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yòng dù
  • cost;expense;expenditure;outlay
用度 [yòng dù]
  • [expense;cost;outlay] 费用;开支

  • 他家人口多,用度大

用度[yòng dù]
  1. 年初,刘伟怀揣信心与希望再次来沈打工,孩子的学费和家庭的用度催他上路。

    At the beginning of the year , Liu Wei came to Shenyang with confidence for a job to earn some money for his son 's tuition and family daily expense .

  2. 他家人口多,用度大。

    He has a big family and many expenses .

  3. 所有韩国以外的用度及偿付行用度由受益人承担

    All banking charges outside Korea and reimbursing are for account of beneficiary .

  4. 在一份声明中,百度副董事SS称与Bing达成的协议将增加百度英文搜索用度,这也将提高Bing在中国的形象。

    In a statement , Baidu vice president Samuel Shen said the agreement with Bing will improve English search for Baidu users and raise Bing 's profile in China .

  5. 方法使用替代试剂,建立改良的碱裂解法进行质粒DNA提取,并用琼脂糖电泳验证所得的质粒的质量,紫外测量估算产量及纯度。限制性酶切验证其用度。

    [ Method ] Use alternative reagent to establish modified alkaline lysis method for extraction of plasmid DNA and use agarose electrophoresis to examine the quality of plasmid DNA , ultraviolet spectrophotometry to evaluate its production and purity , restricted enzyme cutting to examine its availability .

  6. 你从不应该为孩子的劳动而付给他们用度。

    You should never pay for your children 's work .

  7. 含保障延误时间的系统瞬时可用度

    Time is * Availability of the System with Repair Delay

  8. 分布式系统高可用度方案的选择

    The Selection of High Availability Scheme for Distributed System

  9. 我们同意额外用度由双方承担。

    We agree that extra expenses are to be borne by both parties .

  10. 列出了高耐用度凸模的主要类型及其采用的条件。

    Basic types of high endurance punches along with the conditions are presented .

  11. 由于铁路运输用度高,我们乐意走海运。

    Because of the high cost of railway transportations , we prefer seatansportations .

  12. 老板,这个月公司的电费已经超过平常一年的用度了。

    Boss , we spent more on electricity this month than in a year .

  13. 消费者也有极有可能为益生菌产品领取特别用度,报告指出。

    Consumers were also increasingly likely to pay premiums for probiotic products , GIA said .

  14. 那类新型汽车以下速、小型战低用度为特性。

    The new type of car features high speed , small size and low cost .

  15. 为什么不能在用度上紧缩一点呢?

    Why not make a pecuniary sacrifice ?

  16. 电子政务网站易用度定量评价与有效性证明模型实证研究

    The Model of Quantitative Measurement and Validity Testifying of E-government Website Usability : An Empirical Study

  17. 重申一下,很多网络公司会因邮资和包装收一些额定用度。

    Again , many Internet companies will also require an additional charge for postage and packaging .

  18. 斯拉达就像可添加应用的平板电脑,你可以随意配置海量应用,以提高它的易用度。

    Sladda is like tablet apps : You can add endless accessories to enhance ease of use .

  19. 可修复系统的模糊可用度

    Fuzzy Utilizability of Repairable System

  20. 有的在其他城市学习。但是,你不能用这个用度回中国。

    But you can 't use this sort of funds to go back to your own countries .

  21. 同时,还会导致费油、费车,增加行车用度。

    Meanwhile , the oil will result in charges , fees vehicles , increase traffic in degrees .

  22. 它具有虚拟性、直接性、同等性和用度廉价性的特性。

    It has four characteristics , including the virtuality , the directness , the equality and cost of cheapness .

  23. 假定溢出群为全利用度,不使用业务保护法。

    It is assumed that the overflow group has full availability , without the use of service protection methods .

  24. 该方法从任务可靠度的角度描述了系统的可靠性,并结合可用度、可信度等描述参数建立了新的评估模型。

    The method describes the mission reliability of system , and the evaluating model is established with availability and dependability .

  25. 我会在到期的那天寄邮件,然后又抱怨自己是以而缴的用度。

    I 'd mail things on the day they were due , and then moan about the late fees I received .

  26. 最后,进行了数值分析,研究了瞬时可用度、瞬时故障频度和可靠度随时间的变化情况。

    Finally , numerical results and influence of time on instantaneous availability , instantaneous break-down frequency and reliability are presented by numerical methods .

  27. 提出一种基于信息隐蔽度和限用度准则的扩展企业制造信息共享控制方法。

    To deal with conflict between manufacturing information sharing and controlling , a manufacturing information sharing controlling method for extended enterprise was proposed .

  28. 随着我国电气化铁路承担铁路运输量的不断提高,牵引供电系统作为电气化铁路的核心组成部分,必须满足高可靠性、高可用度和低维修费用的要求。

    Railway power systems , as the core of electrified railway , are required highly reliable , highly available and lowly dissipative in maintenance .

  29. 信息架构始终关注网站对目标用户的易用度和使用频度。

    Information Architects always want to know how easy our site is to use and how often it is used by the audiences we target .

  30. 如何保证双机系统的强实时性、高可用度和服务不断流,一直是双机系统实现的关键技术难点。

    How to ensure the hard real time , the high availability and the " non stop " service are key problems in dual systems .