
  • 网络exhumation mechanism
  1. 鲁东-苏北榴辉岩的构造特征及其折返机制

    Eclogites in eastern shandong-northern Jiangsu region : their structure and exhumation mechanism

  2. 超高压变质杂岩的折返机制是个复杂的动力学过程,折返速率也随时间推移而变慢。

    The exhumation mechanism of the UHP rocks is a complex dynamic process , exhumation rate dropping down with time .

  3. 部分RA的发生仍有折返机制参与。

    Occurrence of some of the RA may be attributed to reentrant mechanism .

  4. 但在离子通道水平上对M细胞分布状态与长QT综合征中尖端扭转型室性心动过速(Tdp)折返机制关系的理论研究甚少。

    But there are few theoretic studies on the relationship between the dispersion of M cells and the reentrant mechanisms of Torsade de Pointes in the long QT syndrome at the ionic channel level .

  5. 缺血性室性心动过速折返机制的实验研究观察再灌注后5min室性心动过速(VT)及室颤(VF)的发生情况。

    The Experiment Study on Reentry Mechanism of the Ventricular Tachycardia Following Acute Myocardial Infarction Ventricular tachycardia ( VT ) and fibrillation ( VF ) were analyzed 5 minutes after reperfusion .

  6. 缝隙连接与心房颤动的折返机制

    Relationship Between Gap Junction and Reentrant Mechanism of Atrial Fibrillation

  7. 苏鲁&大别超高压变质带地壳速度结构及其俯冲、折返机制

    Crustal P-wave velocity structure of the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt and mechanisms of its subduction and exhumation

  8. 这对大别山超高压变质带的形成和折返机制的认识将提供重要的信息。

    This is significant to the knowledge of the formation and exhumation of the ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt in the Dabie Mts.

  9. 上地幔三维S波速度结构与大别苏鲁超高压变质带俯冲折返机制探讨

    3-D S wave velocity structure in the upper mantle and the mechanism investigation for the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphosed belt in the Dabie-Sulu region

  10. 陆壳岩石深俯冲和折返机制已成为大陆动力学研究的热点,但认识莫衷一是。

    The mechanism of deep subduction of continental crust and subsequent exhumation has been a hot topic of the research on continental dynamics , but there are divergent views .

  11. 该项成果对于深入探讨苏鲁超高压变质带的俯冲-折返机制及其与岩浆作用的相互关系以及对中国大陆科学钻探工程的选址和实施有着重要的科学意义。

    This research is of great significance for an in-depth study of the subduction-exhumation mechanism and magmatism of Sulu UHP metamorphic belt and the selection of the drilling site for the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project .

  12. 近二十年来,基于岩石学,同位素地球化学,构造地质学以及地质年代学等的相关资料,地质学家们提出了许多模式来解释秦岭大别苏鲁碰撞造山带的高压超高压岩石的折返机制。

    In the past twenty years , based on petrology , geochemistry , structural geology and geochronology , different models have been proposed to explain the exhumation process of Qinling-Dabie-Sulu high / ultrahigh-pressure ( HP-UHP ) terranes .

  13. 结果(1)24例阵发性房速为折返机制,并且静脉注射三磷酸腺苷的终止率达87%;

    Results It was showed that ( 1 ) in 24 patients , the suspected mechanism of paroxysmal AT was related to reentry , and 87 % of these AT could be terminated by intravenous adenosine triphosphate ( ATP );

  14. 然而一些重大科学问题仍存在较大争议,诸如就地异地变质的问题、俯冲深度确定问题、超高压变质岩形成的折返机制与过程问题等等。

    However , debates still exist on some important questions , such as " in situ " or " foreign " metamorphism , the depth of subduction and the exhumation mechanism and process of formation of ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks , and so on .

  15. 一维心肌缺血组织中折返发生机制的计算机仿真研究

    Computer Simulation Study of the Re-entry Mechanisms in One-dimensional Ischaemic Myocardium

  16. 器质性室性心动过速绝大多数是折返性机制。

    Reentry is the chief mechanism in most cases of ventricular tachycardia with organic heart disease .

  17. 中层心肌细胞分布与长QT综合征中折返激动发生机制的计算机仿真研究

    A Computer Simulation Study on the Relation of the Dispersion of M Cells and Reentrant Action in the Long-QT Syndromes

  18. 浮沉子效应是超高压岩石形成和折返的力学机制。

    The float-sink effect is the mechanical mechanism for the formation and'exhumation of UHP rocks .

  19. 这些认识对解释分布于大别山&东秦岭造山带中的榴辉岩的形成及折返时间与机制提出疑问。

    All the above views cast doubt on the formation and exhumation mechanism and timing of eclogite in the Dabie - East Qinling orogenic belt .

  20. 柴达木北缘超高压变质带形成与折返的时限及机制

    Timing and Machanism of Formation and Exhumation of the Qaidam Ultra-Pressure Metamorphic Belt

  21. 苏鲁高压&超高压变质带的折返构造及折返机制

    Exhumation Structure and Mechanism of the Sulu Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Belt , Central China

  22. 结论非接触标测系统可直观再现典型AFL的完整折返环及其与右房解剖结构的关系,确认折返机制,对复发病例可发现消融线裂隙并导航消融。

    Conclusion The whole activation circuit and its relation with RA anatomical structure of typical AFL can be directly visualized and its reentry mechanism was verified by non-contact mapping system . In recurred cases , the gap of isthmus block was identified and ablated accurately .

  23. 尽管许多地质学家提出了不同的超高压变质岩石形成与折返模式,但高压、超高压变质岩折返与剥露机制仍是大陆造山带动力学研究中的热点和焦点问题。

    Although several geotectonic models concerning the formation and exhumation of ultrahigh - pressure rocks have been proposed , the mechanism for exhumation of high-and ultrahigh-pres-sure rocks is still a focus in the investigation of continental erogenic dynamics .