新的DO方法来实现对网络用具的控制。

    This research has the objective of adding a new method , called DO , to the session initiation protocol ( SIP ) in order to control these network appliances .

  26. 然而,今天他们同样也应用到消费产品和用具&从高清晰度电视(HDTV)到媒体播放器,到洗衣机和烘干机,到手机和PDA。

    However , today they apply equally well to consumer products and appliances & from high definition television ( HDTV ) and media players , to washers and dryers , to cell phones and PDAs .

  27. 比如一年前该公司推出了一个名叫Provisions的网站,主要销售美食的附属器具和保健产品,比如Food52用来展示美食的厨房用具,另外还有油盐酱醋等等。

    A year ago the company launched Provisions , a website that sells the accessories and lifestyle products that accompany its recipes , such as the cookware in which Food52 has used to display its recipes and pantry items like sauces , oils , and salts .

  28. 10kV配电带电作业人身安全防护用具的研制化学镀镍在舰船冷却器防护中的应用

    Research on Prevention Tools for Personal Safety in Live Line Work of 10 kV Power Distribution Application of Electroless Plating Nickel on Protecting Heat Exchangers in Ship

  29. 最常见的电话服务器包括一个1U的3U或桌面迷你用具有关的Xbox大小。

    The most common telephony servers consist of a1U , 3U , or desktop mini appliance which is about the size of an Xbox .

  30. E-ONE非进入取置式救援车保证所有的必需用具整齐地存储在车顶隔间、车底隔间和槽盘中。

    The E-ONE Non Walk-In ensures all necessary gear is stored neatly with optional rooftop compartments , under-body compartments and a recessed pan .