
yònɡ hù chénɡ xù
  • user program
  1. 结合用户程序对STK进行系统集成是使用STK软件的最有效方式;

    Integration STK software with user program is most effective way .

  2. 驻留在DSP内存中的符号注册表是本系统的一大特色,它使得用户程序可以调用诸如系统函数的其它程序。

    The symbol registry table being resident in DSP memory is a specialty of this system . It makes user program can call other programs such as system functions .

  3. 为AUTOCAD与用户程序配接口软件的方法

    The Way of Matching Interface Software for Auto CAD and Consumer Programe

  4. Linux操作系统本身为用户程序提供了大量接口用于采集内核信息,每一种类型的内核信息都有一个相应的接口。

    Linux provides many Interfaces for user 's program to collect the kernel information , one for each kind of kernel information .

  5. 本文将求解三维编织复合材料弹性模量的用户程序与MARC(材料特性定义入口)进行链接,从而实现MARC的用户子程序开发。

    Defining material properties in which is to link User Subroutine with MARC .

  6. 本文也探索了PSASP的用户程序接口UPI和面向对象编程技术OOP(ObjectOrientedProgram)在风力发电系统建模与仿真中的应用。

    In this article , the usage of UPI and OOP ( Object Oriented Program ) is explored .

  7. FoxPro多用户程序的编程技巧

    Programming Foxpro in Multi-user Environment

  8. 并通过Helloworld程序证明了能够在此系统上进行用户程序的开发,为后续用户程序开发打下基础。

    It is proved that this system can be carried out on the development of user program by a simple Hello World program . Users for follow-up lay the foundation for development .

  9. 用Visualc++进行简单界面设计,以演示压气机叶片优化流程,增加软件的通用性和用户程序交互能力。

    To show optimization process and be convenient for input and output , simple interface of Automatic Design Optimization of Compressor blades are designed by Visual C + + , so that make the program acceptably .

  10. 利用顺序功能图和梯形图来编制用户程序,以实现单台设备或生产过程的顺序控制,是PLC的主要功能之一。

    One of main functions of PLC is realization of the sequential control on single device or production process by means of the sequential function chart and the ladder diagram to organize user 's control program .

  11. 在计算机学习用户程序中,Hadoop已经作为处理大量GA个体的规模遗传算法的一种方法(潜在解决方案)。

    In machine learning applications , Hadoop has been used as a way to scale genetic algorithms for processing large populations of GA individuals ( potential solutions ) .

  12. 直接通过用户程序使用probevue

    To use probevue directly with a user program

  13. 最后,利用SIEMENS公司提供的PROFIBUS-DP系统软硬件设备和开发的PROFIBUS-DP智能从站构建了一套系统,用VC++开发了自己的用户程序。

    At last , a system is established with PROFIBUS devices from SIEMENS and the tapped intelligent slave . We develop the application program with Microsoft VC + + .

  14. Linux虚拟文件系统VFS将各种不同逻辑文件系统的操作和管理纳入到一个统一的框架中,为用户程序提供一个统一的、抽象的、虚拟的文件系统界面。

    Virtual filesystem switch VFS of Linux brings all kinds of operation and management of different logical file system into a united frame to provide the user programs with united , abstract and virtual file system interface .

  15. 介绍制作I/O卡扩展ROM关键点,给出了一个将用户程序自动生成编译文件的实用程序。

    This paper introduces the key points whick should be psid attention to in making I / O card to extend Rom and gives a practical program whick can tum a user 's program into a compiled file automatically .

  16. 传统TMS320VC5416的应用,用户程序往往不会超过常规程序代码的范围。

    In the conventional application of TMS320VC5416 , the user 's program hasn 't often beyond routine program code .

  17. 引用计数很简单,但是需要编译器的重要配合,并且增加了赋值函数(mutator)的开销(这个术语是针对用户程序的,是从垃圾收集器的角度来看的)。

    Reference counting is simple , but requires significant assistance from the compiler and imposes overhead on the mutator ( the term for the user program , from the perspective of the garbage collector ) .

  18. 编译器把用户程序编译成中间代码。

    The source procedure code is translated into intermediate code in the compiler .

  19. 此外,线程作为中间层,为上层用户程序提供了良好的可移植性。

    Furthermore , as a middleware , thread provides good portability for user programs .

  20. 本系统用户程序界面友好、易于操作。

    The interface of the user program is friendly and the operation of program is easy .

  21. 用户程序所对应到的是逻辑地址,物理地址对它从来都不可见。

    The user program deals with logical addresses ; it never sees the real physical addresses .

  22. 计算机网络的多用户程序设计

    Multiuser programming of Computer Network

  23. 内核、库和用户程序中的所有函数都可以指定为探测。

    All functions within the kernel , libraries , and user programs can be identified as a probe .

  24. 可恢复性错误&可恢复性错误是指那些可通过恰当的可选执行路径来恢复用户程序的错误。

    Recoverable Errors-Recoverable errors are the errors that client programs can recover from to take appropriate alternate execution paths .

  25. 当用户程序访问系统调用时,它将在内核模式而不是用户模式下进行。

    When a user program accesses system calls , it does so in kernel mode , not user mode .

  26. 固定的存在于计算机内存中并控制用户程序运行的专门软件。

    Specialized programs that reside permanently in the computer 's main memory and control the processing of user 's programs .

  27. 通信单元采用RS&232串行通讯接口,用以实现数据采集系统与上位机的通讯,方便用户程序的调试和下载;

    In order to make users easy to debug and download programs , the system used RS-232 interface to communicate with the computer .

  28. 垃圾收集暂停是否规划为在用户程序方便而不是垃圾收集器方便的时间发生?

    Can garbage collection pauses be scheduled at times that are convenient for the user program , rather than for the garbage collector ?

  29. 如果对象的引用计数是零,那么它就是垃圾(用户程序不可到达它),并可以回收。

    If an object 's reference count is zero , it is garbage ( unreachable from the user program ) and can be recycled .

  30. 至于与用户程序系统配套的工具性软件,及有关模块的具体算法,将在其他专题文章中分别予以介绍。

    The accessory instrumental softwares and the specific algorithm of the modular form of users ' programming will be dealt with in separate articles .