
  • 网络constructive play
  1. 幼儿园结构游戏材料配备与使用的评价研究

    The Study of Evaluation about Providing and Using of Constructive Play Materials in Kindergarten

  2. 结构游戏对学前儿童认知、审美、身体和非智力因素发展具有积极作用。

    Constructive play has positive influence on pre-school children 's cognitive capabilities , aesthetic judgment , body-building and other non-intelligence aspects .

  3. 在亲子游戏的内容上,类型丰富多样,包括体育游戏、结构游戏、角色游戏、表演游戏、音乐游戏和智力游戏,其中亲子间开展频率最高的是体育游戏。

    There are many contents of parent-child play including physical play , constructive play , role play , exhibition play , music play and intelligence play . Generally physical play happens the most frequently .

  4. 很重要的一点就是怎样使用9幕结构制作游戏。

    The important thing to realize is how to apply it to making a game .

  5. 近年来跨国公司借助其有效的产品线策略,在使品牌得到快速扩散的同时,也改变了中国轿车产业的市场结构和游戏规则。

    Recently multinational corporations extend their brands by the product lines tactic , which also changes the structure and game rules of China automobile industries .

  6. 作为现代社会中的一种文化现象,时尚文化具有自身的边界、划分的标准、作为一个专业领域的结构和游戏规则。

    As a type of culture in modern society , the fashion has its own boundary , standard , its structure and certain rules as well .

  7. 简单的说9幕故事结构使游戏从开始,穿过故事主要部分,逆转,发展到高潮结局。

    In a nutshell however , the Nine act story structure allows the story to progress from it 's beginning through the body of the story , a reversal and to a climactic ending .

  8. 镁合金压铸制品有诸多性能优点,已逐步取代塑料产品成为3C工业主流的趋势,广泛应用于笔记本外壳、内部支架、手机壳体和结构件,游戏机、投影机组件等。

    The magnesium alloy die casting products have many advantages , and in 3C industry they have gradually substituted plastics to be the main manufactures , which include notebook shells , mobile phone frames , playing machine groupware and so on .

  9. 三层结构的网络游戏服务器设计及其性能分析

    Design of three-tiered gaming server and its performance and analysis

  10. 问题的结构已经被游戏的规则全面界定好了。

    The structure of the problem is comprehensively defined by the rules of the game .

  11. 游戏和模型编辑器的模型运用的是自定义的数据结构,所以游戏能绘制编辑器编辑出来的模型。

    Game and the model editor model using a custom data structure of the game , so you can draw the editor to edit out of the model .

  12. 所以,我打算以一套假定的内部数据结构来构建游戏,然后并使用测试驱动开发来得到我认为应该会用得到的方法

    So , instead , I 'm going to set up a game with an assumed internal data structure , and then TDD some methods that I expect to need

  13. 最后论述表明应用文章所总结的人体解剖拓扑结构的三维游戏人物制作达到了高效与高质量,是一种独立完整的融合了艺术与技术的表现形式。

    At last the article makes a statement that the making of three-dimensional characters can reach a high quality with a high efficiency . It is a completed and independent form of representation that combines art and technique perfectly .

  14. 你想要使用一个故事结构是为了发展游戏中的某种速度。

    The reason you want to use a story structure is to develop some kind of pacing in the game .