
yā lǜ
  • filter-press;filter pressing
压滤[yā lǜ]
  1. 用浮选精煤过滤方程确定压滤机的工艺参数

    Determination of Technical Parameters of Filter-Press Based on Filtration Equation

  2. 本文为旋转压滤机的放大与设计提供了设计方法和依据。

    The designment and magnification of rotary filter-press was offered .

  3. 在连续糖化过程中,当压滤机1填满后即填充压滤机2。

    During continuous mashing , filter 2 is filled when filter 1 is full .

  4. 压滤机液压系统ART神经网络故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis on the ART Neural Network of the Hydraulic System of Filter Presses

  5. 基于PLC的污泥压滤设备自控程序设计

    Automatic Control Program Design of The Pressure Filter Based on PLC

  6. PLC在选煤厂压滤机上的应用

    Application of PLC in the Pressure Filter of Coal Washery

  7. 压滤机洗水全自动PLC控制在糖厂的应用

    Application of Fully Automatic Control System Based on PLC in Plate Filter Three Time Washing

  8. 主要介绍了煤炭系统中大型压滤机的工艺流程以及PLC在其电气控制部分的应用。

    The technical process of large filter press in colliery and application of PLC in its electric control system are mainly introduced .

  9. 概述了用PLC技术对盘式压滤机自动控制系统硬件的配置及软件的设计方法。

    The hardware configuration of the automatic control system for disc pressure filters by PLC technique and its software designing method are described .

  10. 本文在动态旋叶压滤机中,研究了无机Ni膜和聚砜膜用于菠萝汁澄清过程的过滤特性。

    Filtration characteristics of inorganic Ni membrane and polysulfone membrane in a dynamic rotary vane press filter for pineapple juice clarification were studied .

  11. 证书采用X.带式压滤机的改造

    The style of X. Modification on belt press filter

  12. 介绍在PTA生产中精制单元采用压滤机的工作情况。

    The working conditions of filter press used in PTA production refining unit were introduced .

  13. 介绍了KM系列快速隔膜压滤机的主要特点及传统压滤机选型方法存在的弊端;

    Main feature of KM series diaphragm press filter with quick-discharge mechanism and malpractice in conventional method for press filter selection introduced ;

  14. 介绍了在PVC生产过程中产生的蒸汽冷凝水、压滤水、废自来水、母液水的回收和综合利用的情况。

    The recovery and utilization of steam condensate , filter pressing water , exhaust tap water and mother liquor from PVC production are introduced .

  15. 立式压滤机在4A沸石分离工序上的试验

    Experimental Investigations on the Vertical Pressing Filter in the Separation Process of 4A Zeolite

  16. 尽管阿克斯百科全书式的作品描述了几十种器具,却没提到那种泵状装置,也就是我们今天所谓的“法式压滤壶”(Frenchpress)。

    Though Ukers 's encyclopedic work defined dozens of devices , it never mentioned the simple plunger-style vessel that we 've come to call the " French press . "

  17. 世界首台S-3000型压滤式F4隔膜电解槽

    The first F4 diaphragm electrolyzer with S-3000 press filter in the world

  18. 应用在YL系列盘式压滤机上的PLC技术智能控制柜,大大提高了设备的可靠性和利用率。

    The PLC intelligent control cabinet used on YL Series disc pressure filters can greatly improve the equipment reliability and availability .

  19. 总结了S-3000型压滤式F4隔膜电解槽的开发研制过程。

    The development of F4 diaphragm electrolyzer with S-3000 press filter is summarized .

  20. BPF自动压滤机的研制

    The research and development of BPF automatic filter press

  21. XYZ自动压滤机在铅锌矿废水处理中的应用

    Application of XYZ Automatic Filter Press in Waste Water Treatment of Yunnan Huize Lead Zinc Mine of China

  22. KX系列快速压滤机的开发与应用

    Development and Application on KX Series of Quick Pressure Filter

  23. 结果表明,随着压力的增加、压滤时间的延长和絮凝剂聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)投加量的增加,所得净滤液量均明显增大。

    Results showed that with increase of the pressure , filter-pressing period and flocculant ( Polyacry Lamide , PAM ) dosage , the filtrate volume increased obviously .

  24. 150t高温铝炉渣压滤机液压系统故障分析

    Analysis on the Hydraulic System Error of Infiltrating Press Machine for 150t High Temperature Aluminium Slug

  25. 来自空塔循环槽和填料塔循环槽的稀酸进入沉降槽,污泥回收,部分上清液用石灰中和处理,控制稀酸pH值为4~6,除氟效率达85%以上,沉渣压滤堆存。

    The sludge from the settling tank is filtered by filter press . Filter cake is collected in heap and a part of filtrate is neutralized by lime at pH 4 - 6 to remove more than 85 % F.

  26. 采用BP神经网络原理,对精煤压滤过程数据进行处理,建立了基于人工神经网络的精煤滤饼水分预测模型。

    The principle of BP neural networks was used to process the data of float coal filter pressing , so as to establish a prediction model of float coal filter pressing product moisture on the basis of neural networks .

  27. 向澄清酶液中添加4%辅料和60%饱和(NH4)2SO4盐析,压滤;

    % adjunct and ( NH4 ) 2SO4 with 60 % saturation was added to the bright enzyme liquid after agitation and filtration .

  28. 介绍了七台河精煤集团公司新建分公司选煤厂浮选系统中存在的问题及应用XMGZ型精煤压滤机后的工艺效果。

    This article introduces the problems existed in floatioom system of Qitaihe Coal Preparation Plant , and the precess result of using XMGZ clean coal pressure filter .

  29. 在比较多种过滤设备的基础上,选择XYZ自动压滤机作为萤石精矿的过滤脱水设备。

    On the basis of comparing various types of filtering equipment , the XYZ automatic filter press has been selected as the filtering and dewatering equipment for the fluorite concentrate .

  30. 有些人用“法式压滤型咖啡壶”来称呼它。1993年,弗洛伦斯·法布里肯特(FlorenceFabricant)对《纽约时报》的读者们解释说,“法式压滤法”是行家们的最爱。

    others used the phrase " French plunger-type . " In 1993 , Florence Fabricant explained the " French-press method " to readers of The New York Times as a favorite of connoisseurs .