
  • 网络ceramic cup;mug;Ceramic Mug
  1. 早在1993年,Peter博士曾提出锌铝尖晶石有可能作为制备高炉陶瓷杯的原料以替代莫来石。

    In early 1993 , Dr. Peter put forward an idea that it is possible to substitute gahnite for mullite used as the raw material for ceramic cup of blast furnace .

  2. 高炉陶瓷杯及风口大型预制块砌筑新技术

    New Masonry Technique for BF Ceramic Cup and Big Precast Block for Tuyere

  3. 在砌筑陶瓷杯过程中运用全面质量管理(TQC)对陶瓷杯耐火材料的验收、预组装以及砌筑等工序进行了严格的控制和管理,使陶瓷杯砌筑一次成功,达到了总体验收标准。

    TQC ( Total Quality Control ) was applied to the refractory acceptance , preliminary assembly and brick laying of ceramic cup . The ceramic cup was laid successfully and the laying quality reached acceptance standard .

  4. 非常朴素的一对蓝色陶瓷杯碟,但它们确实很相配。

    Plain blue pottery cups and saucers . but they matched .

  5. 从1984年到1993年已有23套陶瓷杯得到了安装或订购。

    From 1984 to 1993,23 Ceramic Cups have been installed or ordered .

  6. 分析表明,陶瓷杯炉缸具有耐侵蚀、节能的特点。

    The results show that the hearth with ceramic-cup is erosion-resistive and energy-saving .

  7. 首钢1号高炉陶瓷杯炉缸的应用分析

    Application of the ceramic-cup to the Shougang No . 1 BF 's hearth

  8. 高炉耐火炉衬设计原则及陶瓷杯的应用

    Principles of design for blast furnace refractory lining and application of the Ceramic Cup

  9. 高炉陶瓷杯用溶胶结合棕刚玉&SiC砖的研制与生产烧结刚玉材料研究

    Research and production of boned brown corundum-silicon carbide brick for the structure of blast furnace

  10. 分析了陶瓷杯的损毁机理及陶瓷杯耐火材料的发展。

    Analyze the damaged mechanism on ceramic cup and the development of ceramic cup refractory .

  11. 高炉陶瓷杯复合炉衬的应用

    Application of hearth lining with ceramic cup

  12. 以“耐火材料法”为基础,将导热性不同的材料进行合理安排后设计出了用于高炉炉缸的“陶瓷杯”。

    On the basis of " refractory solution ", the Ceramic Cup has been applied to blast furnace hearth by arranging refractories with different conductivity rationally .

  13. 梅山3号高炉处于炉役后期,炉缸为陶瓷杯结构,侵蚀较严重。

    The No3 BF of Meishan with the hearth of ceramic cup is at the later stage of campaign and its hearth has been eroded badly .

  14. 认为现役高炉采用的炉身板壁结合的冷却结构以及炉缸陶瓷杯结构适合梅山高炉长寿要求。

    The cooling structure combined cooling plate and cooling stave and the ceramic cup hearth structure can meet the need of prolonging campaign life of BFs at Meishan Co.

  15. 为延长高炉寿命,在首钢4座高炉设计中,采用了一系列高炉长寿技术。优化炉型参数、改进炉缸内衬结构、采用热压碳砖和陶瓷杯技术;

    , a series of long campaign technology such as optimizing the furnace profile parameters , improving the structure of hearth lining , introducing hot pressed carbon brick and ceramic cup have been adopted to prolong blast furnace campaign life .

  16. 邯钢2000m~3高炉炉体设计采用了全冷却壁、软水闭路循环冷却系统、薄内衬、国产陶瓷杯等先进技术。

    In the design of 2 000 m3 BF body at Handan Iron & Steel Co. , a few of advanced techniques were adopted , such as vertical cooling , closed loop soft water cooling system , thin lining , ceramic cup , etc.

  17. 耐热陶瓷工艺杯,炎炎高温捏手中。

    You may hold the heat-resistant ceramic cup without Being scalded By its hot contents .

  18. 我公司是一家集产、供、销一条龙的实体企业,主要产品有铁艺家居饰品及日用陶瓷、咖啡杯碟、茶具等。

    Our company is an industry company integrated with production supply and sale , mainly produce arts & crafts metal home decorations , daily-used porcelain , coffee sets and tea sets etc.

  19. 搭建杯形工具变幅杆振动系统振动状态验证试验平台,试验平台由超声波发生器、压电陶瓷超声换能器、杯形工具变幅杆振动系统、激光位移传感器以及示波器组成。

    The vibrating condition testing experimental platform for the designed vibration system is set up , the platform is made up of ultrasonic generator , piezoelectric ceramic transducer , cup tool horn vibration system , laser displacement sensor and oscilloscope .

  20. 产品包括陶瓷球、陶瓷轴承、陶瓷刀杯环、陶瓷结构件四大类领域。

    At present , our company mainly produces ceramic balls , ceramic bearings and ceramic rings which are made of silicon nitride , zirconia or alumina .

  21. 氧化铝陶瓷对陶瓷全髋关节置换术目前在临床上广泛开展,而陶瓷臼杯的破裂在全髋关节置换术中是一项非常罕见且迟发的并发症。

    Alumina ceramic-on-ceramic total hip arthroplasty ( THA ) has been widely used . Meanwhile , fracture of the ceramic acetabular cup is a rare late complication of total hip arthroplasty .