
diàn dònɡ wán jù
  • Electric toys;batterypowered toy
  1. 可广泛应用于PDA、照相机、数码相机、电动玩具等便携产品。

    This circuit can be widely used in PDA , camera , digital camera , electronic toys and portable products etc.

  2. 盗贼偷走了电动玩具、电脑及电视。

    The thief stole electronic toys , computers , and televisions .

  3. 机械电动玩具常见问题预见及预防分析

    Analysis and preventions of frequent problems of engine battery-operated toys

  4. 做工精良的电动玩具将参加国际玩具大赛。

    Superior electric toys will take part in the International Toy Tournament .

  5. 他还可以坐着我的电动玩具车兜风。

    He was just the right size for my electric toy car .

  6. 我看不出整天打电动玩具有什么意义。

    I don 't see any point of playing video games all day .

  7. 但是我最喜欢的游戏是电动玩具。

    But my favorite games are video games .

  8. 你能使那个电动玩具动吗?

    Can you get those electric toy working ?

  9. 这是熊猫卡车司机,是个电动玩具。

    This is a " Panda Trucker " . It is an electric toy .

  10. 欧盟对原产中国的电动玩具发消费者警告

    B / O toys made in China was given a warning by the EU

  11. 我想要玩电动玩具。

    I want to play the video games .

  12. 这可不是大多数孩子玩的火柴盒汽车或电动玩具赛道。

    These aren 't the matchbox cars and electric toy racetracks most kids play with .

  13. 你有什麽嗜好吗?有的,我的嗜好是打电动玩具。

    Do you have any hobbies ? Yes , my hobby is playing video games .

  14. 这孩子喜欢电动玩具。

    The child likes electric toys .

  15. 还能够应用于诸如旱冰鞋、航模和电动玩具等民用产品。

    It can also be used in civilian products like roller skate aeromodelling and electric toy .

  16. 我们的物理老师建议我们自己应试着做一些电动玩具。

    Our teacher of physics suggested that we ( should ) try to make some electronic toys ourselves .

  17. 要保证不让孩子们到展览的电动玩具这儿玩。

    Make sure that the boys not , to play around the motor - driven toys exhibited here .

  18. 很少有小孩对这套软体熟悉,所以他们也比较不容易受喜欢的电动玩具或是聊天程式等等影响而分心。

    Children are rarely familiar with it so they will not be distracted by their favorite games , chat programs etc.

  19. 本实用新型使电动玩具同时具有动作、发光、演奏乐曲、声音控制多种功能。

    The utility model makes the electric toy simultaneously have multiple functions of action , light emission , music playing and sound control .

  20. 电动玩具在整个玩具的历史发展中时间不长,但是发展和技术更新的速度却日新月异。

    Though electric toy is still young in the whole toy 's history , it has seen great leap in development and technical innovation .

  21. 本公司主要产品有装饰灯、铁线工艺制品、花园装饰以及圣诞灯饰、灯串、电动玩具等。

    The company 's main products are decorative lights , wire technology products , garden and decorative Christmas lights , string lights , electric toys and so on .

  22. 所生产的布娃娃、搪胶玩具和电动玩具等产品主要销往南美、西欧、中东及东南亚等地区的国家。

    Our dolls and toys are very popular in North and South America , Africa , Europe , Middle East and southeast Asia for their good quality and appearance .

  23. 至于以撰写广受欢迎的电动玩具(如毁灭战士和雷神之鎚)的驱动程式而闻名的卡麦克,则负责提供控制火箭引擎的程式。

    Carmack , known for writing the software engines for popular video games such as Doom and Quake , is producing the code that will control the rocket engines .

  24. 英国赫特福德大学的科学家们对女孩子收到不同礼物时的反应做了一系列的实验。结果表明,一些高科技的电动玩具最能引起女孩子的兴趣。

    In a series of experiments monitoring a woman 's reaction to certain types of presents , scientists at Britain 's University of Hertfordshire found that high tech toys aroused the greatest response .

  25. 本实用新型公开了一种对人体没有危险的电动速射玩具枪,它适合儿童或少年作玩具用。

    The utility model discloses an electric quick shooting toy gun which has no harmful to a human body and is suitable for children or juvenile to be used as a toy .

  26. 广泛应用于UPS电源、电子仪器、应用照明系统、安全报警系统、电动工具及玩具、电会传系统、通讯设备领域。

    They 're widely used in UPS systems , electronic instruments , emergency lighting , fire alarm and security , electromotive tools and toys , telecommunication system , etc.

  27. 多速声控电动小汽车,玩具世界的宠儿。

    The multi-speed sound-controlled electric car , the favourite in the toy world .

  28. 产品运用于缝纫机械、各类推车、健身运动器材、汽(摩托)车、电动工具、休闲玩具、纺织印刷机械等等。

    Our bearings are wildly used in Sewing machine , various types of carts , Fitness equipment , automobile , electric tools , toys , textile and printing machinery etc.

  29. 产品广泛应用于电机、家用电器、电动工具、电动玩具、通讯设备、高品质视听设备、办公自动化设备、汽车、摩托车等领域。

    The products are widely used in micro-motors , home electric appliances , electronic tools , electronic toys , telecommunication , top quality audio , office automation , automobile , motorcycle , etc.

  30. 而最近两年来,已经广泛在电动自行车、电动工具和动力玩具领域上得到快速应用,并逐步应用于混合动力车和电动车辆领域。

    However , the last two years , it has been widely used in electric bicycles , power tools and power toys , rapid application areas , and gradually applied to the field of hybrid and electric vehicles .