
  1. 企业投资方向的选择是由企业产品战略所决定的,根据对财务报告中的主营业务构成分析,可以从产品的角度出发来研究企业的投资模式。

    On the principle that investment directions are determined by the corporate product strategy , corporate investment modes can be classified by the centralization of product categories , the data of which can be obtained from corporate financial statements .

  2. 企业投资则方向性明确,主要根据企业自身的发展需要和特点对企业职工进行技术培训等方面的投资。

    Business investment has a clear direction , primarily on the basis of their own development needs and characteristics , such as investment in technical training for the employees .

  3. 铁路运输企业固定资产投资方向控制模型

    A Control Model for Railway Transport Enterprises Fixed Assets Investment Direction

  4. 模糊评价在企业资本投资战略方向中的应用

    Fuzzy Synthetic Judgment Method of Deciding Capital Investments Strategic Direction

  5. 在明确安全投资的基本内涵及构成的基础上,运用该法可计算出来影响安全投资效益因素的灰色关联度,以进行分析,找出企业安全投资合理的方向,从而可以提高企业安全投资的效益。

    Based on the analysis of connotation and constitution of safety investment , this new GCA can be applied to calculating grey correlation degree of the factors affecting the benefit of safety investment .

  6. 第三部分,分析了现代企业制度的建立与企业投资办学方向的调整;

    Thirdly , is points out how to solve the problems between the modern company system and the company investment in the schools ;

  7. 作为我国固定资产投资的主体,国有企业的投资效率决定着我国企业投资效率的总体方向。

    State-owned enterprises have been the subject of Chinese fixed asset investment . The investment efficiency of state-owned enterprises determines the direction and trends of investment efficiency of business in China .

  8. 企业层次的分析从本国资本对战略性产业的控制力、对战略性产业内重要产品的控制力以及政府对战略性产业内部主要企业重大投资和发展方向的控制力三个方面进行。

    Enterprise level , from the aspects of the controlling power of the national capital towards the strategic industries and the important products in these industries , as well as the controlling power of the government towards the major investment and the development direction .