
  • 【电工】virtual junction temperature
  1. 结温与热阻制约大功率LED发展

    Junction Temperature and Thermal Resistance Restrict the Developing of High-power LED

  2. 一种计算大功率LED光源模块器件结温的方法

    A method for calculating junction temperature of high-power LEDs of light source modules

  3. 大功率白光LED的结温与发光光谱特性研究

    Studies on the Relationship between the Junction Temperature and Spectral Properties of High-power White LEDs

  4. 因此,为实现LED的高可靠性,结温必须得到有效监测。

    Therefore , to achieve high reliability of LEDs , junction temperature should be effectively monitored .

  5. Si衬底GaN基LED的结温特性

    The Junction-temperature Characteristic of GaN Light-emitting Diodes on Si Substrate

  6. 精确测试LED结温对大功率LED的发展至关重要。

    Accurate measurement for LEDs junction temperature is a challenging issue in the development of high-power LEDs .

  7. 利用热电转换方法得到LED芯片的结温变化。

    An electrical-thermal conversion method is used to measure the junction temperature of the high power LED .

  8. 然后重分析了LED发热功率和对流交换系数对LED结温的影响。

    We also analyzed the relationship between the junction temperature with LED heat power and the convection coefficient .

  9. 随着功率和热流密度的提高,结温直接影响LED的质量和使用寿命,对LED散热设计提出了更高的要求。

    The junction temperature directly restricts its quality and service life as the power and heat flux increase .

  10. 射线照相法测定年代基于相对辐射强度的非接触式LED结温测量法

    Beta radiography dating A new non-contact method based on relative radiation intensity for determining junction temperature of LEDs

  11. 用ΔV(be)法对双极晶体管结温不均匀性的测量

    Measurement of Junction Temperature Inhomogeneity of Bipolar Transistors by Δ V_ ( be ) Method

  12. MATLAB在IGBT结温数据处理中的应用

    Application of MATLAB in Data Processing for IGBT Junction Temperature

  13. 基于电学测量法研究了正向电压与温度之间的线性关系,此线性关系可用于LED结温的测量。

    The linear relationship between forward voltage and junction temperature was researched and could be applied to LED junction temperature measurements . 3 .

  14. 基于曲线拟合法的IGBT结温测量

    IGBT junction temperature measurement based on a curve-fitting theory

  15. 结温在线控制系统的IGBT功率模块热耦合模型

    Thermal Coupling Model for IGBT Power Modules in an On-Line Temperature Control System

  16. IGBT工作结温的状态识别

    State Identification of IGBT Junction Temperature on Line

  17. 在分析了已有调整策略的基础上提出了一种改进PWM方法,可实现功率器件最优结温平衡。

    Based on the analysis of on hand modulation strategies , an improved PWM method was proposed which has better junction temperature balance ability .

  18. 此外总结了几种常用的LED结温测试方法,其中正向电压法较为准确而热阻法较好操作。

    In addition , a summary of commonly used LED junction temperature test methods is given . Forward voltage method is more accurate and thermal resistance method is easy to operate .

  19. 传热模拟的结果表明,通过适当的封装结构设计和封装材料选择,在正常工作条件下,LED芯片的结温可以保持在一个理想的温度。

    Numerical simulation results of heat transfer also show that an ideal junction temperature of the chips can be obtained through appropriate selection of packaging material and structure under general working condition .

  20. 精确预计SiBJT微波功率器件峰值结温的方法斜齿轮的精确测绘

    Precise Prediction on the Operating Peak Junction Temperature for Power Microwave Si BJT Accurate mapping method of skew gear

  21. LED是一个对温度非常敏感的器件,如果LED不能很好的散热,热量会不断积累,导致LED的结温升高,LED的结温过高则导致LED使用寿命减少,甚至失效。

    LED devices are very sensitive to temperature , heat will continue to accumulate if cooling bad , leading to higher junction temperature of LED , it will directly cause cut lifespan of LED and even failure .

  22. 通过与蓝宝石衬底上GaN蓝光LED的结温比较,发现Si衬底GaN蓝光LED有更低的结温,原因归结为Si有更好的导热性。

    Compared to the GaN LED on sapphire , it is found that the junction temperature is lower for a LED on Si substrate , which is contributed to the good thermal conductivity of Si substrate .

  23. 本文首次报道Si衬底GaN基LED的结温特性,分析指出:和结温与电流的对应关系相比,用结温与电流密度更能够反映器件性能。

    The junction temperature characteristic of GaN LED on Si substrate is first reported . It is suggested that current density instead of current can be used to express the relation with the junction temperature well .

  24. 通过散热器的温度反推IGBT的结温,实现对IGBT的热保护,使系统安全稳定运行。

    Through the temperature of the radiator , we can calculate the temperature of the node temperature , and can realize IGBT thermal protection so that system can safely work .

  25. 通过分析换流器IGBT器件的开关特性,并考虑反向并联二极管的影响,推导出IGBT损耗与电压、电流、结温、死区时间等参数的关系式。

    By analyzing the switching characteristics of IGBT and the anti-parallel diode , the functions of IGBT losses with voltage , current , junction temperature and dead time are derived .

  26. LED结温高低直接影响到LED出光效率、器件寿命、可靠性、发射波长等。

    The junction temperature of LED has directly influence upon light output efficiency , device life time , reliability , emitting wavelength of LED . With the invention of high-power LEDs , the requirement for drive current has increased significantly , thereby increasing power dissipation .

  27. 为了确保很高的可靠性,对组件进行了设计(设计保证MTBF高于33000小时):元件的结温很低,以便增加MTBF。

    The design of the module was made to ensure a very high reliability ( it was designed to ensure a MTBF better than 33000 hours ): the junction temperature of the component is very low in order to increase their MTBF .

  28. 分析了当双极晶体管结温分布不均匀时用ΔVBE法测得的温度与器件结温分布以及测量条件的关系,提出了一种快速判断双极晶体管结温分布均匀性的方法。

    The relationship between the junction temperature of bipolar transistors and the Apparent temperature which is measured by Δ V BE method is studied . Thus , a new method of judging the junction temperature inhomogeneity of bipolar transistors is provided .

  29. 在此基础上得到了精确测量激光器结温的最佳脉冲参数,即脉宽为10ns,脉冲周期为10μs。

    Based on this relationship the optimum parameters of the pulse for measuring the chip temperature of laser diode ( LD ) are obtained , viz . pulse width is 10 ns , pulse cycle is 10 μ s.

  30. 晶闸管的瞬态热阻抗及其结温温升的研究

    Research of thyristor 's transient thermal impedance and junction temperature rise