
  • 网络Total thermal resistance;overall thermal resistance;total resistance;thermal resistance value
  1. 固晶材料是最重要的LED器件封装材料之一,其热物理性能参数和几何尺寸对封装的总热阻具有较大的影响。

    Die-attach material is the most important one of all the LED packaging materials , its thermal physical properties and geometric dimensions have a great effect on the total thermal resistance of the package .

  2. 烧结芯氧化铝纤维含量对蒸发段换热系数he、冷凝段换热系数hc和烧结热管总热阻R有很大的影响。

    Evaporation heat transfer coefficient he and condensation heat transfer coefficient hc as well as heat pipe thermal resistance R were all greatly influenced by the concentration of the alumina fiber in sintered capillary wicks .

  3. 结果表明所制备的新型柔性多层隔热结构有效地提高了隔热材料的总热阻,具有较好的隔热效果,250℃时导热系数为0.257W/(m·K)。

    Results show that the new-typed flexible multilayer insulation structure made in this thesis have improved the total heat resistance effectively and have good insulation performance , the effective thermal conductivity of this new-typed flexible multilayer insulation is 0.257W / ( m · K ) at 250 ℃ .

  4. 以水为工质,在风速3m/s,风温25~40℃,加热功率40~100W时,散热器的总热阻在0.251~0.424℃/W之间。

    The range of total thermal resistance is among 0.251 ~ 0.424 ℃ / W , when wind speed is 3m / s , wind temperature is among : 25 ~ 40 ℃, heating power is among : 40 ~ 100W , with water as working fluid .

  5. 在热流量达到200W的时候,使电子器件的表面温度控制在70℃以下,总热阻为0.285℃/W,表现了该热管散热器对大范围热流量很好的适用性。

    When power is 200W , the surface temperature of electron compound is below 70 ℃, the total thermal resistance is 0.285 ℃ / W , which exhibits this compound heat pipe great applicability for long-range heat power .

  6. 在试验范围内,阶梯翅片热管散热器的总热阻随热管工作温度的变化不明显;

    The operating temperature effect of heat pipe to total thermal resistance coefficient is not very distinct in the experimental conditions ;

  7. 预测复合材料导热系数的热阻网络法窗总热阻和遮阳系数的动态测试

    Resistance network for predicting the thermal conductivity of composite materials The dynamic experimental method on the total thermal resistance and the shading coefficient of fenestration systems

  8. 将微管道换热器抽象成多孔介质模型,利用多孔介质双方程模型导出了微管道换热器系统总热阻计算式;

    The microchannel heat sinks considered as porous media model , the total heat transfer resistor expression is induced from the double-equation model of porous media .

  9. 界面热阻对电子器件封装热管理有着重要的影响,它在封装总热阻中扮演着重要角色。

    Interfacial thermal resistance has a significant impact on thermal management of electronic device packaging , and it plays an important role in the total packaging thermal resistance .

  10. 实验与计算结果表明:随着加热功率即热流密度的增大,沸腾换热系数和冷凝换热系数增大,散热器总热阻减小;

    Result shows : The boiling heat transfer coefficient and condensing heat transfer coefficient increase , the total thermal resistance of radiator decreases with the increasing of heating power .

  11. 整个吸收过程中,相表面的温度与液相的温度非常相近,因此可以得知气相的热阻在总热阻中占主要地位。

    The interface temperature is very close to the bulk liquid temperature during the whole absorption process , so the bulk vapor thermal resistance is prominent in the total thermal resistance .

  12. 通过理论得知,局部润湿织物的总热阻的倒数等于润湿部分和未润湿部分热阻倒数之和,这与实测结果吻合较好。

    According to the theory , the reciprocal of the thermal insulation of partial wet fabric e-qual to the sum of reciprocal of wetted part and unwetted part , and these were agreed with experimental values .

  13. 分析表明,当考虑参与介质的散射特性时,由于容积单元散射热阻的存在,使得容积单元与其他换热单元之间总热阻增大,因此介质的散射削弱了辐射热交换。

    The analytical results show that , when the scattering media is involved , the radiant heat transfer between the volume unit and surface unit is degraded because of the scattering thermal resistance of the volume unit .

  14. 热阻分析表明,对于该机油冷却器,其油侧热阻只占总热阻的12%~36%,进一步的强化传热只能在水侧进行。

    The analysis shows that the thermal resistance on the oil side of this oil radiator only holds 12-36 percent of total thermal resistance , so it is merely necessary to further promoting heat conduction on the water side .

  15. 通过实验得出如下结论:微热管总热阻的主要变化因素是冷凝段热阻和蒸发段热阻;

    The following conclusions have been arrived at through tests : the factors that cause the main change in the total heat-transfer resistance of the micro heat pipes are the heat-transfer resistance of both the condensation section and the evaporation one .

  16. 模型由管内蒸汽温降方程、不同敷设方式蒸汽管道的单位长度散热损失方程、总传热热阻计算方程组成。

    The model was made up of inner steam temperature drop equations , the steam pipe laying different ways of unit length heat loss equations , total heat resistance calculation equations .

  17. 对回热系统,采用总传热热阻计算传热量、根据加热器水位与容积的关系计算水位等方法,得到了较好的计算精度。

    For the high pressure feed-water system and the low pressure feed-water system , the methods such as using the overall heat resistance to calculate the heat transfer quantity , changing the heater water level and using the volume relation formula are employed and the calculation accuracy is good .

  18. 采用本文简化的模型可以估算坩埚在不同位置下、不同的石墨毡开孔形状和大小时坩埚盖和炉盖之间总的辐射热阻和传热量。

    The total radiation resistance and the heat transfer amount between the crucible lid and the furnace lid can be calculated using the simplified model presented in this paper for different positions of the crucible and different shapes and diameters of the hole in the graphite felt .