
  • 网络Law of Japan;Japanese law
  1. 日本法律对文化遗产的定义、分类与分级

    Definitions , categories and levels of Cultural Heritage in Japanese law

  2. 他与日本法律的冲突现在已经导致日本人的憎恨。

    He ran afoul of Japanese law and is currently causing outrage in Japan .

  3. 经由日本法律理出其社会奥秘的头绪,正是密歇根法学院教授markwest的专长。

    Teasing out the mysteries of Japanese society by way of its statutes is the speciality of mark West , a professor at Michigan Law School .

  4. 从日本法律文化看比较法的功能

    The Function of Comparative Law from the View of Legal Culture of Japan

  5. 日本法律职业的特点及其改革

    The Characteristics and Reforms of the Japanese Legal Profession

  6. 清末输入日本法律文化的动因与影响分析

    Motives and Influences of the Introduction to Japanese Legal Culture at Late Qing Dynasty

  7. 日本法律限制了可用于日本制造产品的进口土豆的数量。

    Japanese laws limit the amount of imported potatoes that can be used in Japanese-made products .

  8. 日本法律规定,股东大会具有任免和监督董事的最高权力。

    Japan 's law , the shareholders'meeting and supervision and director of the appointment with the highest power .

  9. 日本法律要求日本烟草公司从国内烟农手中购买所有烟叶用于国内生产。

    Japanese laws require Japan Tobacco to purchase all of its tobacco leaf from local farmers for domestic production .

  10. 根据日本法律,在知情情况下接受外国人政治捐款,可能被判处5年内不能担任公职。

    Under Japanese law , knowingly receiving political donations from foreigners can lead to a five-year ban from holding public office .

  11. 建立并购防护措施的行动源自于日本法律的变化,这种变化降低了外国公司收购日本企业的难度。

    The rush to build takeover defences follows legal changes that have made it easier for foreign companies to buy Japanese groups .

  12. 日本法律中的登记、公示制度和德国法律中的争议解决制度值得我们借鉴。

    The registration and notification systems in Japanese law and the dispute settlement system in German law are of great value to us .

  13. 警察审讯了另一个女孩,一个11岁的学生——根据日本法律规定,不能公开其姓名。

    The second girl , an 11-year-old student - whose name cannot be released due to Japanese laws - was interviewed by police .

  14. 地方政府为20岁的年轻人举行这个特殊的成年典礼,因为日本法律上的“成年”被定为20岁以上。

    Municipal governments host special coming-of-age ceremonies for20-year-olds , since an " adult " in Japan is legally defined as one who is20 or over .

  15. 2010年末,索尼要求51岁的秀策先生提早退休,但他行使日本法律拒绝了这一要求。

    But Mr. Tani , 51 , refused to take an early retirement offer from Sony in late 2010 his prerogative under Japanese labor law .

  16. 三菱汽车展开的一次内部调查发现,该公司的测试方法并未遵守日本法律的规定。这次内部调查是由日产方面提出的问题引发的。

    An internal investigation , triggered by questions raised by Nissan , found that the company 's testing method did not comply with requirements under Japanese law .

  17. 当代日本法律职业在不断地借鉴大陆法系和英美法系的基础上形成与发展,并具有自己的特色。

    The contemporary Japanese legal profession has shaped through constantly introducing the civil-law system and common-law system , and at the same time it developed its own characteristics .

  18. 放射防护监督员制度是根据日本法律建立的具有监督职能的资质许可制度。

    The radiation protection supervisor system , which has been established based on Japanese law , is playing an important role in the field of radiation protection in Japan .

  19. 日本法律禁止国会议员接受外资占50%以上的企业的捐款&美国也实行类似规则,其意图是限制境外势力对国内政策的影响。

    Japanese law forbids lawmakers from receiving donations from companies where more than 50 per cent of the shareholders are foreign – a similar measure to rules in the US aimed at limiting outside influence on domestic policy .

  20. 日本法律规定,对于业务范围属于受管制行业的公司,外国投资者如要购买其超过10%的股份,须首先获得许可。去年,日本扩大了该法律适用的行业范围。

    Japanese law requiring foreign investors to obtain approval before buying more than 10 per cent of the shares of a company with business in a regulated industry was extended last year to include a broader range of sectors .

  21. 通过比较TRIPs协定、UPOV条约、欧美、日本等法律,结合实践需要,提出了修订我国《植物新品种保护条例》的思路,为实践中解决品种权侵权纠纷提供理论依据。

    This article has given a clue which is about modifying our The Protection Regulation of Plant Variety Right in order to resolve the disputes on the plant variety right by comparing the agreements of TRIPs , UPOV and the laws of Europe , USA , Japan and so on .

  22. 几乎每个人都声称,为什么不做某事,我们和我们的country-mates吗?现在日本的法律,日本应该利用汽油流入日本海南部。

    Nearly everyone claimed that why not do something for our island and our country-mates ? Now a Japanese law says that Japan should exploit petrol in South Sea of Japan .

  23. 肥胖斗士在日本,法律不允许人们肥胖。

    Fat fighters You are forbidden to be fat in Japan .

  24. 日本金融法律体制在台湾地区的影响

    The Impact on Financial Legal System of Taiwan District from Japan

  25. 日本节能法律体系建设及节能实践

    Establishment of the Legal System of Energy-Saving in Japanese and Energy-Saving Practice

  26. 在日本,法律不允许人们肥胖。

    You are forbidden to be fat in Japan .

  27. 按照日本现行法律,公主一旦结婚,就将失去皇室头衔。

    Under current law , if Aiko marries , she loses her royal status .

  28. 日本渔业法律体系研究

    A research on Japanese Fisheries Law System

  29. 根据日本的法律与映画伦理管理委员会规定,影像输出的画面不能出现性器官。

    According to Japanese law and motion picture Ethics Commission provides image output screen can not appear genitals .

  30. 民事优先权作为一个概念,在一些大陆法系国家如法国、日本为法律所规定。

    As a concept , Civil Priority was described by some common law-series country such as French and Japan .