
zhé wān
  • bend;flex
折弯 [zhé wān]
  • [flex] 尤指来回折弯而褶皱

折弯[zhé wān]
  1. 通过读取CAD软件中设计的图元轨迹,然后利用伺服系统对不同材质不同型号的薄壁件进行折弯,加工出所需图样的刀模。

    It needs to read the primitive path drew in the AutoCad , and then use the servo system to bend the different materials and different types of knife materials , process the knife pattern needed .

  2. 力学测试:3、6周组犬中HA涂层组的三点折弯强度及螺钉拔出强度均比非涂层组大。

    Biomechanical measurement showed the three points bend strength and extraction strength being higher in the HA coated groups compared with the uncoated ones at both 3 and 6 weeks after surgery .

  3. 基于PC总线的折弯机柔性数控系统

    Press Brake Flexible Numerical Control System Based on PC Bus

  4. 应用PLC改造大型液压折弯机电控系统

    Rebuild of electrical control system of large-scale hydraulic presses machine tool with PLC

  5. CNC折弯机创造高效益

    CNC Press Brake Bring About High Benefit

  6. 基于BP神经网络的板料折弯件下料尺寸的计算方法

    AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING FOR PLATES BEND TECHNOLOGY Research of the bending part blank calculation based on a back-propagation neural network

  7. 本文针对大型液压折弯机电控系统存在的问题,提出了对电控系统实施PLC改造的方案。

    This paper proposes a project to rebuild the electrical control system of hydraulic presses machine tool with PLC .

  8. 基于IPC的数控折弯机分布式控制系统

    Study on the Distributed Control System for Press Brake CNC Based on IPC

  9. 板材折弯FMC运行过程的知识Petri网建模

    Knowledge Petri Net Modelling of the Sheet Metal Bending FMC Working Process

  10. 在本文所设计的母线折弯机控制系统中采用了PLC作为控制核心及触摸屏作为人机交互界面。

    In this paper , the control system of the busbar bending machine use PLC as the central core and touch-screen as man-machine interface .

  11. 基于MSP430单片机的折弯机控制器设计

    The Design of Bending Machine Controller Based on MSP430

  12. 公司主要生产数控开槽机、PLC全自动开槽机、数控冲床、数控剪板机、折弯机、校平机等金属板材加工、成型机械。

    The company mainly produces NC Slot Machine , PLC slotting machine , CNC punch , CNC cutting machines , bending machines , School-aircraft sheet metal machining , molding machinery .

  13. 板材折弯FMC运行控制软件自动生成系统

    Software Automatic Generation System for Sheet Metal Bending FMC Operation and Control

  14. 同时,对基于Labwindows/CVI的数控折弯机系统监控软件的体系结构和软件开发环境进行了深入的探讨。

    At the same time , the architecture and software development environment of the monitoring software for the CNC Press Brake System based on Lab Windows / CVI are discussed in detail .

  15. 对圆锥台钣金件的传统展开方法与应用Solidedge钣金模块进行展开的方法做了分析比较。PRO/E钣金模块中K因子和折弯表的设置

    This paper made the analysis and comparison between the traditional outspread method of conical sheet metal and the one based on Solid Edge sheet metal module . Application of Pro / E in Sheet Metal Developed Length Computation

  16. 此外,本文还以亚威机床厂的折弯机机架体为研究对象,使用大型通用化有限元软件ANSYS作为分析工具,进行了有限元分析。

    In addition , ANSYS , which is a kind of general finite element analysis software , has been used as the analysis tool for FEA on the study of bender 's frame .

  17. PRO-E中的直齿锥齿轮骨架折弯建模方案

    The Bevel Gear ′ s Modeling Scheme with the Spinal Bend feature Based on PRO-E

  18. 热塑性FRP筋折弯成型工艺及其混凝土拔出试验研究模拟嵌入式FRP条增强钢筋混凝土梁抗剪的三维力学模型


  19. QS钢管缩径机,“福斯特”WE67K系列数控板料折弯机;

    QS Steel Tube necking machine ," Fox special " WE67K series CNC sheet metal bending machine ;

  20. 结合钣金弯曲件坯料展开尺寸的计算原理,介绍了用PRO/E展开钣金弯曲件坯料展开尺寸时K因子和折弯表的含义及正确设置。

    Based on the Sheet metal Developed Length principle , this paper introduces the definition and setting of K Factor and Bend Table while making use of the Sheet metal mold piece of the Pro / E to carry out the Sheet metal Developed Length .

  21. 结果:三点折弯试验标本变直时A、B两组位移无差异,C组与A、B两组比较均明显减小(P<0.05);

    Result : With deformation of the specimen in flexion experiment when it was straight , there was no significant difference between group B and group A , but the deformation of group C was significantly smaller than those of group B and group A ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 本实用新型公开了一种串片式散热片高速折弯机,属于B23类。

    The utility model discloses a high-speed bender for strung radiating fins , which belongs to B23 type .

  23. 详细介绍了整个CAD系统开发的过程及开发方法,包括菜单技术、对话框的创建、参数的获取及修改、折弯表的应用、工程图的生成及其环境设置和视图窗口的控制等等。

    3 , The process and method of the CAD system have been introduced in detail , including menu technology , building MFC dialog boxes , obtaining and modification parameters , application bend table , generating drawing and environment setting up and control of view window , etc. .

  24. RG-50小型数控折弯机液压系统存在的问题及其改进

    The Problem and Technical Reconstruction of Hydraulic Systemof RG-50 Small CNC Press Brakes

  25. RG-150系列数控液压折弯机床身动态响应分析

    The Dynamic Response of RG-150 CNC Hydraulic Press-brake Frame

  26. 本文回顾了Al-Si合金变质处理效果常用炉前快速检测方法的研究与应用状况,主要包括断口观察法、折弯测角法、液面观察法、热分析法、电导率法等。

    The common methods for fast evaluating Al-Si alloy modification in front of the furnace have been introduced and reviewed , including fracture surface examination , bending angle measurement , melt surface riffle , thermal analysis and electrical conductivity .

  27. 针对折弯机数控系统的国内外发展现状,以先进的复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD为核心,结合PC104模块,构成完整的嵌入式折弯机数控系统。

    According to the development of the CNC bending machine at home and abroad , using advanced CPLD as the core component and combining with PC104 , an integrated and embedded CNC system was built .

  28. V形弯曲成形前,对金属薄板折弯处进行一定深度的V形开槽,然后在V形开槽处进行弯制成形,此种加工方法称之为V形开槽弯曲成形技术。

    Before bending to V shape , the metal sheet should be slotted with V_shape of a certain depth on the bending line , then the metal sheet is bent to the required shape along the V_slot . This machining method is called bending forming technique with a V_slot .

  29. 在本文的第三章利用APDL语言对折弯机进行参数化建模,并进行了折弯机的线性静态分析,得出了各个部件的刚度及其强度值,为后续的优化提供依据。

    In the chapter 3 , parametric model are established by using APDL , and linear static analysis is performed , which gets the stiffness and intensity of each component and provides references for subsequent optimization analysis .

  30. 介绍知识Petri同理论及其在系统建模中的优点,建立板材折弯FMC运行过程的知识Petri网模型,开发相应的FMC运行仿真软件。

    This paper presents the theory of knowledge Petri net and its advantages in system modelling . The knowledge Petri net model of sheet metal bending FMC working process has been built up , and the corresponding FMC working simulation software has been developed .