
rì jù
  • Japanese occupation
  1. 现代性与台湾日据时期通俗文学论述

    Modernity and Its Representation in Taiwan Popular Literature during the Japanese Occupation

  2. 日据时期的闽台教育关系

    The educational relationship between Fujian and Taiwan during Japanese Occupation of Taiwan

  3. 日据时期的台湾少数民族

    The National Minorities of TaiWan During the Period of Japanese Occupation

  4. 台湾日据时期小说文本精神内涵的解读&以受难感为例

    Interpreting the Spiritual Connotations of Taiwan Novels during the Japanese-invasion Period

  5. 日据时期台湾农业经济研究

    A Study on the Agricultural Economy of Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation

  6. 猎首在台湾日据时期继续存在。

    The practice of head-hunting continued during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan .

  7. 日据下台湾现代化的文学证伪

    Literary Evidence Against Taiwan " Modernization " Under Japanese Colonization

  8. 日据时期台湾教育的双重性

    The Dual Character of Taiwan 's Education During the Period Occupied by Japan

  9. 压不扁的玫瑰花&试论日据时期的台湾抗争文学

    The Uncrushed Roses & On Taiwan Anti-aggression Literature During the Japanese Occupied Period

  10. 论日据时期台湾歌仔戏的民族性与现代性

    On the Nationality and Modernity of the Taiwanese Operas during the Japanese Occupation

  11. 日据时期台湾基督教会的政治立场

    The Political Standpoint of Taiwan Presbyterian under Japanese Rule

  12. 日据时期台湾学生在大陆的爱国活动探略

    Investigation of Tai Wan students ' Patriotic activities During the Period of Japanese Occupation

  13. 日据大连时期关东州方面委员制度探析

    On Sectional Committee System of " Guandong Province " in Dalian During Japanese Occupation

  14. 日据大连时期的奴化教育实质

    The Essence of the Education Aimed at Enslavement in the Period of Japanese Occupation of Dalian

  15. 最近的一个1UP:您的播客从1月22日据透露,一个新的横行霸道正在到来。

    On a recent1UP Yours podcast from January22th it was revealed that a new Grand Theft Auto is coming .

  16. 其内容富含重要的史料价值,成为研究“日据时期”教育的资料宝库。

    Consequently , it becomes treasure of references . Meanwhile , the writer also investigates the Mandarin Educational Magazine .

  17. 论柳如是诗词中独特的精神内涵台湾日据时期小说文本精神内涵的解读&以受难感为例

    The Distinctive Spiritual Content in Liu Rusi 's Poetry Interpreting the Spiritual Connotations of Taiwan Novels during the Japanese-invasion Period

  18. 日据时期,为配合日本政府的南进东南亚的战略,台湾总督府展开了对南洋华侨的全面调查活动。

    An Analysis of " Oversea Chinese in Southeast Asia " by the Government-General of Formosa under the Japanese Rule ;

  19. 从祖国接受和反思现代性&以日据时期台湾作家的祖国之旅为中心的考察

    Received and Reflected the Modernity from Motherland & An Investigation on the Journey to Motherland of Taiwan Writers during Japanese Occupation

  20. 2011年01月04日据日本当地媒体报道,从今年夏天起,中国个人游客将可能持多次往返签证前往日本旅游。

    2011-01-04 Individual Chinese tourists are likely to visit Japan with multiple-entry visas from this summer , local media reported on Monday .

  21. 日据初期日本在台湾的宗教调查及其宗教政策&以佛教调查为中心的考察

    The Religion Investigation of Japanese in Taiwan and its Religious Policy at the Beginning of Governance & The Research around the Buddhism

  22. 日据时期台湾僧人赴福州鼓山涌泉寺受戒原因初探

    Why Taiwan Monks Take Bodhisattva Vows at Yongquan Temple in Drum Mountain in Fuzhou During the Period of Japanese Occupation of Taiwan

  23. 日据末期台湾政治与文化生态视野下的知识分子研究(1937-1945)

    The Research on Intellectuals under Political and Cultural Ecology Perspective of Taiwan during the End of the Japanese Occupation ( 1937-1945 );

  24. 2011年01月22日据一项最新研究发现,如果母亲生第二个孩子的时间与生第一个孩子的时间相隔太短,第二个孩子患自闭症的风险会有所提高。

    2011-01-22 Closely-spaced pregnancies are linked to a higher risk of autism in the second-born child , according to a new study .

  25. 日据时期,台湾岛内日本人的工商业活动构成了殖民地经济的一个重要组成部分,不应被我们忽视。

    The industry and commerce activities of Japanese settlers in Taiwan were important parts of colonial economy during the Japanese colonial period .

  26. 2011年03月21日据利比亚国家电视台报道,利比亚领导人卡扎菲的住所被导弹袭击,附近一栋行政办公建筑被摧毁。

    2011-03-21 One administrative building of the residence compound of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was destroyed by a missile , Libyan state TV reported .

  27. 我的兴趣在于中华社会结构,特别对日据时期台湾社会有幸趣。因此最近开始学河洛话。热烈欢迎想学习日语的朋友。

    Though I study about China , but I welcome international friends who are interested in Japan , especially in Otaku & comic culture .

  28. 对台湾日据时期小说文本精神内涵的解读,不能脱离具体的历史语境。

    The interpretation of the spiritual connotations of novels in Taiwan during the Japanese-invasion period should be conducted in line with the concrete historical context .

  29. 2010年10月13日据中国工承方介绍,一条连接中国云南省和老挝的铁路将于10月28号开工建设。

    2010-10-13 The building of a railway between southwest China 's Yunnan Province and Laos will kick off on Oct.28 , according to its Chinese contractor .

  30. 之后经历了一段三年八个月的日据时期,学术研究基本停滞。

    Subsequently there was the Japanese occupation which lasted for three years and eight months , during which academic works had all come to a standstill .