
  1. 细晶铝锭是采用纯铝的电解设备,通过向铝电解槽中添加TiO2,直接电解生产的晶粒细化的铝锭。

    Grain-refining aluminium ingots are produced by electrolysis , through adding TiO2 into electrolyzing cell .

  2. 通过改造氯气系统和氢气系统,设计完善的PLC联锁方案,确保两套电解设备系统运行平稳安全。

    PLC interlock system was designed for modification of chlorine & hydrogen units , two sets of electrolysis unit were operated smoothly as a result .

  3. 铝电解设备液压油污染的分析与控制

    Pollution Analysis And Control of Hydraulic Oil with Aluminium Electrolytic Equipment

  4. 两套电解设备系统联锁方案技术研究

    The Technologic Research of Interlock System for Two Sets of Electrolysis Unit

  5. XHW1-2.5型铁屑电解设备处理电镀混合废水

    Treatment of Mixed Electroplating Waste Water with XHW_1-2.5 Iron Scale Electrolytic Bath

  6. 铝电解设备、工艺与控制技术的综合仿真优化方法

    Comprehensive simulation and optimization of aluminium reduction equipment , technology and control techniques

  7. 国内外铝电解设备评述

    Comment on Alumina Electrolysis Equipment in China and Abroad

  8. 载金炭解吸电解设备的技术进展

    Technical advance in desorption equipment for gold loaded carbon

  9. 针对常规电解设备存在的问题,对阴极和进出液口的结构等进行了改造。

    Some problems exist routine electrolysis equipment , so improving on structure of cathode and mouths of inflow or outflow are carried .

  10. 对铝电解设备液压油污染的途径及其危害进行了分析,提出了液压油污染的控制方法。

    The paper analyzes the pollution approach and harm of hydraulic oil with aluminium electrolytic equipment . It gives a control way for hydraulic oil pollution .

  11. 针对以往加压解吸电解设备存在的问题,在工艺、设备、自动控制等方面进行开发。

    According to the problems existed in the electrolytic equipment of pressure desorption , the modification and adjustment in technology , automatic control and equipment are made repeatedly .

  12. 蒲城电厂空冷超临界直流炉的EDTA清洗冷轧带钢电解清洗设备的设计与实践

    Chemical cleaning with EDTA of supercritical air-cooling unit in Pucheng Power Plant Design and Practice of Electrolytic Cleaning of Cold Rolled Strip

  13. 介绍一种用于铝电解整流设备过程控制的数字控制系统(PSR)。

    The PSR Digital Control System , used for control of the commutation equipment in an aluminum electrolysis plant , is described in the paper .

  14. 冷轧带钢电解清洗设备的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Electrolytic Cleaning of Cold Rolled Strip

  15. 水电解制氢设备在使用中应注意的问题

    Issues to Be Noted in Using of Water Electrolysis Hydrogen Preparation Equipment

  16. 水电解制氢设备的碱液配制方法

    Preparation Method of Alkali Solution for water Electrolysis Hydrogen - Producing Equipment

  17. 浅谈电解系统设备备件的改进

    On improvement of equipment and components for electrolysis system

  18. 水电解制氢设备气体纯度下降的原因剖析

    Reason for Gas purity worse of water Electrolyse

  19. 文章重点介绍电解铜箔设备的发展历史及未来的发展趋势。

    This article mainly introduces the copper foil fabrication equipment history and the developmental direction for the future .

  20. 当该膜制作工艺完成优化并实现工业化生产后,该水电解制氢设备可具有大规模的工业化应用的前景。

    Optimization and industrialization of processing of the membrane might make the hydrogen generator with cation membrane used in large-scale .

  21. 根据制氢装置的生产情况,对制氢设备工艺系统进行了改进,提高了工艺系统的自动化水平。改进方法有:就地测量仪表的改进;水电解制氢设备的碱液配制方法

    Based on the production status , the technical process of hydrogen generator is improved and the automation level upgraded . Preparation Method of Alkali Solution for water Electrolysis Hydrogen - Producing Equipment

  22. 本文依据水电解制氢设备工作的实际,讨论了雷电参数、雷击选择性、雷害的种类。

    This article discussed the lightning parameters , the lightning strike selectivity , the lightning calamity kinds according to the fact work of the equipment which made hydrogen by hydrolysis and electrolysis equipment .

  23. 电解铝生产设备管理信息系统开发

    Development of device management information system for aluminium electrolysis production

  24. 铝电解槽专用设备现状及发展方向

    Actuality and Trend of Special Aluminum Electrolysis Equipments

  25. 铜电解换热设备添加剂垢质的清洗

    Cleaning of additives for copper electrolysis heat-exchange equipment

  26. 介绍了复极式离子膜电解装置整流设备的电压值偏高的现状。

    The present status of high voltage of rectification equipment in bipolar type ion-exchange membrane electrolyzer was introduced .

  27. 绝缘吊钩桥式起重机,适用于冶炼铝,镁等电解有色金属设备的工厂。

    Insulation hanger bridge is applicable to factories with equipment to electrolyze non-ferrous metals such as aluminum and magnesium .

  28. 经选用合适的电解液配方和电解抛光工艺设备,连续生产出5~3等规格的超细钨灯丝。

    Suitable electrolyte and equipments for electrolyze - polished technology , ultrathin tungsten wire of 5 ~ 3 are continuously produced .

  29. 介绍了使用低浓度复合电解液,锻模的脉冲电流电解加工的设备及加工实例。

    This is a introduction to the Pulse Current electrolytic machining of forging die equipment using low density compound electrolyte , and examples are also given .

  30. 机械类专业(好是冶金机械或轧钢机械专业)学本科以上学历。绝缘吊钩桥式起重机,适用于冶炼铝,镁等电解有色金属设备的工厂。

    Major in mechanical engineering , bachelor degree or above . Insulation hanger bridge is applicable to factories with equipment to electrolyze non-ferrous metals such as aluminum and magnesium .