
  1. 宋代青瓷的胎釉元素成分分析及相关判别

    The composition analysis on celadons from Song dynasty and related discrimination

  2. 古代景德镇瓷器胎釉

    Bodies and Glazes of Jingdezhen Porcelain in Ancient Times

  3. 唐绞胎器的胎釉和制作工艺研究

    Study of the Body Glaze and Manufacturing Technology of Skein-Bodied Porcelain of the Tang DynastyS

  4. 仿宋瓷的胎和釉的微量元素Zn含量则明显高于古瓷Zn元素含量。

    The microelement Zn values of porcelain glaze and body of replica are also higher than that of celadon .

  5. 瓷胎深沉凝重,凸显胎和釉的质地美。

    The beauty of ware and glaze is revealed from its deep and imposing characteristics .

  6. 回顾德化窑的烧造历史,对德化瓷塑的胎与釉成份进行调查。

    Recall the Dehua kiln firing history , the Germany of the tire and the glaze ingredients Cisu investigation .

  7. 所烧瓷器不再施化妆土,胎、釉呈现出精、白薄的特征。

    The facilities are no longer fire porcelain Make-up soil , Fetal , GlazeShowing a fine , white and thin features .

  8. 讨论了这些黑釉瓷的命名问题,胎、釉的特点及其与建阳窑、吉州窑黑釉瓷的区别和某些瓷片中兔毫纹的形成机理。

    The nomenclature of these black glazed wares , the characteristics of their bodies and glazes , the differences between these black glazed wares and Jianyang and Jizhou ones , and the formation mechanism of the hare 's fur in some shards have been discussed .

  9. 一般都采用二次烧成,即先烧好素胎再施琉璃釉,然后再经低温釉烧而成。

    Has opted to fire the second , that is a good first-burning tires Zaishi glass glaze , and then by the low-temperature glaze from burning .