
  1. 用经过刚度折减的二阶弹性分析来考虑有侧移框架二阶效应的简化设计方法已初步被我国规范所接受。

    The simplified method , in which second-order elasticity analysis having undergone stiffness reduction is employed to research into sway frames ' second order effect , has begun to be accepted by Chinese Standard .

  2. 第二步是两个单体分子之间折出水,生成二聚体。

    The first stage is the elimination of water two monomer molecules to produce a dimer .

  3. 此外,在陆架坡折区,第二模态不可忽略。

    Besides , the motion of second modes at the continental shelf break region should not be neglected .

  4. 二支手套分别折设在上衣的二个袖口外侧,且分别夹设在二个口罩与二个袖口外端面之间。

    Two gloves are folded at the outside of the two cuffs of the jacket respectively , and are clamped at the position between outer end surfaces of the two masks and the two cuffs .

  5. 采用均匀设计法确定试验方案,并对粉煤灰秸秆复合材料的配合比进行试验研究,并根据材料的抗劈裂和抗折试验数据进行二元非线性回归分析。

    Some experimental researches are made in this article on the composite material with fly-ash and straw by uniform design method . The data of splitting and bending test are analyzed by binary non-linear recursive analysis .