
  • 网络knowledge media
  1. 知识媒体·元学习环境·学习支持服务

    Knowledge Media · Meta-Learning Environment · Learning Support

  2. 知识媒体的再现流通与传递;

    Knowledge media circulations and delivery ;

  3. 本文立足于我国教育的现状,从探究事物的本质出发,阐述了知识媒体的引入对我国教育产生的影响。

    Based on the present situation of education in our country , we demonstrate the influence of the introduction of knowledge media to the education in our country proceeding from the inward nature of things .

  4. 用科学知识影响媒体、公众和科学国际共同体,赢得社会各界的支持;

    Using scientific knowledge to sway the media , the general public , and the international scientific community and win support from all sectors of society ;

  5. 认为图书馆文明包括4个方面:①知识在媒体上的记忆储存;

    Library civilization is a part of human civilizations . The library civilization consists of four branches , namely , ① knowledge memory on the media storage ;

  6. 本验证方案成功应用于在浙江大学和中天微系统有限公司合作开发的拥有自主知识产权的媒体DSP处理器Spock的设计中,提高了验证自动化及标准化水平,缩短了设计过程中验证的时间。

    The verification method , used in a media DSP processor named Spock ( developed by Zhejiang University and C-sky Microsystems Co. , Ltd ), increase design automation level and save the verification time .

  7. 语言是教师进行教学的武器,也是学生接受知识的主要媒体。

    Language is weapon the teachers for teaching are in progress ;

  8. 作为人类获取大量信息、传播知识的视觉媒体之一&网络图像,已成为人们使用和研究的重要媒体。

    Network image , has become an important media for people to use and research .

  9. 作者对数字版权管理进行了分析研究,将其用于流媒体版权保护,设计了一个支持我国自主知识产权流媒体的数字权限管理系统。

    The concepts and basic techniques of digital right management ( DRM ) are studied , and the design and implement of a DRM system presented .

  10. 笔者认为,尽管数字图书馆在信息采集、信息开发和信息服务的过程中其方式有别于传统图书馆,但数字图书馆作为传播知识的大众媒体,其公益性的主体地位仍然不会改变。

    I think the digital library is different from the traditional library in many ways such as gathering information , developing information and information service , as the mass media of conveying knowledge , its public beneficial status will not change yet .

  11. 大众化的长期策略着眼于固本开元开拓市场空间;传播经济知识,承担媒体责任;注重人才培养,为都市报财经新闻长期发展积蓄力量。

    The long-term strategy of the popularity focuses in development of the market space ; the spread economical knowledge , undertaking the media responsibility ; paying great attention on the personnel training , all of these are for city newspaper financial and economic news long-term development and savings strength .

  12. 本文首先阐述了流媒体技术的相关知识,包括流媒体概念、流媒体背景及现状、流媒体文件格式、流式传输的原理、流媒体传输的网络协议及Qos技术。

    Accordingly , the following tasks were completed : The paper begins with an introduction of the related knowledge of streaming media , including its definitions , origins , status ; file format , streaming transport , the related network protocols , and Qos .

  13. 从理论和实践的基础上探索中师《教师口语》教学在现代教育技术背景下不同知识类型及不同媒体的适宜教学模式。

    Explores the appropriate teaching patterns for different knowledge and with different media theoretically and practically .

  14. 为了传播科学的知识,知识传播媒体也必须有先进的促销理念。

    The mass media of knowledge must have advanced idea of sales promotion so as to spread scientific knowledge .

  15. 沈阳市社区卫生科普知识传播中电视媒体利用状况调查

    Survey on utilization situation of television medium in the spread of popular health knowledge in community health service in Shenyang City

  16. 本课程主要讲授数字媒体艺术表现元素的相关知识,包括数字媒体艺术形式、特点,数字媒体艺术表现元素等。

    This course teaches students knowledge of digital media artistic expression , including digital media , art forms , characteristics , elements of artistic expression and other digital media .

  17. 在知识经济时代,媒体与体育产业之间的关系越来越密切,互相扶持、密切合作、风险共担、利益共享。

    In the era of knowledge-driven economy , the relation between the media and sports industry is closer and closer , they support and cooperate each other and take risk , share interest altogether .

  18. 根据分析无机化学教学内容,划分各章节知识点,选择媒体,组合成课堂教学的多媒体群,进行课堂教学试验,取得了良好的效果。

    By analysing the teaching contents in inorganic chemistry , find out the knowledge points of each chapter , choosing some media to combine the multimedia mass teaching in class and making the teaching experiments in class good results are achieved .

  19. 乡土文化中的土家织锦、麻柳刺绣等,是鲜活的、有生命力的地方性知识,借助新媒体的表达和传播,其影响力获得了空间、时间上的拓展。

    The local culture of " tujia brocade " and " maliu embroidery " is lively , has the vitality of the local knowledge , by means of expression and dissemination of new media , its influence was to expand the space and the time .

  20. 目的评价社区高血压患者对社区卫生服务中心(站)实施健康教育与健康促进方法的接受性,了解社区高血压病人获得高血压防治知识的传媒途径与接受知识的传播媒体形式。

    OBJECTIVE To assess the acceptability on the community hypertension patients accepted the health education and health promotion what the community health center ( station ) provided , and to understand the media pathway and forms how the hypertension patients obtain prevention knowledge .