
  • 网络keidanren;Federation of Economic Organizations;Nippon Keidanren;Japan Business Federation
  1. 日本经济团体联合会

    Japanese Federation of Economic Organizations

  2. 知情人士表示,丰田章男辞职是因为,他在东京奥组委的职务与他在日本经济团体联合会(Keidanren)的主要奥运游说组织担任的主席职务之间存在潜在利益冲突。

    People close to the decision said Mr Toyoda 's move arose from a possible conflict of interest between his roles on the organising committee and as head of the Keidanren business federation 's main Olympic lobbying group .

  3. 野田政府加入这一协定的主要压力来自于大商业游说团体&日本经济团体联合会。与小商业者相比,联合会成员承担风险的能力更强,在国际上与之相抗衡者更少。

    The pressure on Mr Noda to embrace the TPP has largely come from the big-business lobby , Keidanren , whose members have less to lose than their smaller , less globally competitive counterparts .

  4. 但今年6月颁布的公司治理法规暴露了日本在赋予董事会权力方面的含糊不清,以及日本经济团体联合会(Keidanren)等传统人士的质疑。

    But the corporate code introduced in June betrays Japan 's ambiguity - and the doubts of traditionalists such as the Keidanren business federation - about empowering boards .