
  • 网络enterprise model;Business Model;Corporate Model
  1. 基于WEB的企业模型仿真技术探讨

    Study of Enterprise Model Simulation Technology Based on WEB

  2. 基于XML的构件化企业模型描述及应用

    Description of the Component-based Enterprise Model with XML and Its Application

  3. 提出了基于XML和WEBService的企业模型集成方案;

    Proposes the project of the enterprise model integration based on XML and Web Service ;

  4. UML中最重要的是Usecase建模,文章围绕高校数字图书馆系统对利用将Usecase模型分为企业模型和系统模型来建立数字图书馆系统Usecase模型做了详细的描述。

    Use Case Model is the most important model in UML . This paper discusses a particular application of using Enterprise Use Case model and System Use Case model to build Use Case model in digital library system .

  5. 企业模型理论研究方面,也出现了诸如CIM-OSA、ARIS等有名的企业参考模型体系结构。

    As to the enterprise model , it appeared many famous reference enterprise model systems structure such as CIM-OSA , ARIS and so on .

  6. 基于模型构件的企业模型体系与建模技术

    Enterprise Model Architecture Based on Model Construct and Its Modeling Approach

  7. 集成化企业模型并行仿真系统中的资源调度

    Resource Allocation in the Parallel Simulation System for Integrated Enterprise Model

  8. 基于资源导航的虚拟企业模型化方法

    Method of Virtual Enterprise Modeling Based on Resource Navigation

  9. 最优化投入产出企业模型的探讨

    The application of the optimum input / output model

  10. 关于汽车运输企业模型的讨论

    A Discussion of Model of Vehicle Transport Enterprise

  11. 企业模型的安全性体现为两种方式:监控的和加强的。

    Security for the enterprise models comes in two flavors : monitored and enforced .

  12. 传播企业模型变更到项目流程中

    Propagate enterprise model changes to project streams

  13. 企业模型管理员,项目模型管理员

    Enterprise model manager , project model manager

  14. 在定义上,项目模型与企业模型总是存在一定程度的差异性。

    By definition , project models are always somewhat at variance with the enterprise models .

  15. 企业模型和企业建模能够为企业管理者提供科学准确的理解和描述企业的方法和工具。

    Enterprise modeling provides a powerful tool to understand and express an enterprise scientifically and precisely .

  16. 新的重要的特性会由于项目工作的结果,定期的获取到企业模型中。

    Periodically , important new features will be harvested into the enterprise models as the result of project work .

  17. 本文概述了管理开发企业模型的推荐方法。

    This article outlines a recommended approach for governing and managing a set of evolving , under-development enterprise models .

  18. 以采油厂主要的生产要素展开设计,在对多个业务部门和业务过程需求分析基础上,在企业模型中形成了六个职能领域。

    Based on the research of the business activities in different business department , six function fields are carved up .

  19. 平台的上层是企业模型描述和解释平台,限于时间和能力,只部分实现了一些工具。

    Limit to time and ability , we only give the design of enterprise modeling layers except for some tools .

  20. 面对环境变化,建立企业模型成为企业管理的重要手段。

    In the face of environmental variation tendency , establishing the enterprise model becomes one of the most important business management methods .

  21. 企业模型管理员会定期的进行查询操作,并追踪所有的模型更新,以决定是否有违规操作发生。

    Periodically , the enterprise model manager will want to run queries that track all model updates to determine whether boundaries have been violated .

  22. IT人员可以利用企业模型定义的业务过程优化相应的系统,并进行相应的系统功能组件配置;

    The IT personnel may optimize the corresponding system using the service process of enterprise model definition , and carry on the corresponding system function ;

  23. 模型复用是在建立企业模型过程中避免重复劳动的有效解决方案之一,它可以提高企业建模的效率。

    Model reuse is one of effective methodology for avoiding work repetition in the establishing process of enterprise model , and thereby improves its efficiency .

  24. 但是,您需要意识到,偏离相对规范规程而向不规范的方向发展,会增加对公司财富,例如企业模型伤害的风险。

    Be aware though , that moving away from these relatively formal procedures toward less formal procedures does increase risk to corporate assets such as the enterprise models .

  25. 分析了知识化模型的建立过程,依靠基于限制模糊相似关系的广义粗糙集,给出了企业模型知识化表述方式和模糊匹配算法。

    Depending on the extended rough sets with the limited fuzzy similar relation , it brings out the expressive manner of enterprise-model knowledge and the fuzzy matching arithmetic .

  26. 这就迫使项目模型的最终协调,尽管政策会决定项目模型可能会在企业模型内持续多长时间。

    This will force an eventual reconciliation of the project models , although policy will determine how long the project models may remain at variance with the enterprise models .

  27. 公用物流信息平台就是利用对等企业模型并结合虚拟企业的思想设计的,本文称之为虚拟物流企业。

    According to the peer-to-peer model and the theory of virtual enterprise , we established the logistics information platform for the public , called Virtual Logistics Enterprise ( VLS ) .

  28. 为更快地建立企业模型,又在行业参考模型的基础上,提出模型构件的建模方法,实现企业建模构件化、模块化,建立参考模型构件库,以满足快速建模的需要。

    In order to quicken modeling efficiency , the modeling method of model component is proposed . The model component warehouse is built to satisfy the demand of enterprise modeling .

  29. 向存储库有效的添加新的范例模型,会破坏继承关系,这种关系必须得到恢复以向企业模型传播新的变更。

    The addition of the new exemplar models to the repository effectively breaks the ancestry tree , which must be restored to propagate the new changes to the enterprise models .

  30. ⑶为企业模型知识的有效管理建立了一套可实现的综合应用模糊理论、神经网络和系统工程方法的知识提炼和分类检索机制;

    A set of realizable knowledge abstraction , classification and retrieval mechanisms was established for effectively managing enterprise model repository by synthetically applying fuzzy theory , artificial neural networks and system engineering methods .