
táo sù
  • pottery figurine;ceramic figure
  1. 史前时期的雕刻与陶塑

    The Sculptures and Earthen Statues of Prehistory Period

  2. 人物陶塑主要是从日用陶、殉葬陶俑以及建筑纹饰这几方面演变而来。

    Character pottery evolves from daily use pottery , sacrificial pottery and construction decoration .

  3. 在黄河中游早期的遗址中也有类似的动物陶塑发现。

    Similar small animal pottery sculptures have also been found among relics along the Yellow River .

  4. 这样一件体量并不算大的陶塑,竟产生出非凡的气魄和雄强的力量感。

    It is amazing that such a small piece of pottery can convey so much vigor and boldness .

  5. 再后面是一名牵着战马的骑兵。四匹陶塑战马拉着一辆木制战车,车上站着陶塑御者。

    A wooden chariot manned by a terracotta charioteer and pulled by four terracotta horses brings up the rear .

  6. 那么,长江流域的陶塑则是一些形体较小的单纯的动物塑像。

    In the Yangtze River regions , the pottery animal sculptures were very small and made purely for amusement .

  7. 人物陶塑在形象类型、表现手法、制作工艺等方面娴熟高超,集中体现石湾陶塑的艺术风格。

    Character pottery reflects the art style in superb skill of image type , performance practice , production process and so on .

  8. 该公司经理索冬证实,他们正准备在今年推出更多的小猪佩奇主题玩具和陶塑。

    The company is preparing to launch further Peppa Pig themed toys and figurines this year , confirmed the company 's manager Suo Dong .

  9. 在原始社会末期,居住在黄河和长江流域的原始人,已经开始制作泥塑和陶塑了。

    Ancient Chinese people living along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers began to make pottery and clay figures towards the end of the Primitive Society .

  10. 明清石湾陶艺在人物陶塑、日用器皿等方面深受中国绘画影响,取得了眸子刻划、衣纹处理两大艺术成就。

    The ceramic art of Shiwan in its figurines and daily utensils during the Ming and Qing Dynasties was heavily influenced by the Chinese painting .

  11. 汉代时石湾人物陶塑初具雏形,各地普遍兴建宗族祠堂,瓦脊人物陶塑成为风靡一时的建筑纹饰品。

    In Qin Dynasty , Character pottery begun to take shape , people common built ancestral lineage , ridge character pottery became popular construction decoration .

  12. 墓室内棺木尸骨全无,出土随葬品有陶瓷日用器皿及陶塑品等32件。

    In the chambers , there are no bones in the coffin but32 pieces or sets of funerary objects unearthed which are made of pottery vessels and ceramics .

  13. 最后将史前猪的雕塑做了归纳,认为以野猪为原型的石雕在史前被人们赋予了比陶塑作品更深远的内涵。

    At last , summarizing the pig-shaped sculptures in pre-history , we can learn that sculptures in a clay shape always show home-raised pigs while stone shapes show different .

  14. 砖石精神&南朝陵墓石雕和陶塑艺术艺术家一点一点地雕刻大理石。

    The soul of stone and clay & Stone carving on tombs and pottery sculpture in the Southern Dynasties ; The artist cut away the marble bit by bit .

  15. 黄河中上游地区先民给后人留下不少陶塑杰作。如枭形壶,可能含有某种图腾崇拜的意义。

    The Chinese ancestors living in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River left numerous excellent pottery sculptures , such as the Owl Kettle , which had a totemic meaning .

  16. 水是人类离不开的物体,在云南少数民族绘画、陶塑,甚至服饰、文身艺术等都反映着水与农耕、渔猎生活相关的因子。

    Water is an inseparable object to human being , During Ethnic minority in Yunnan , painting , pottery sculpture , even clothing and tattoos , they are all reflects the relevant factors between the water and farming or fishing and hunting life .