
  • 网络camponotus japonicus;Camponotus Japonicus Mayr
  1. 采用CP包埋切片技术,结合免疫组织化学方法,研究了γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)在日本弓背蚁视叶髓区中的分布。

    Used CP embedding tissue section technique and immunohistochemical method to investigate the distribution of GABA in the optic lobe neuropils of Camponotus japonicus .

  2. 结果表明,GABA是日本弓背蚁脑中一种重要的抑制性递质,它不仅参与感觉系统的调节,参与学习与记忆的调控,而且还控制着运动系统的活动。

    Lobes show prominent GABA-like immunoreactivity . This result implies that GABA is a kind of important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain of Camponotus japonicus . GABA plays a role in mediating sensory system , learn and memory and the activities of motor system .

  3. 日本弓背蚁(CamponotusJaponicus)视叶髓区GABA免疫阳性反应的初步研究

    Distribution of GABA-like immunoreactivity in the optic lobe neuropils of Camponotus japonicus

  4. 本实验应用常规电子显微镜技术,以日本弓背蚁(CamponotusJaponicus)为实验材料,对其复眼和视叶的超微结构进行了初步研究。

    Used the routine electron microscopic technique , the ultrastructure of the compound eye and the optic lobe of the female ant Camponotus japonicus was studied .

  5. 日本弓背蚁复眼及视叶超微结构的初步研究

    Study of Ultrastructure of the Compound Eye and the Optic Lobe of the Ant Camponotus Japonicus

  6. 对河南济源国家猕猴自然保护区蚂蚁资源进行了调查,结果表明,共有5亚科17属31种,优势种为日本弓背蚁,并对其应用前景进行了综述。

    In this article ant species were studied and the result of the survey was reported . There were 5 subfamilies , 17 genera , and 31 species of ants in Jiyuan Macaque Nature Reserve of Henan Province . The dominant species was japonicus Mayr .