
  • 网络charge transfer;charge-transfer
  1. Ni3S2的腐蚀溶出受固体扩散和电荷传递混合控制,反应活化能为11.596kJ/mol。

    The reaction rate of Ni_3S_2 corrosion dissolution is controled by the combined processes of solid diffusion and electron charge transfer .

  2. 用循环伏安法(CV)、计时电量法(CC)和计时电流法(CA)测定了SNP在GCE上的电极过程动力学参数如电荷传递系数α,扩散系数D以及表观速度常数Kf。

    The electrode kinetic parameters such as charge transfer coefficient α, diffusion coefficient D and apparent reaction rate constant k_f are determined by CV , CC and CA.

  3. 并利用电化学交流阻抗技术对这种新型的DNA自组装多层膜进行表征,通过阻抗谱分析,得出电荷传递电阻和双电层电容与膜层数的关系。

    The relationship between the charge-transfer resistance and double-layer capacitance with the number of layers was obtained through analyzing the impedance data .

  4. 本文探讨了该薄膜电极的电化学行为,测定了该体系的电化学参数如电荷传递扩散系数D(ct)和非均相电极反应速率常数k等。

    The electrochemical parameters , such as charge transport diffusion coefficient , Dct , and heterogeneous electrode reaction rate constant , k ' , were determined .

  5. 金属Ni阳极溶解与钝化表现为电荷传递分步进行、并以失去第一个电子的电化学反应为控制步骤的不可逆电极过程。

    Both anodic dissolution and passivation of nickel are irreversible electrode processes in which the charge transfers occur in two consecutive steps and the first electrochemical step is a rate-determining step .

  6. 结果表明:电荷传递电阻Rct随过充电时间的增加而增加,而表面膜电阻Rf基本不随过充电时间变化。

    Results showed that charge-transfer resistance R _ ( ct ) increased with overcharge time , while surface film resistance R _f changed little during overcharge .

  7. 交流阻抗谱参数电荷传递电阻Rct和高频电容CHF,可分别反映粉煤灰的火山灰活性和需水量比的特征。

    The charge transfer resistance R ct and the HF capacitance C HF represent the characteristic of pozzolanic activity and water requirement ratio of fly ash .

  8. 交流阻抗测试结果证明,VC的加入降低了碳电极界面电阻、电荷传递反应电阻以及溶液扩散电阻,使锂离子的迁移变得容易;

    It was also showed by the results of AC impedance that the addition of VC decreased the resistance of interface 、 charge transfer reaction and diffusion in solution and made the migration of lithium ion easier .

  9. 结果表明:(1)随放电深度的增加,电荷传递阻抗R3先减小后增大;

    The results shows : ( 1 ) charge-transfer resistance R3 decreases at first and then increases with the increasing of DOD ;

  10. 交流阻抗、充放电测试表明添加CTAB的电解液大大减小电荷传递电阻,使双电层电容增大一倍,提高电解液的电化学反应活性,这与CTAB的胶束催化相吻合。

    EIS and Charge-discharge tests showed that adding of CTAB makes charge transfer resistance much smaller , and doubles double-layer capacitance , so that the electrochemical reaction activity of the electrolyte improved .

  11. 氯盐溶液中的Zn(Ⅱ)离子在汞电极上阴极还原的两电荷传递一步完成,电极过程表现为扩散传质步骤控制的可逆电极过程动力学规律。

    It is a reversible electrode process that the cathodic reduction of zinc (ⅱ) ion occurs at the mercury electrode in an chloride solution . In the electrode process the transfer of two charges occurs in one step and the diffus-ion is a rate-determining step .

  12. 由拟合得到不同电位下电荷传递电阻(R(ct)),锂离子在固体中扩散系数(D(Li))及双电层电容(C(dl))等参数。

    The fitting results are in agreement with the experimental results . The double capacitance C_ ( dl ), the charge transfer resistance of Li ion insertion / deinsertion Rct , and Li ion diffusion coefficient D_ ( Li ) under different potentials are obtained by fitting the model .

  13. 模型包含欧姆阻抗、多孔电极双电层的恒相位元、电荷传递阻抗和Warburg阻抗。

    The model contains ohm resistance , a constant phase angle element ( CPE ) standing for double electrical layer on porous electrode , charge transfer resistance and Warburg resistance .

  14. 交流阻抗测试结果表明,CuO包覆在降低电池的电荷传递电阻上发挥了积极的作用,循环伏安测试结果表明CuO包覆样品具有更高的电化学活性与可逆性。

    The electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy analysis revealed that CuO coating played a important role in decreasing the resistance of cell . The cyclic voltammograms result indicated that CuO coated sample reduced the polarization and improved the electrochemical activity of cathode .

  15. 电化学测试结果证明Ni-Sn-P合金电极与Ni-P合金电极相比,对乙醇具有更高的氧化反应速率和更低的起始氧化电位,并且电荷传递电阻较低。

    The electrochemical testing results prove that Ni-Sn-P alloy electrode and the Ni-P alloy electrode , compared to ethanol , has a higher oxidation rate and lower initial oxidation potential , and lower charge transfer resistance .

  16. 这些结果表明,Ag与Ce02(111)表面之间存在较弱的相互作用,即使增加氧化铈表面上的氧空位,两者之间也没有发生电荷传递。

    The results indicate that the initial sate effects contribution can be ignored , suggesting that the interfacial interaction between Ag and CeO2 ( 111 ) is rather weak . There is no electron transfer between Ag and ceria , even on the surface with increased number of oxygen vacancies .

  17. 在电化学循环伏安扫描4~10周范围内,SEI膜电阻随循环扫描周数的增加近似线性增长,但石墨负极/电解液界面总阻抗反而减小,归因于电荷传递电阻的降低。

    It has determined that the resistance of the SEI film is increased almost linearly during prolonged electrochemical cycling within 4-10 cycles . However the total interface resistance between the graphite anode and the electrolyte solution is decreased due to the decrease in charge transfer resistance .

  18. 重点探讨了温度、充放电过程、电极电位和电解液种类等对SEI膜成膜机制、材料电子电导率、电荷传递过程和感抗产生机制的影响规律。

    The emphasis was put upon the effects of temperature , charge-discharge process , electrode potential and electrolyte on the mechanism of SEI formation . The electronic properties of active materials , the charge transfer process and the mechanism of inductance formation were also thoroughly discussed .

  19. 对不同循环次数后的锡钴合金电极在0.05V处的阻抗谱分析表明,其电荷传递阻抗随着循环次数的增加不断增大,指示锂离子嵌入逐渐变得困难。

    From the Nyquist spectra of the Sn-Co electrode recorded in different cycles , we observed that the charge transfer impedance is gradually increased with the increase of cycles .

  20. 连续电荷传递反应的阻抗谱与电极反应机制的关系

    Relations between the EIS and Mechanism for the Consecutive Charge-Transfer Reaction

  21. 频谱图表明电极过程由电荷传递所控制。

    Frequency spectra denote that the electrode process is charge transition controlled .

  22. 电荷传递阻抗是控制样品放电过程的主要因素。

    The charge transfer impedance is a main factor to control discharge process .

  23. 结果表明结晶尺寸大的样品电荷传递电阻较大。

    The results show that the sample with larger crystallite size has higher resistance .

  24. 颗粒表面电化学反应电荷传递模型及其浮选意义

    Model of electrochemical reaction charge transferring on surface of mineral grain and its flotation significance

  25. 结晶尺寸对尖晶石锂锰氧化物电荷传递电阻的影响

    The influence of the crystallite size on charge transfer resistance of spinel lithium manganese oxides

  26. 掺杂尖晶石锂锰氧化物的电荷传递电阻在峰电位处有较小值;

    The charge transfer resistance R_ ( ct ) values near CV peak are small .

  27. 温度对其电荷传递的影响大于对锂离子扩散的影响。

    The charge transfer process is more affected by temperature than the lithium diffusion process .

  28. 造成这一现象的主要原因是在低温下石墨负极中锂离子扩散速率小、嵌锂过程中电极/电解液界面上的电荷传递阻抗较大。

    The main reasons for this phenomenon are the low lithium ion diffusion rate and large charge transfer resistance .

  29. 随着电池输出容量的增加,欧姆电阻和电荷传递电阻增大。

    The ohmic resistance and the charge transfer resistance of the battery are increased with the increasing of delivered capacity .

  30. 证明针镍矿的阳极溶解是由固相内扩散传质和电荷传递步骤混合控制的准可逆电极过程;

    The dissolution was confirmed to be a quasi-reversible process , which was controlled by solid-state diffusion and charge transfer .