
  • 网络electrode area
  1. 小型静电陀螺仪电极面积及电极装配误差研究

    Errors of Electrode Area and Electrode Assemble in Small ESG

  2. 研究结果表明,氮化后击穿场强的分布变窄,对栅电极面积的依赖性减弱,最大击穿场强略微下降。

    These results indicate that after nitridation , the distribution of breakdown field strength narrows , its dependence on electrode area decreases , and the maximum breakdown field strength degrades slightly .

  3. 本文还采用减小上电极面积和对基底进行预处理两种方法,制备了具有高击穿场强和低漏电流密度的MIM单元结构,提高了成品率。

    The MIM structure of high quality was fabricated by reducing the area of top-electrode and pretreatment on substrates , and the yield was also improved by these two methods .

  4. 用10节单电池组成了全钒液流电池组,每节单电池有效电极面积为451.4cm2,电极材料为聚丙腈石墨毡,双极板为石墨板,隔膜为Nafion膜。

    The all-vanadium redox flow cell stack composed of 10 cells was made . The electrode effective area of every cell is 451.4 cm2 . Polyacrylonitrile ( PAN ) - based graphite felts were used as electrode materials , graphite plate as bipolar plate , Nafion membrane as separator .

  5. 并就设计大比电极面积的流态化电解精炼装置进行了探讨。

    , and also discusses the design of fluidized electrorefining plant with large specific electrode surface .

  6. 结果表明,随着上电极面积增大,电容的漏电流密度增大,击穿场强减小。

    The results showed that the electrical properties get deterioration with the increase of top-electrode area .

  7. 在恒电流条件下,减小比电极面积可提高有机物氧化降解速度,但比能耗增大。

    Degradation speed of organic pollutants and specific energy consumption increase with the reduction of specific electrode surface in constant current .

  8. 研究还发现,p-ClNB还原转化受外加电压、电极面积、污泥浓度、外加碳源等影响。

    The synergistic effect was apparently affected by applied voltage , electrode surface area , dose of sludge and organic carbon source .

  9. 使用简便的方法制作了电极面积大、无死体积、分辨率高、检测限低的微型电导池;

    A new kind of miniature conductivity cell was made with a clever and handy method , which has no dead volume and has large area of electrode , high resolution and sensitivity .

  10. 但由于是从皮肤表面检测信号且电极面积较大,同时受到肌肉、脂肪和皮肤组织的低通滤波效应影响,其信噪比较低,波形变异性较大,对其检测和处理的难度也相应增大。

    However , for detected from skin surface with bigger sized electrodes , and influenced by low-pass-filter effect of muscle , hypoderm and skin , the sEMG signal has a lower signal noise ratio , a higher waveform dissimilation , and a higher difficulty in detections and processes .

  11. 主要以铂作为电池的阴极催化剂,成本很高,尽量减少电极单位面积上Pt的使用量,提高Pt的利用率是当务之急。

    Precious platinum ( Pt ) is mainly used for cathode catalysts , which is high cost . To improve the Pt utilization with minimizing the use of Pt is a priority .

  12. 膜电极有效面积为9cm2的的液相进样直接甲醇/氧气燃料电池三电池电堆的最大功率为0.285W,此时输出电压为0.7V,输出电流为0.407A;

    The maximum power of liquid-feed direct methanol / oxygen three-cell stack , where available MEA area was 9 mm2 , was 0.285W , and its output voltage and current was 0.7V and 0.407A respectively .

  13. 发生反应的电极表面积大小和电子传递路径是影响电池性能的重要因素。

    The reaction surface area and the transportation path are among the most important factors .

  14. 搞电极表面积的大小是影响其氧复合性能的重要因素之一。

    The surface area of Cd electrode was one of the key factors which affected the oxygen recombination of the cells .

  15. 结果表明,电容主要由介质参数和放电电极表面积决定。

    The results show that the PDP 's capacitance is mainly determined by the dielectric layer and the area of the sustaining electrodes .

  16. 酸蚀的作用主要是使不锈钢毛表面变得粗糙,有利于提高电极表面积和材料的生物亲和性。

    Acid-pretreatment made the surface of the fibers coarser so that the specific surface area of the fibers and the attachment of the microbes were improved .

  17. 对于大多数活性射频等离子体刻蚀工艺,由于放电室中两个电极的面积不等,使得两个电极附近的等离子体鞘层是非对称性的。

    For most reactive rf plasma etching processing , plasma sheaths near two electrodes are asymmetric due to the powered electrode area being smaller than the grounded electrode area .

  18. 在电流密度为5mA/cm2的恒流充分电下,同单体电容器相比,并联电容器组的电极有效面积得到提高、总电容量得到提升、总电阻得到改善。

    Compared with the monomer Super-capacitor at the current density of5mA / cm2 , effective electrode area of shunt capacitor was improved with the total electric capacity increased and all-in resistance decreased .

  19. 首先,对安培检测设计原理的分析表明,影响检测信号的最主要因素包括检测电位、电极表面积、电极布置、检测池厚度、表观电阻参数等。

    First of all , according to amperometric design theory , EC detection signal was affected mainly by the factors such as detection potential , electrode surface , arrangement of electrodes , and thickness and apparent resistance of detecting cell .

  20. 结论通过试验,初步确定了基于EIT电极的最优面积,为整个EIT电极系统的研究做了必要的前提准备。

    Conclusion It demonstrates that the best areas of electrode based EIT is defined tentatively in this experiment . It makes an essential prerequisite for EIT system .

  21. 辅助电极的表面积也是影响因素之一。

    The surface area of auxiliary electrode is one of factors influencing the VCF .

  22. 这将使电极的有效面积减小、容量降低。

    This will lead to capacity loss .

  23. 初步导出电极极板的面积和位置,其与检测所得的肺血阻抗图的相互关系。

    The correlation between area and position of electrode arm and EIR obtained from detection ats initially derived .

  24. 交流阻抗谱结果显示在双向脉冲充电下,锂电极的表面积增长较直流充电时缓慢。

    The results of the impedance measurement show that the surface area increases much slower in bipolar pulse current charge process than that in DC charge process .

  25. 实验结果表明:对于超高能放电,放电持续时间随着电极放电端面积的增大、电极之间距离的减小、放电电压的增大而缩短;

    The duration of electric discharge is reduced with the increase of the electrode section area , the decrease of the distance between electrodes , or the rise of discharge voltage .

  26. 结果表明:通过添加不同的一元醇可制备得到花朵状形貌的Co基催化剂,并且该结构有利于提高电极的真实表面积。

    It is found that additives have dramatic effects on the morphologies of catalysts . The flower-like nanostructures , which can be obtained through adding different monohydric alcohols , are conducive to increase the specific surface area .

  27. 铝电解电容器缩小体积、扩大容量的重要途径是增大电极的有效表面积,换句话说就是要提高铝箔的腐蚀系数K值。

    The important method of decreasing volume and increasing capacitance for the aluminum electrolytic capacitance is increasing the effective surface of the electrodes , in other words , elevating the etching coefficient K of the high pure aluminum film .

  28. 结果表明:氧扩散电极的比表面积较大,主要晶相为石墨、Mn3O4,电极表面和内部的物料混合及气孔分布比较均匀;

    The results showed that the specific surface area of oxygen diffusion electrode was sizable , the main crystalline of this electrode were graphite and Mn_3O_4 , the materials and pores were well-distributed on the surface and inside of the oxygen electrode .

  29. 等离子体电极电光开关大面积辉光放电的产生及其特性

    Production and performance of large area glow discharge in electro-optical switches with plasma electrodes

  30. 制备的泡沫金属锂具有几倍于平面锂电极的真实表面积,在相同的充放电条件下,其电极表面的真实电流密度将成倍减小。

    The foam lithium has several times larger surface than lithium foil . In the same charge and discharge current conditions the real current densities on the surface will be decreased .