
  • 网络support software;supporting software
  1. 微机机械CAD是CAD技术的一个重要层次,而AutoCAD是微机CAD中公认的先进支撑软件.采用先进的.接着本章的第二节着重论述了中国成为世界工厂的意义所在。

    Mechanical CAD in PC plays an important role in CAD . AutoCAD is the accepted advanced support software in PC CAD .

  2. AutoCAD可作为微机CAD的支撑软件,本文可提供有关人员参考。

    AutoCAD can be used as support software for microcomputer CAD . This paper provides some references for technical personnel concerned .

  3. 轮式拖拉机CAD系统支撑软件一体化的研究

    Research on Integration of Support Softwares for the Wheel Tractor CAD Sysem

  4. 基于STEP的集成化CAD/CAM支撑软件系统

    Integrated cad / cam software system based on step

  5. 复杂刀具CAD支撑软件的探讨

    Inquiry of Developing System of Complex Cutting Tools CAD

  6. CAD图形支撑软件库

    A Graphics Library for Supporting CAD System

  7. 随着语义Web相关标准的日益完善,对其支撑软件的研究也逐渐深入.鹤类种群数量在逐渐恢复。

    Along with the standards of Semantic Web become increasingly perfect , the research of the middleware for Semantic Web is gradually thorough .

  8. HLA及其联邦执行开发过程和支撑软件工具

    HLA Federation Development and Execution Process and its Supporting Software Tools

  9. 它以Pro/E系统作为支撑软件,并用STEP标准作为零件信息表达与数据交换机制。

    It uses the Pro / E system and adopts STEP as its mechanism to exchange part information .

  10. 该系统以AutoCAD为图形支撑软件,建立了符合国标的符号图形库及部分标准件的参数图形库;

    Establishes graphic symbol and standard machine parts database which conform to graphic software AutoCAD .

  11. 并以UG为图形支撑软件,对该方法进行了编程实现。

    The theory was proved by programming under the UG software platform .

  12. 办公自动化(OfficeAutomation,简称OA)作为知识管理体系的基础支撑软件,成为企业信息化建设的关键。

    Office Automation ( OA ) as a basic software for knowledge management system is a key of information building for enterprises .

  13. 符号库的精度达到了相应规范要求,可适用于任何以AUTOCAD为图形支撑软件的测绘绘图软件。

    The accuracy of symbol-baes reaches the corresponding standard which can supply charting software to any mapping that takes Auto CAD as the supporting software of graph .

  14. 它可以进行单CPU、并行双CPU和层次化多CPU的运动控制算法和系统支撑软件的研究。

    It could carry through the motion control arithmetic of mono-CPU , parallel bi-CPU and layering multi-CPU and research on system support software .

  15. 桥式起重机CAD系统是在引进支撑软件下国内独立开发的专用CAD应用软件系统。

    The CAD system for overhead travelling crane ( OTACD ) independently developed on the basis of the imported DDM is a special purpose CAD applied software system .

  16. 以Pro/E为CAD支撑软件,采用VC++语言,开发了车辆制动器CAD系统。

    A set of CAD software for vehicle brake was developed using Pro / E for the CAD supporting software and VC + + for the developing language .

  17. 最后,基于该企业信息系统模型,提出了一种适用于企业信息系统领域的支撑软件体系架构,及其基于J2EE平台的实现方法。

    Based on this model , a new skeleton for enterprise information system architectures and its implementation for Java 2 enterprise edition platforms were proposed .

  18. 游梁式抽油机CAD系统是以VC++为开发平台、以SolidWorks为图形支撑软件的专用软件系统。

    CAD system for walking beam pumping unit is a special software with VC + + as development platform and SolidWorks as drawing software .

  19. 研究了基于三维CAD软件的工程制图辅助教学,以三维CAD软件为教学支撑软件进行教学方法改革,并研究了CAD技术发展下的教学内容改革。

    This paper focuses on the computer aided instruction of engineering graphics based on3D CAD software as well as the reform of teaching methods with3D CAD as the supportive teaching software .

  20. 本文还结合HG创投的项目之一集群超级网络服务器及其支撑软件项目,具体应用了这套评价体系。

    This paper chooses a typical project , " Cluster Super Sever ", which HG Venture Capital had invested in to practice this model .

  21. 介绍了IBM-PC微机高级语言BASIC程序向计算机辅助设计图形支撑软件AutoCAD传递数据的一种方法。

    This paper introduces a method of transmiting data about IBM-PC micro electron - ic computer BASIC language program to AutoCAD , which is a graphic software of CAD .

  22. 本文介绍了以AUTOCAD为支撑软件,进行膜结构初始几何曲面模拟和有限元数据前处理计算机辅助设计系统。

    In this paper , a computer-aided design system for the initial geometry simulation and the FEM analysis data processing of membrane structure is presented by use of the Auto CAD as a support software .

  23. 本文研究了仿真运行支撑软件的技术要点:非规则封闭圈内图型的变形算法步骤、DCS组态软件的技术关键、DCS键盘图形模拟操作软件的核心技术。

    The technical main points are reported in the paper as follows : painting tool for simulation , DCS configuration software , graphical simulation for DCS keyboard , management of simulation .

  24. 介绍开发的一套用户不涉及计算机编程、以图形化的组态方式就能实现SIS功能的支撑软件包。

    The support software package developed based on this concept can realize the function requirements of SIS in terms of graphic configuration without any computer programming .

  25. DIS互连支撑软件系统DIS-Link

    DIS-Link & A Support Software System for DIS

  26. 当今,机械CAD向CAD/CAM/CAE集成化方向发展,机械系统运动学/动力学分析软件是集成化CAD/CAM/CAE不可缺少的支撑软件之一。

    At present , machinery CAD is going to be integrative CAD / CAM / CAE , and the kinematics dynamics analysis software for machinery system is one of the necessary supporting softwares of integrative CAD / CAM / CAE .

  27. 该文介绍的气冲线平面布置方案计算机辅助设计和绘图系统,以IBMPc/AT为主机,以AUTOCAD绘图软件包为主要支撑软件。

    The computer aided design and drawing system for air impact moulding line plane layout project described in this paper involves IBM PC / AT as the principal machine and Auto CAD drawing software package as the maim support software .

  28. 介绍了以AutoCAD为支撑软件评定工件圆度误差的方法,并将评定结果与常用的圆度误差评定方法进行了对比。

    The evaluation method for the roundness error of workpieces by using AutoCAD as a support software is introduced , and the evaluation result by this method is compared with that by other evaluation methods .

  29. 因此,在某种图形支撑软件基础上,开发磨床关键零部件参数化CAD系统,对提高磨床设计技术水平,快速响应市场要求有着十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it 's favorable for improving the design technique of the grinding machine and quickly responding to the market requirement to develop a 3D parameterized CAD system of key parts of the grinding machine on the basis of certain figure software .

  30. 该文介绍了清华大学为唐山齿轮厂开发的汽车变速器CAD系统、以轴为零件信息载体的变速器系统优化设计、在支撑软件基础上实现变速器零、部件三维模型参数化生成的方法。

    An automobile gearbox CAD system developed by Tsinghua University for Tangshan Gear Works is introduced in this paper . Both the optimization design of the gearbox system using shaft as the parts information media and the parametric modeling based on supporting software are introduced .