
zǒng zhǎng
  • Total length;minister;cabinet minister
总长 [zǒng zhǎng]
  • [minister] 民国初年中央各部长官的官职名称

  • 教育总长

总长[zǒng zhǎng]
  1. 民国初年,在教育总长蔡元培的领导下,制定学制、颁布法令,对封建传统教育进行了资本主义性质的改造,使全国教育一度出现了蓬勃发展的新局面。

    Cai Yuanpei , then Cabinet Minister of Education of the Republic of China , advocated a capitalistic reform to the traditional feudal education by formulating educational systems and promulgating a decree in the early years of the Republic and education in the country took on a vigorous aspect .

  2. 我们和检察总长开了一个长会。

    We had a long meeting with the attorney general

  3. 当撒切尔夫人任命他为苏格兰检察总长时,他是个完全没有从政经验的新人。

    He was a political virgin when Mrs Thatcher picked him as Lord Advocate .

  4. 这架飞机总长54米,经验丰富的水肺式潜泳者将最终能够进入机舱,或围绕飞机外部探险。

    The plane investment a total length of 54 meters , where experienced scuba divers will create be able to venture through the cabin and around the plane 's depressed .

  5. 检察总长负责提起公诉。

    It is the duty of the Attorney-General to institute prosecutions .

  6. 它的大小相当于7000个奥林匹克规模的游泳池的总长,而且洞中一些地方的深度达100米。

    Now for size , that 's the equivalent of 7000 Olympic swimming pools in length and in places up to 100m deep .

  7. 对于汉丹江干流,超过Ⅲ类标准的河长已占总长的10.5%,有28.1%的评价河长不能达到国家对丹江口水库水质II类标准的要求。

    There are 28.1 percent of the evaluation of river long the state can not achieve the water quality of Danjiangkou Reservoir Class ⅱ standards .

  8. 实验表明,与将BUFFER插入作为后处理步骤相比,我们的算法在连线总长、延迟方面取得了明显的改善。

    Experimental results show that compared with those post-layout buffer insertion methods , the performance of our algorithm is greatly improved in wire length and delay .

  9. 与传统的曼哈顿布线方式相比,新的X结构布线方式可以将连线总长缩短超过20%,将通孔(via)数减少30%以上。

    As compared with the Manhattan architecture , the X Architecture demonstrates a wire length reduction of more than 20 % and a via reduction of more than 30 % .

  10. 比较分析结果显示:各类群的全序列总长均超过3300bp,GC含量为41·8%~57·7%;

    The results show that each sequence of them is over 3300 base pairs and their GC contents are from 41.8 % - 57.7 % ;

  11. 本文应用灰色关联分析理论,确定臀围、腹臀厚和直裆为上裆总长的GM(1,N)预测模型输入因子。

    By using grey link analysis theory , three measurements ( hip girth , abdomen-hip thickness and crotch distance ) are selected as an input factor of Grey model developed to predicate upper-crotch length .

  12. 2009年,作为中国铁路工程总公司旗下子的公司,中国海外工程有限责任公司中标了波兰A2高速公路项目的A、C两标段,总长49公里。

    COVEC , a subsidiary of China Railway Group , one of the Asia 's largest construction and engineering firms , won the contract to build a49km stretch of highway in Poland in2009 .

  13. 根据已获得的序列设计特异性引物,利用3'-RACE方法并结合巢式PCR扩增该基因的3'端部分序列,获得了甜荞麦蛋白酶抑制剂基因的3'端,加之先前获得的部分结构基因序列,总长为385bp。

    To get the full gene sequence of BPI , part of 3 ' - end gene sequence was also cloned with particularly designed primers by 3 ' - RACE PCR combined with nested PCR .

  14. 低N胁迫时,高浓度CO2显著增加稗草的根干重、根体积和根总长,而对水稻生长无明显促进作用。

    FACE condition with LN ( low nitrogen ) supply did not significantly promote rice growth because of N stress , but response of barnyardgrass to CO_2 was not limited by N stress , showing significant increase in growth .

  15. 所用毛细管规格为内径100μm,总长31cm,有效长度20cm;

    The size of the capillary column was 31 cm × 100 μ m i.d. with an effective length of 20 cm .

  16. 在总长为3.75Mb甜叶菊EST序列内共确认得到5573条非冗余序列,平均每隔13.2kb即含有一个EST-SSR。

    By analyzing 5573 non-redundant S. rebaudiana ESTs comprising 3.75 Mb , 285 SSRs were identified . There was on the average of one SSR for every 13.2 kb ESTs .

  17. 为此需要设置一条总长2588.3m,面积达44.14万m2,钻灌总进尺达39.2万m的地下帷幕工程。

    To solve this problem , a underground curtain with total length of ( 2 588.3 ) m , area of 441.4 thousand m ~ 2 and drilling and grouting length of 392 thousand m should constructed .

  18. 从“丝绸之路”到“光纤之路”的转变,依托的是总长28000公里且还在不断延伸的光纤网络以及BOT项目数亿美元的大胆投资。

    That transition from " Silk Road " to " fiber road , " depends on a fiber infrastructure 28,000 kilometers in length and growing , through aggressive investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in BOT projects .

  19. 8区警察总长默罕默德(AktarMohammad)说,着地的火箭弹没有爆炸。

    Aktar Mohammad , the police chief of district eight , said the rocket landed without exploding .

  20. 结果表明,常N水平下高浓度CO2显著增加水稻和稗草的根干重、根体积、根总长和根直径,水稻对CO2浓度升高的响应强于稗草;

    Results show that root biomass , root volume , root length and root diameter of rice and barnyardgrass all increased significantly under FACE condition with NN ( normal nitrogen ) supply , the response of rice to CO_2 was higher than that of barnyardgrass .

  21. 这条名为拱心石油管道系统的管道总长约3800英里,而且还有一部分名为拱心石XL的管道尚未建造完成。

    It 's called the Keystone pipeline system . It stretches about 3800 miles in all , and there 's one piece of the project that hasn 't been completed .

  22. 近年来,大同市在区域构造应力作用下,已产生9条地裂缝,总长308km,其展布为NESW或NEESWW方向。

    Recently , 9 ground fissures have occurred in Datong City with 30.8 ! km length altogether . The ground fissures spread out in the direction of NE-SW or NEE-SWW .

  23. 共设置三条样线总长3.5km,调查到82个林隙。

    Sampling lines were set whose total length was 3.5km , and 82 gaps were investigated .

  24. 水稻长护颖突变体Longglume(lg)是从育种中间材料中发现的一个花器官自然突变体,突变体的护颖长于果实总长,花器官的其余部分均正常。

    Rice long glume ( lg ) mutant resulted from a natural mutation of flower organ , the mutant have two long glumes which is longer than the fruit total lenghth , and the other parts of flower organ are norm .

  25. 总长26英里的隧道所挖出的几乎所有土方都会得到再利用,包括440万吨泥土被运送到皇家鸟类保护协会(RSPB)位于泰晤士河口(ThamesEstuary)的新保护区。

    Nearly all the soil from the 26 miles of tunnels will be reused , including 4.4 million tons of clay being shipped out to a new RSPB reserve in the Thames Estuary .

  26. 在道格接替雷米·丹顿(RemyDanton)空出来的位子、成为幕僚长之前,联络总长塞思也在谋求这个职位。

    Before Doug negotiated his way into the chief of staff position vacated by Remy Danton , Seth , the communications chief , lobbied for the job .

  27. 结果表明:断层总长390(km)左右,呈直立走滑型,各断裂段左旋走滑量最大为5~6m,反演结果基本反映了地震破裂的总体特征;

    The result suggests that : ① The fault is about 390 km long and dips about 90 degree with the greatest left lateral strike slip distance of about 5-6 meters . The result of inversion reflects basically the overall characteristic of the seismic fracture .

  28. 铝胁迫降低了两个油菜品种的相对根长、根系总长和总表面积,且处理7d的下降幅度大于3d,敏感品种华油2790的下降幅度大于耐性品种中双7号。

    Al stress decreased the relative root length , total root length and total surface area in two varieties of rape , and the decline deal of 7d was greater than 3d treatment . Al-sensitive variety ( Huayou 2790 ) declined more than Al-resistant variety ( Zhongshuang No.7 ) .

  29. KathleenO'Brien是该校的学术总长,她说尽管是在规模大的学校,班级也分成很小,使评分能够可行。

    Kathleen O'Brien is the chief academic officer . She says letter grades do not effectively document learning or provide good direction to students . She says even at big schools there are classes small enough to give evaluations .

  30. 为了节省材料,选择了平板尖劈平行通道型吸声结构,它的总长是20cm和15cm(过渡部分分别为15cm和10cm)。

    Rib structures with parallel channel with total lengths of 20 cm and 15 cm ( transition part being 15 cm and 10 cm respectively ) have been used for the purpose of economy of the testing material .