
  • 网络polarization;poling;polarization treatment
  1. 保温管的PE外套管极化处理工艺

    Polarization Treatment Process for PE Jacket of Insulating Pipe

  2. 它是一种借助于经过加压极化处理过的聚酯薄膜片收集氡衰变产生的子体218Po(RaA),并测量其放出的α射线强度的微机测氡仪。

    The working principle of the instrument is based on the measurement of Q-ray intensity generated by 218Po ( RaA ) - the radon daughter collected on polyester film processed by pressurized polarization .

  3. 计算中设置赝势为超软赝势,对交换关联能项采用广义梯度近似(GGA),对电子采用自旋极化处理。

    The ultrasoft pseudopotentials , generalized gradient approximation and electron spin polarized methods were used in calculations .

  4. 研究了碱性鲁米诺溶液在多晶铂电极上的阳极电致化学发光(ECL)行为,观察到电极的预极化处理和溶解氧跟发光峰强度和峰形有直接关系。

    The behavior of anodic electrochemiluminescence ( ECL ) of luminol in alkaline solution at a polycrystalline platinum electrode was studied . It was found that the ECL intensity and peak shape were related to pre - polarization of the platinum electrode and oxygen dissolved in the solution .

  5. 接收信号的极化处理是极化雷达的关键技术之一。

    The polarimetric processing is one of the key technologies of polarimetric radar .

  6. 聚乙烯管内壁的极化处理

    Polarization Treatment of Interior Wall of Polythene Pipe

  7. 阳极极化处理对磷化过程的影响

    Effect of Anodic Polarization on Phosphatization Process

  8. 本品也能为经阳极化处理的焊接提供良好的配色。

    This product can also handle by anodic oxidation of welding provides a good match .

  9. 对合金表面进行极化处理以及延长合金在模拟体液中的浸泡时间可以提高合金的抗腐蚀性。

    The corrosion resistance of the alloys are reinforced because of polarization and the prolonged immersion time in fluids .

  10. 当硬铝板表面采用铬酸阳极化处理时,两种胶黏剂均能获得优异的粘接效果。

    If the duralumin plate surface is treated by chromate anodization , both epoxy adhesives can provide excellent adhesive performance .

  11. 同时对极化处理机理研究中的一些问题进行了较为详细的用途。

    Meanwhile , it sets forth its position oa som , questions in the mechanism research of polarization treatment in detail .

  12. 同时论述了极化处理试验情况:粘接力试验、时效试验、冷热变形试验。

    And it describes test conditions of polarization treatment which are glueing force test , ageing test , hot deformation test and cold deformation test .

  13. 铝合金试片在经过磷酸阳极化处理后,其粘接接头的拉剪强度能大幅提高。被粘物的厚度越大,则应力集中系数越小,胶接接头的剪切强度越大。

    Phosphoric acid anodizing treatment of aluminum alloys can promote the adhesion performance greatly . If the adherents are thicker , the stress concentration factor will be smaller , and which will bring about that the shear strength increases .

  14. 其特点是通过极化处理减弱斑纹可增强对目标的确认,经神经学习获取的子类型特征与常规方法相比载有更多信息因而识别率高;

    Its features are that the speckle-reduction by polarimetric processing may improve determination of the targets . By comparing with the conventional approach subclass features obtained by the neural learning , the new approach has carried more information and thus makes the rate of target recognition higher .

  15. 最后简单地介绍了分布式CFAR检测,阵列信号CFAR处理,极化CFAR处理等极具潜力的研究方向,以及现代信号处理技术在雷达自动检测中的应用。

    At last , we introduce some prospective fields , such as the distributed CFAR detection , CFAR processing of array signal and polarimetric signal , and the application of modern signal processing techniques in automatic radar detection .

  16. 研究了不同磁极化强度处理土壤对小麦生长的影响。

    The effects of soil magnetization on wheat growth were studied .

  17. 研究了通道噪声中的目标极化增强处理。

    WHITE NOISE 4 . The target polarimetric enhancement is studied .

  18. 宽带极化信息处理的研究

    Study on Wideband Polarization Information Processing

  19. 利用极化玻璃处理投出来的光,调节相应的两台投影仪器到同一屏幕区域,带上极化眼镜,你将能看到漠型的立体效果。

    By setting two projectors with the polarizing filter to the same area , people will see the stereo effect with polarizing glasses .

  20. 于85℃己二酸铵水溶液中进行铝阳极化成处理。

    At the forming voltage less than 100V , the anodized films formed at 85 ℃ in aqueous ammonium adipate electrolyte was amorphous in nature .

  21. 基于雷达极化信号处理技术,针对窄带全极化雷达研制了一种极化信号采集和处理的电路。

    Basing on the technology of radar polarimetric signal processing , a circuit is designed to sample and process the polarimetric signals for narrowband radar .

  22. 随着雷达极化信息处理技术的不断进步,以及越来越多的具备极化测量能力的新型雷达的出现,极化信息在雷达抗干扰中的应用正逐步受到重视。

    With the development of the radar polarization processing technology and the emerging of the new type radar with polarization measure abilities , the application of polarization information in radar interference suppressing is regarded more and more .

  23. 电流极化抗腐蚀处理待处理流动资产损失

    Corrosion prevention by galvanic polarization Current asset losses in suspense

  24. 一种新的全极化雷达信号处理方案设计

    A New Signal Processing Mechanism for Full Polarimetric Radar

  25. 电流极化抗腐蚀处理直流测量用饱和电抗器

    Corrosion prevention by galvanic polarization direct-current measuring transductor

  26. 电光聚合物材料通常采用带栅极的电晕极化技术进行处理。

    The electro-optic polymer material is usually poled by corona poling technique with a grid .

  27. 在多基地雷达中加入对口标极化信息的处理,可扩大雷达探测的信息来源,提升雷达的感知能力。

    The processing technique of polarization information in multi-static radar system can expand the source of information and enhance the awareness of the radar .

  28. 这两方面内容都是阵列信号处理领域的研究热点,无论对极化阵列信号处理的理论发展还是实际应用,都有重要的意义。

    These two aspects are hotspot in the field of research about array signal processing , regardless of polarization of the array signal processing theory and its practical application , have a major significance .

  29. 相干斑抑制是合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像和极化SAR图像后处理的首要问题。

    Speckle reduction is the primary problem of SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar ) and polarimetric SAR imagery post-processing .

  30. 在利用这些参数对全极化SAR图像进行处理的同时又引入了图像均衡的方法,有效地调节了图像的亮度分布情况。

    Meanwhile , we bring the method of image balance into SAR image , so the distribution of brightness in the image is renewed .