
  1. IS视角下企业管理咨询中的学习过程研究

    Research on the Studying Process of Business Management Consulting from the Perspective of IS

  2. 是一家专业的企业管理咨询公司。

    LTD is a specialized management consulting company .

  3. 营销咨询公司数达企业管理咨询(DataDrivenMarketingAsia,简称DDMA)发布的报告显示,一种新产品在“成熟连锁超市”上架的成本或“高达2.7万美元”。

    According to the report by Data Driven Marketing Asia , the marketing consultancy , the cost of listing one new product " with an established supermarket chain can be as high as $ 27000 . "

  4. 德勒企业管理咨询有限公司本咨询公司,代办进口业务。

    Our consulting company handles import Business on customer 's Behalf .

  5. 企业管理咨询无形经济效益的评估探讨

    An assessment of invisible economic benefit of consulting service to enterprise management

  6. 关于在深圳特区开展企业管理咨询业务的设想

    Some Suggestions on Unfolding Enterprise Management Consultancy in Shenzhen SEZ

  7. 安康企业管理咨询市场供求分析

    Analysis on the Consulting - Market in Business - Management in Ankang

  8. 企业管理咨询效益的评估体系研究

    Study of the Appraisal System of Enterprise Management Consulation Efficiency

  9. 企业管理咨询的理论与实践&苏南案例分析

    Theory and Practice of Enterprise Management Consulting a Case Study

  10. 企业管理咨询效果评价的探讨

    The Effective Valuation of Consulting Business Management

  11. 企业管理咨询业在我国还是一个新兴的行业,还没有普遍开展。

    Enterprise management consultancy is in China still a newly emerging service business , far from being popularized .

  12. 咨询诊断方可以是专门的企业管理咨询公司,也可以是高校。

    The consulting hatchers may be either a consulting company who specializes in Enterprise Management or a university .

  13. 欧析企业管理咨询公司本周发布的报告指出,火锅是中国人气最高的美食。

    The survey , published by consulting firm OCC this week , found that hotpot is China 's favorite meal .

  14. 我国从事企业管理咨询的人员数量在高速增长,但优秀人才相对缺乏。

    The number of staff engaged in management consulting at high speed growth , but the relative lack of talent .

  15. 他们受雇于企业管理咨询公司、广告公司以及公共和私营部门或者自雇。

    They are employed by management consulting firms , advertising agencies and throughout the public and private sectors or are self-employed .

  16. 橡塑制品制造;销售:日用百货、纺织品、装鞋帽;企业管理咨询服务。

    Xiangsu products manufacturing ; Sales : daily provisions , needles textiles , clothing shoes and hats ; Enterprise management advisory services .

  17. 在我27岁的时候,我辞去了一份非常有挑战性的职业,企业管理咨询,转而投入了一份更加具有挑战性的职业:教育。

    When I was 27 years old , I left a very demanding job in management consulting for a job that was even more demanding : teaching .

  18. 企业管理咨询经济效益的评估,是企业管理咨询正在探讨的新课题,目前尚没有比较成熟的评估体系和方法。

    In the consulting service to enterprise management , much of the research is now focused on a new problem-the assessment of the service ′ s economic benefit .

  19. 人力资源管理咨询作为管理咨询的一部分,已经成为企业管理咨询服务中最重要的核心业务之一,发展空间巨大。

    Human resources management consulting as a part of management consulting has become the most important one core business of company management consulting services , and has the great space of development .

  20. 加入WTO后,企业对管理咨询的需求将不断增大,中国管理咨询业的巨大发展空间将会逐渐展现出来。

    With the entry into the WTO , consulting service will be wanted than before , management consulting service in China is facing a wide world .

  21. 对准备实施CIMS工程项目的企业做出管理咨询预评价。

    It has made the Pre-EMC ( pre-evaluation of management consultation ) model for the enterprises that prepare to implement CIMS project .

  22. 强化中小企业的管理咨询

    Strengthen management consultant for mid and small corporation

  23. 企业管理网络咨询研究

    An Expounding on Network Inquiry of Enterprise Management

  24. 企业利用管理咨询服务的初始动机及其实现

    Initiative Motivation and the Realization for the Corporations to Utilize the Management Consultation Service

  25. 本文从这一背景出发,以战略联盟这种新型资源整合方式为研究平台,探索我国中小企业与管理咨询业扩大对所需资源影响力的途径和模式。

    Under this background this article studies on how to constitute a strategic alliance between small and medium enterprise and consulting industry in our country .

  26. 开发商可采取以发展企业电脑化管理咨询业为先导,软件开发服务配套的新的经营方针和模式;

    The software developers can take a new policy and mode of operation : develop the consultation of computerized management supported by the services of software upgrading .

  27. 美合以提供技术服务为主,并提供企业管理顾问咨询,系统集成,软硬件产品的增值销售等各项专业技术服务。

    EMH Tech mainly focuses on technical services , also provides management consulting , system integration , software and hardware value-added sales and other related specialty technical services .

  28. 特别讨论了企业管理网络咨询观念转变、信息检索、数据库建设等方面的技术水平的提高,以及通过合作来促进网络咨询发展等。

    The article especially lays emphasis on promoting network inquiry development through cooperation and changing ideas on network inquiry of enterprise management , information index , and the improvement of data base construction .

  29. 同时对国内企业和管理咨询业的关系进行了研究,提出国内咨询业应目光长远,培育、提升自身核心竞争力,运用品牌竞争策略取得竞争优势,使公司不断做大变强。

    At the same time , the author explores the relationship of domestic enterprises and the industry of management consultant , puts forward that the industry of home enterprises should have a farseeing mind and cultivate and elevate their own core competence to make the enterprises bigger and stronger .

  30. 本文的讨论目的主要通过对目前国内建设监理行业现状分析,对比国外的实际情况,提出在我国加入WTO后监理企业向项目管理咨询公司转变应对策略。

    The discussion of the thesis aims at putting forward the strategy of supervision enterprises transforming project management consultant companies after China joining WTO by means of the analysis of internal supervision market and contrasting to abroad consultant market .