
  • 网络U.S.-China Business Council;The US-China Business Council;USCBC;The United States-China Business Council
  1. 在美中贸易全国委员会(us-chinabusinesscouncil)发表演讲时,贝克呼吁加强美中对话。

    In a speech to the US-China Business Council , Mr Baker called for intensive engagement .

  2. 美中贸易全国委员会(us-chinabusinesscouncil)的罗伯特普尔(robertpoole)在北京表示:“公司基本上不愿意直接或间接涉案,但履行贸易承诺相当重要。”

    Robert Poole , of the US-China Business Council in Beijing , said : " companies do not like generally to get caught up directly or indirectly in cases , but it is important that trade commitments be honoured . "

  3. 据美中贸易全国委员会(U.S.ChinaBusinessCouncil)称,跨国公司一开始被中国吸引是因为这里的劳动力丰富且廉价,但这种情况已一去不复返了。

    What brought them to China in the first place , cheap and abundant labor , is no longer the case . And that has American businessmen souring somewhat on China , according to the U.S. China Business Council ( USCBC ) , a Washington DC-based lobby firm for American multinationals .

  4. 但可口可乐(Coca-Cola)首席执行官穆泰康(MuhtarKent)当选重要游说团体美中贸易全国委员会(USCBC)董事长的消息,仍引起了人们的兴趣。

    But it is still intriguing to see that Muhtar Kent , chief executive of Coca-Cola , has been elected as chairman of the US-China Business Council , a leading advocacy group .

  5. 在华贸易和经营的企业协会美中贸易全国委员会(uscbc)主席傅强恩(johnfrisbie)表示,在各个方面进行坚持不懈的游说是最佳出路。

    John Frisbie , President of the US-China Business Council , an association of companies trading and operating in China , said that persistent lobbying across a range of fronts was the best way forward .

  6. 美中贸易全国委员会表示,对华出口贸易几乎使美国所有州和行业受益。

    The US-China Business Council says US exports to China have benefited nearly all states and industries across America .