
  • 网络Japanese Rabbit;Lepus brachyurus
  1. 本文用红细胞免疫复合物花环试验,红细胞膜ELISA和IFA三种方法检测日本血吸虫病兔红细胞免疫粘附复合物情况。

    This article deals with the investigation of the immune adherence of red cells by means of red-cell immune complex rosette test , red-cell membrane ELISA and IFA .

  2. 日本血吸虫病兔口服吐酒石(27mg/kg)加BAL-glucoside(0.21g/kg)后24小时之肝和虫含Sb量约为不加BAL-glucoside者的3&4倍。

    Rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum were fed tartar emetic with BAL-glucoside ( 0.21 g / kg ) . After 24 hours , the liver Sb and the worm Sb contents were 3 & 4 times those in the group without BAL-glucoside .

  3. 感染日本血吸虫病兔循环抗原的提纯与分析

    Purification and Analysis of the Circulating Antigens of Schistosomiasis Japonica in Rabbits

  4. 肺吸虫抗原与日本血吸虫病兔血清的交叉反应

    The Cross Reaction Between Antigen of Paragonimus and Serum of Rabbit Infected with Schistosoma Japonicum

  5. 日本血吸虫病兔肝内血管壁免疫球蛋白和补体的免疫组织化学分析

    Immunohistochemical Analysis of Immunoglobulin and Complement of Intrahepatic Blood Vessels in Rabbits Infected with Schistosoma Japonicum

  6. 自产碱性磷酸酶&ELisA间接法对日本血吸虫病兔早期诊断的观察

    Observations on Early Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis Japonica in Rabbits Using Self-made Alkaline Phosphatase ELisA Indirect Method

  7. 日本血吸虫病兔肝纤维化胶原合成与降解转录水平的研究

    Studies on Synthesis and Degradation of Collagen at Transcription Level in Liver Fibrosis of Rabbits with Schistosomiasis japonica

  8. 吡喹酮治疗前后感染日本血吸虫兔循环29/43KD分子的水平和意义

    Level and Significance of the 29 / 43 KD Molecule in Sera of Schistosoma japonicum-Infected Rabbits before and after Praziquantel Treatment

  9. 本研究首次用单克隆抗体证实了日本血吸虫病兔尿液中存在日本血吸虫肠相关趋阴极抗原。

    The existence of the gun-associated cathodic antigen of S. japonicum in urine of rabbits infected with S. japonicum was first confirmed by monoclonal antibody in our laboratory .

  10. 中国白兔与日本大耳兔核型及C带多态性

    Karyotypes and Polymorphisms in Chinese White Rabbit and Japanese Rabbit

  11. 上述杂交瘤细胞涂片后与日本血吸虫感染兔血清进行间接免疫荧光试验(IFT),以探讨凝集机制。

    Immunofluorescent test was carried out with the hybridoma cells and schistosome-infected sera .

  12. 方法:将日本大耳兔随机分为空白对照组、AS模型组、PNS低剂量组及PNS高剂量组,各组喂饲不同饲料,PNS高、低剂量组同时灌胃给予相应药物,1次。

    METHODS : White Japanese rabbits were divided into normal control group , AS model group , low dose PNS group and high dose PNS group .

  13. 健康日本大耳兔50只,随机均分为对照组、肺缺血1h与肺缺血再灌注0.5h、1h、3h组。

    Fifty rabbits were randomly divided into five groups : control group , ischemia group 1 h and ischemia reperfusion group 0.5 h , 1 h and 3 h.

  14. 方法:30只日本大耳兔均分为三组:假手术组(S组),缺血再灌注组(IR组)和缺血再灌注+三七总皂甙(PNS组)。

    Thirty rabbits were divided into three groups randomly : sham operation group ( S group ), ischemia reperfusion group ( IR group ) and ischemia reperfusion plus panax notoginseng saponins ( PNS group ) .

  15. 对皮管快速扩张后皮肤组织形态学和体视学进行研究。将15只日本大耳兔分成三组:①快速扩张组,每日注水扩张一次,连续扩张7d;

    In order to investigate the histological and stereological change of the rapidly expanded skin tube , 15 Japanese Long Ear Rabbits were divided into 3 groups : ( 1 ) Rapid expansion group , injecting once a day for 7 days ;

  16. 从日本血吸虫感染兔脾脏提取特异性免疫核糖核酸(SiRNA),以巨噬细胞移动抑制试验和斑点酶标免疫吸附试验分别检测免疫核糖核酸iRNA传递特异性细胞免疫和体液免疫水平。

    The present paper reported the extraction of immune RNA ( iRNA ) from spleen cells of Schistosoma japonicum infected rabbits and the activity of this schistosome iRNA ( SiRNA ) on transfer of cellular immunity and humoral immunity using macrophage migra-tory inhibition test ( MMIT ) and Dot-ELISA .

  17. 将16只日本大耳兔随机分成四组。

    Sixteen Japanese rabbits were divided into four groups at random .

  18. 日本血吸虫感染兔肝肌成纤维细胞的动态变化及其意义

    Dynamic changes in hepatic myofibroblast of rabbits with schistosoma japonicum

  19. 检测日本血吸虫感染兔尿中循环抗原的研究

    Determination of circulating antigen in urine of rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum

  20. 日本血吸虫感染兔红细胞上非游离性循环抗原的分子基础及其性质研究

    Molecular Bases and Characteristics of Non-FRee Circulating Antigens on Red Blood Cells of Rabbits Infected with Schistosoma Japonicum

  21. 方法:30只日本大耳兔,随机分为3组,即对照组,浅麻醉组,深麻醉组。

    METHODS : 30 rabbits randomly allocated into 3 groups : control group , shallow anesthetic group and deep anesthetic group .

  22. 方法:选用日本大耳兔,建立兔单眼玻璃体积血模型。

    Methods : Select Japan white rabbits . The rabbit vitreous hemorrhage models established from injecting blood which acquired from the rabbit itself into one eye .

  23. 方法选用日本大耳兔20只分为2组,采用外科的方法将兔腭前部口鼻腔形成瘘孔。

    Methods 20 japanese big ear rabbits are divided into 2 groups . Form fistula in the oral and nasal cavity in the front of the palate with surgery .

  24. 以云南腹泻死亡幼兔肠内容物分离到的AN1和AN2两株兔轮状病毒对40~50日龄日本大耳兔口服接种。

    Japan Long eared rabbits in 40 and 50 day old were inoculated orally by using AN_1 and AN_2 rabbit rotavirus isolated from stool of the died rabbits caused by diarrhea in Yunnan .

  25. 方法:实验于2002-12/2004-03在武汉大学医学院显微外科研究所完成。日本大耳兔雄性21只为供体,雌性42只为受体。

    METHODS : The experiment was conducted at the Microsurgery Institute , Medical College , Wuhan University from December 2002 to March 2004 . Totally 21 male flap-eared Japanese rabbits were selected as donor and 42 female ones as recipients .

  26. 检测10份阿米巴肝脓肿病人血清及20份日本血吸虫感染兔血清,平均交叉反应率分别为3.3%、10.0%及13.3%。

    The cross reaction rates in 10 patients with entamoeba abscess of liver and 20 rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum detected by Dot - ELISA , SPA - ELISA and IHA were 3.3 % , 10 . 0 % and 13.3 % respectively .

  27. 目的观察感染日本血吸虫的新西兰兔肝脏Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型胶原的动态变化以及γ干扰素(IFNγ)对Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型胶原的降解作用。

    Objective To observe the dynamic changes in collagen type ⅰ and collagen type ⅲ in rabbits with schistosomiasis japonica and the treatment effect of gamma interferon on the degradation of collagens in schistosomal hepatic fibrosis .

  28. 重组TPI分子具有磷酸丙糖异构酶活性,并能被日本血吸虫重感染兔血清,血吸虫病人血清所识别。

    The pure rTPI has the activity of Triosephosphate Isomerase ( TPI ), and may be recognized by the serum of rabbit infected seriously with Schistosoma japonica and patient suffering from schistosomiasis .

  29. 结论先天性感染日本血吸虫的仔兔血清抗体呈低免疫反应状态(hypo-responsiveness),可能存在免疫耐受,攻击性感染不能诱导仔兔免疫系统产生明显的保护性免疫。

    Conclusion Congenital infection of Schistosoma japonicum might decrease the immune response of kittens to re-exposure to Schistosoma japonicum ( hypo-responsiveness ), which might be indicative of immunologic tolerance . Challenging infection can 't induce significant protective immunity in kittens with congenital infection .

  30. 蒿甲醚预防日本血吸虫病诱导的兔特异抗体相关靶抗原编码基因的筛选

    Immunoscreening of cenes encoding schistosoma japonicum antigens related to the special antibodies in rabbit serum that induced by artemether