
  1. “第二届图书馆法与知识产权论坛”综述

    Summarization of " the 2nd Library Law Intellectual Property Forum "

  2. 拉丁美洲和加勒比知识产权政策论坛会议

    Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Intellectual Property Policies

  3. 拉丁美洲知识产权区域论坛

    Regional Forum for Latin American Intellectual Property

  4. 今天,我们在这里举办中欧知识产权高层论坛,体现了中欧双方对知识产权问题的高度重视。

    Today , we are holding the China-EU High Level Forum on IPR protection , which indicates the great importance attached by both China and the EU to the issue of IPR protection .

  5. 今天早上,我出席了“珠三角创新与知识产权国际论坛”。而就在刚才,我还与你们知识产权学院的一些学生见了面。

    Earlier today , I participated in the " Pearl River Delta International Forum on Innovation and Intellectual Property . " And just now , I had the opportunity to meet with some of the students from your College of IP .

  6. 此外,在知识产权国际论坛上,诸如传统知识、遗传资源、地理标志保护问题的争议,导致了国际知识产权领域中新的利益格局的形成,从而引发了知识产权国际保护制度的变革与发展。

    Furthermore , in the international forum of IPR , deputes about traditional knowledge , genetic resources and geographical indication etc , give rise to the new structure of interests in the field of international IPR and promote the reformation and development of international protection of IPR .

  7. “珠三角创新与知识产权”国际论坛上的发言

    Remarks at Pearl River Delta International Forum on Innovation and Intellectual Property

  8. 最后,祝“科技兴贸与知识产权保护国际论坛”取得圆满成功!

    Finally , I wish the International Forum on Rejuvenating Trade through Science and Technology and IPR Protection a complete success !