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  1. 双子宫天文学上的黄道第三宫欣母沛加宫腔填塞纱条预防双胎剖宫产宫缩乏力12例分析

    The third sign of the zodiac in astrology . Investigation of hemabate and packing with ribbon gauze to prevent hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia during twins C-section

  2. 通过同时引导母鼠心电信号、摘除母鼠心脏后重新记录胎鼠宫内心电信号等方法,证实应用宫内胚胎心电引导方法引导出来的信号确为胎鼠心电信号。

    The ECG of was recorded while noting embryonic ECG and the embryonic ECG was recording over again after extirpating the heart of maternal rat . It proved that the electric action represented embryonic ECG .

  3. 多胎孕产妇剖宫产手术的护理

    Nursing of cesarean section in multiple pregnant women

  4. 胎肝细胞宫内胎鼠腹腔注射对其移植免疫反应的影响

    Effect of intraperitoneal injection of fetal liver cells into the fetus of pregnant mice on the transplantation immunologic reaction of mice

  5. 疑胎骨残留宫腔1例,在超声监视下切除病变组织;

    It was suspected that the fetal bone was stay at the cavity , the lesion was resected by the ultrasonographic monitoring .

  6. 妇产科相关疾病中包括良性病变,如子宫平滑肌瘤、子宫内膜息肉、葡萄胎、剖宫产后子宫切口妊娠和腹壁切口子宫内膜异位症等;恶性病变如子宫内膜癌、宫颈癌等。

    Gynecology and obstetrics-related disease including benign lesions such as uterine smooth muscle tumors , endometrial polyps , hydatidiform mole , caesarean scar pregnancy and abdominal incision endometriosis , and malignant lesions such as endometrial cancer , cervical cancer , and so on .

  7. 胎头高浮剖宫产胎头娩出困难原因及处理

    Analysis and Treatment of Difficulty Delivery Reasons of Cesarean Section with Fetal Floating Head

  8. 其中臀位的剖宫产率为97.9%,疤痕子宫的剖宫产率为97.3%,巨大儿的剖宫产率为74.0%,多胎妊娠的剖宫产率为73.9%。

    The caesarean section rate for breech presentation , scar uterus , fetal macrosomia , multiple pregnancy was 97.9 % , 97.3 % , 74.0 % , 73.9 % respectively .