
diàn chú chàn
  • electric defibrillation
电除颤[diàn chú chàn]
  1. 结论原发疾病、患者年龄、电除颤开始时间、CPR开始时间、CPR持续时间是影响CA患者CPR有效率的重要因素;

    Conclusion The major factors affecting the effective rate of CPR are the primary disease , the age , the starting time of electric defibrillation and CPR and the duration of CPR ;

  2. 房颤病人电除颤后即刻心电图变化130例分析

    Analysis of electrocardiogram changes after electric defibrillation in one hundred and thirty patients with atrial fibrillation

  3. 目的为探讨心室颤动时正交心电图(ECG)相位耦联程度与心室电除颤结果之间的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the correlation between the degree of phase coupling among orthogonal electrocardiogram ( ECG ) during ventricular fibrillation ( VF ) and the defibrillation shock outcome .

  4. 电除颤加大剂量胺碘酮成功转复心室颤动1例报告

    Successful cardioversion of ventricular fibrillation by electrical defibrillation and high-dose amiodarone

  5. 结论:房颤患者电除颤后心房功能出现顿抑;

    Conclusion : Atrial stunning was observed after electrical cardioversion .

  6. 急性心肌梗塞早期心内膜电除颤阈值的实验观察

    Experimental study of intraventricular defibrillation thresholds in first hours of acute myocardial infarction

  7. 转流90分钟后电除颤。

    The fibrillation was stopped by electroshock after 90 minutes of cardiopulmonary bypass support .

  8. 心内导管电极低能量电除颤的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Electro-defibrillation via Intracardiac Catheter

  9. 同时双向电除颤的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Simultaneous 2-Directional Defibrillation

  10. 观察了14只狗在急性心肌梗塞早期的心内膜电除颤阈值。

    Intraventricular defibrillation thresholds in the first hours of acute myocardial infarction in14 dogs were studied .

  11. 分析其电除颤、心肺复苏、药物救治等有效治疗手段的效果。

    Analyze its electrical defibrillation , cardiopulmonary resuscitation and treatment drug selection and other valid treatment effect .

  12. 心室颤动电除颤后辨证论治213例临床观察

    Observation of treatment based in pathogenesis obtained through differentiation of symptoms and signs on ventricular fibrillation post electric defibrillation

  13. 结论:我们认为对延迟的心室纤颤在电除颤前应进行至少4~6分钟的心肺复苏。

    Conclusion : At least 4-6 minutes chest compression is required for successful electrical defibrillation on prolonged untreated VF .

  14. 6例在10分钟后电除颤,1例未除颤,均死亡。

    Patients got electric defibrillation in ten minute later , and one case without defibrillation , the 7 patients all died .

  15. 使用食管超声心动图在电除颤前后记录二维、M型和多谱勒超声图像。

    Transesophageal echocardiography with two dimensional image , M-mode and pulse Doppler were performed at baseline and after several episodes of de.

  16. 加强对电除颤的认识,将电除颤列为基本生命支持的一部分。

    Defibrillation is classified as one part of basic life support ( BLS ), and it will get deeper understanding about this .

  17. 由于电除颤技术对患者的救治有效性,使心脏除颤器在临床得到广泛应用。

    As the high efficiency of electric defibrillation technology to treat the patients , the cardiac defibrillators were used extensively in clinic .

  18. 现有的证据不支持电除颤之前进行胸部按压改善院外心脏骤停患者的预后的观点;

    Current evidence does not support the notion that chest compressions first prior to defibrillation improves the outcome of patients in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest ;

  19. 参考文献:“院外心脏停搏电除颤之前胸部按压:随机对照临场试验的元分析,”英国医学委员会杂志。

    Reference : " Chest compressions before defibrillation for out of hospital cardiac arrest : A meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials ," BMC Journal .

  20. 由于它可以避免外部电磁场的干扰,因此已成为研究心脏电除颤等机理较为理想的手段。

    Because this technique can also avoid the electromagnetic interferences , it uniquely provides an ideal means for studying the mechanisms such as cardiac defibrillation .

  21. 方法:对86例各种原因导致的心脏骤停患者在心肺复苏中及早使用电除颤时间窗与复苏成功率的相关性进行观察分析。

    Methods : Time window of early defibrillation in 86 patients with heart arrest and rate of recovery of spontaneous respiration and circulation were analyzed .

  22. 患者一旦出现症状,通常在一小时内死亡,倘若能及时的实行早期电除颤,就能最大限度的挽回患者的生命。

    If people have this symptom will die within one hour . But timely implement the Early Electric Defibrillation is the best way to save life .

  23. 提出对50岁以上病人电除颤前应常规给予阿托品,对快速性心律失常亦应及时使用药物控制。

    It is suggested that the patients over 50 should be given routine atropine before electric defibrillation and proper treatment to arrhythmia appeared after electric defibrillation .

  24. 结果:发现在心肺复苏中恢复自主呼吸与循环的44例心脏骤停患者中尽早使用电除颤与复苏成功率有着密切的相关性,除颤开始的时间距心脏骤停发作越短复苏成功率越高。

    Results : patients with heart arrest recovered to spontaneous respiration and circulation after early defibrillation . There was close relation between early defibrillation and recovery of circulation .

  25. 房室结阻断加永久起搏术与房室结改良术治疗心房纤颤的比较研究心室颤动电除颤后辨证论治213例临床观察

    Comparison of the Effect of Atrioventricular Nodal Ablation and Permanent Pacing Versus Atrioventricular Nodal Modification in Patients with Atrial Fibrillatiopn ; Observation of treatment based in pathogenesis obtained through differentiation of symptoms and signs on ventricular fibrillation post electric defibrillation

  26. 在19只犬中建立正交心电图和心脏电除颤系统;(2)电除颤次数;

    Orthogonal ECG ( sagittal , x ; transverse , y ; and longitudinal , z ) and the transvenous two-leads defibrillation systems were set in 19 dogs . ( 2 ) Rate of intraoperative defibrillation was higher in Collins ' group ;

  27. 单双相电震除颤对心肌损伤的研究

    A Study on Myocardial Injury from Defibrillation of Monophasic and Biphasic Shocks