
qǐ yè kāi yè dēnɡ jì
  • registration for opening enterprises;registration of business launches
  1. 申请企业法人开业登记的单位,经登记主管机关核准登记注册,领

    When the application filed by an entity for starting operations as an enterprise as a legal person has been examined and approved by a registration authority and a Business Licenses for Enterprises as a Legal Person is received

  2. 约翰逊先生将给一家新成立的外商投资企业办理开业税务登记。

    Mr. Johnson is going to make tax registration for a newly established foreign invested enterprise .

  3. 企业法人办理开业登记,申请注册的资金数额与实有资金不一致的

    When an enterprise as a legal person registers for starting operations , the discrepancy between the sum of capital it applies for registration and the sum of capital it actually possesses

  4. 企业法人办理开业登记、变更登记、年度检验,应当按照规定缴纳登记费、年检费

    An enterprise as a legal person shall pay registration and annual check-up fees according to the rules when it registers for starting operations and applies for making changes in its registration and when it receives the annual check-up