
  1. 点了支烟烧到了它自己

    lit up a cigarette and then it burned itself .

  2. 一支藏香烧完了,她直感到沙发上有刺,直感得房里的空气窒息也似的难当;

    By the time the first stick of incense had burnt down , the sofa began to feel prickly and the air seemed so close that she thought she would suffocate .

  3. 他们点着一支火把,放火烧了小教堂的茅草屋顶。

    They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel 's thatch .

  4. 汝瓷的烧制,以小支钉满釉支烧。

    Ru 's firing , glaze over a small branch nail sticks burning .