
  • 网络mirror;specular;Reflect;reflection
  1. 在DH中,这个镜射的出现地可以有几个可能途径。

    In DH , there are a few possible avenues this mirror could follow .

  2. 所有的灵魂都将汇集到这一点,因为Terra将其同情课程镜射到一切,而就在这一点,所有灵魂透过全球提升来学习此课程。

    All souls coming to such a place as Terra mirror her own lessons of compassion , and are here to learn such lessons through her global ascension .

  3. 镜射性、太阳射性与镜射凸集的构造

    Mirror property , solar property and structure of mirror convex sets

  4. 建立了光滑空间中镜射凸集的构造定理。

    In particular , a structure theorem for mirror convex sets in smooth spaces is built .

  5. 开放式课程计划的架设镜射网站套件对于符合条件的教育团体是免费的。

    OCW Mirror Site packages are available free of charge to educational institutions meeting our program criteria .

  6. 这些叫做直接镜射,因为他们提供的是一些经历的直接反馈,不带偏见。

    These are called direct mirrors because what they offer is a direct reflection of the experience without biased interpretation .

  7. 借助机械对称性实例知识挖掘系统对镜射对称实例进行关联分析,辅助镜射对称知识发现,推进镜射对称性在机械中的应用。

    The knowledge mining system of mechanical symmetry samples is used to assist mirror symmetry knowledge discovery by association analysis .

  8. 对称性普遍存在于机械系统中,镜射是最古老和最熟知的对称类型之一。

    Symmetry widely exists in mechanical system , and mirror symmetry is one of the oldest and most well-known symmetry type .

  9. 不对称是对称破缺后的表现,结合实例讨论了镜射对称破缺的多种原因和效能。

    Asymmetry is the performance of symmetry breaking . Based on samples , the causation of mirror symmetry breaking and its functions are discussed .

  10. 对称性广泛存在于机械领域中,镜射对称性、旋转对称性和平移对称性是三大基本对称性。

    Symmetry exists widely in the mechanical field . Mirror symmetry , rotational symmetry and translational symmetry are the three basic types of symmetry .

  11. 对于每一处镜射我将依据书中的证据阐明我的观点,并在开始下一个镜射前归纳已有的想法。

    I will state my claim in each mirror along with canon evidence and sum up the ideas before proceeding to the next mirror .

  12. 当我们第一次经历镜子镜射的时侯,并不是从一个物体构造的表面,而是从世界上最重要的人身上。

    The very first time we experienced mirroring was not from a physically constructed surface , but from the most significant person in our world .

  13. 直接的镜射对大多数人来说是困难的,因为这需要处在当下,对我们的历程有意识,对负责任的沟通充满关注。

    Direct mirroring is difficult for most of us to reflect because it requires presence , consciousness about our own process and careful attention to responsible communication .

  14. 在这个过程中,就有一个物质层粉碎,来镜射正在发生的基因粉碎&这就是有2个国家在巨大的残忍中彼此战争。

    In the process , there is a physical shattering that mirrors the genetic shattering underway ; and the two nations war upon one another in great brutality .

  15. 然后,我开始思考我对自己和生命有多少次自动化的反应,这些自动化功能的信念和观点是来自于这些扭曲的镜射经历。

    Then , I began to wonder how much of my reactive ," auto ¬ matic function " beliefs about myself and life were related to distorted mirroring experiences .

  16. 我很懊恼,然后有趣地发现这个镜射的过程无意识地影响了我整个身体的图像,并且也增加了我多年来剪头发的痛苦感。

    I was chagrined and later amused to discover that this mirroring experience had unconsciously shaped my picture of my own body and had contributed to years of hair cutting anguish .

  17. 其它人,仍然在感受着多年的被缩小的刺痛,将会无意识地以同样的方式,出于重复的模式来镜射他人,或者重复地持久地使用破坏性的顺序。

    Others , still smarting from years of belittling messages , will unconsciously tend to mirror others in the same way out of pattern repetition or to perpetuate a destructive pecking order .

  18. 对我们大多数的人来说,在我们生命初期的时段,通常我们经历的镜射过程是我们会倾心地聆听并对身边那日渐熟悉的声音进行回应,并会用我们的眼神来注视我们的母亲。

    For most of us , this experience occurred during the first days of life , when we turned our head in response to an increasingly familiar voice and maneuvered our eyes to be in contact with Mother .

  19. 进一步分析和总结了镜射对称在机械中具有强化功能和提高性能的作用,能满足时间连续性要求和实现镜射对称的设计需求。

    And then , the functions of mechanical mirror symmetry are revealed which include intensifying function or improving performance in many ways , meeting the requirements of continuity in time and achieving the design requirements with mirror symmetry .

  20. 揭示了结构镜射对称具有实现功能和原理对称,实现多种通用设计原理和准则以及提高产品性价比等效能;也揭示了机械功能、原理和结构镜射对称性之间的关系。

    Meanwhile , the functions of mechanical structure mirror symmetry including achieving function and principle symmetry , achieving common design principles and rules , and improving products economic performance are also revealed , and the relationship between structure , principle and function symmetry is discussed .

  21. 激光高效偏光镜出射光的合束光路分析

    Analysis of combination path of high efficiency laser polarizers'transmission light

  22. 一种用于激光高效偏光镜出射光的新型缩·扩束棱镜

    A New Type of Polarizer Which Can Scaling or Blooming the Laser High Efficiency Polarizers ' Transmission Light

  23. 软x射线平面镜不同掠射角下的反射率标定

    The reflectance calibration of soft x-ray planar mirror with different grazing angle