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  1. 中国的陶璐娜肯定夺冠,我敢打赌。

    Tao Luna from China is sure to win , I bet .

  2. 陶璐娜以世界最准确的神枪手之一而成名。

    Tao Luna has become famous as one of the world 's most precise sharpshooters .

  3. 杨凌的成功卫冕和蔡亚林及陶璐娜的意外夺金使中国队成为射击项目的大赢家,从而奠定了其在世界射坛的领头羊位置。

    Successful title defense by Yang Ling and surprising golds by Cai Yalin and Tao Luna made China the winningest nation and established it as the leading shooting nation in the world .