
  • 网络apollo;phoebus;Sungod
  1. 日神(Apollo)和酒神(Dionysus)是尼采美学的一对核心概念,代表植根于人的本能中的两种艺术冲动。

    Apollo and Dionysus are two key concepts in Nietzsche 's aesthetics and represent two artistic impulses in human instinct .

  2. 马丁·伊登形象中的日神与酒神精神

    The Spirit of Apollo and Dionysus in " Martin Eden "

  3. 日神菲比斯的战车正掉在长河之中。

    The chariot of Phoebus is running into the long river .

  4. 与邻居守日神高泰是友好。

    Friendly with his neighbor , who is a dark other .

  5. 悲剧的日神因素和酒神元素这一对立在悲剧中被扬弃而归于统一。

    The opposition between Apollo and Dionysus elements is united in tragedy .

  6. 更多同事离开了在日神。

    More of their colleagues at Shenzhen Rishen were quitting .

  7. 在悲剧中,酒神因素比之于日神因素,显示为永恒的本原的艺术力量。

    Compared with Apollo , Dionysus reveals the eternal originality of arts .

  8. 这日神没有回答他。

    But he gave him no answer that day .

  9. 袁梦离开了日神,去了城外的另一家工厂。

    Meng quit and found work at a factory outside the city centre .

  10. 酒神与日神的文化新解

    Culture New cultural interpretation of Dionysus and Apollo

  11. 在人物分析中,孤儿形象可以在神话中找到原型,日神、月神和风神的特质,在作品形象中有着对应关系。

    Orphans image can be found in the mythology through the analysis of the character .

  12. 在悲剧中,日神形象仅是表达酒神冲动的手段;

    In tragedy , Apollonian image is only the means of expressing the Dionysian impulse .

  13. 酒神与日神的交响

    Symphony of Dionysus and Apollo

  14. 酒神精神与日神精神辨识&从尼采的有关阐释接着讲辩证法与诡辩论辨异

    Distinction and Cognition of Wine God Spirit and Apollo Spirit On the Distinction Between Dialectics and Sophistry

  15. 《蝇王》:日神与酒神的人性冲突

    Lord of the Flies : the Humanity 's Clash between " Apollonianism " and " Dionysianism "

  16. 日神之歌

    The Apollonian Songs of Order

  17. 白日梦的颂歌&解读《送冰的人来了》中的日神精神和酒神精神

    Eulogy of Daydreams & Interpretation of the Apollo Spirit and the Dionysos Spirit in the Iceman Cometh

  18. 酒神精神与日神精神是尼采美学和文艺思想中两个最重要的范畴。

    Two most important categories of Nietzsche 's aesthetic and literature thoughts are Dionysus spirit and Apollo spirit .

  19. 很多神有控制自然力量的能力,并且和天文团体有关联,比如,日神。

    Many of these gods controlled natural forces and were associated with astronomical bodies , such as the sun .

  20. 文明被野蛮所占领;友善被邪恶所征服;日神精神被酒神精神所压制。

    Civilization is conquered by barbarism , good is defeated by evil , and Apollonian spirit is suppressed by Dionysian spirit .

  21. 有传言称,日神公司可能会裁员,或搬离市中心以降低成本。

    There were rumours that Shenzhen Rishen might be laying off staff or moving out of the city centre to cut costs .

  22. 他说我们自身被分成两个重要的部分:“酒神的”和“日神的”。

    He says that we have separated two important aspects of ourselves : The " Dionysian " and the " Apollonian " .

  23. 在日常生活的层次上,梦是日神状态,醉是酒神状态;

    On the level of our daily life , dream reveals the state of Apollo while drunkenness reveals the state of dionysus ;

  24. 理学湖湘学派与楚文化传统的冲突,实际上是日神式的中庸之道与酒神式的沉醉痴迷两种文化精神的对立。

    The contradiction between the Hu-Xiang School of Neo-Confucianism and Chu culture is actually the opposition of two ethos , Apolloian mean and Dionysian intoxication .

  25. 在有些传说中,伟大的亚历山大和奥古斯塔斯大帝各自是由日神菲博斯和宙斯化身蛇播种生下。

    In some accounts Alexander the Great and the Emperor Augustus are sowed by gods in the form of serpents , by Phoebus and Jupiter respectively .

  26. 香港绘画艺术市场对大陆绘画艺术市场的影响因素研究在悲剧中,酒神因素比之于日神因素,显示为永恒的本原的艺术力量。

    The Influence of Hong Kong Drawing Art Market Toward China Drawing Art Market Factor Research Compared with Apollo , Dionysus reveals the eternal originality of arts .

  27. 论到第七日,有一处说,到第七日神就歇了他一切的工。

    For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise , And God did rest the seventh day from all his works .

  28. 尼采的酒神/日神二元结构也是对弗洛伊德本我、自我、超我三元人格结构的启发,尼采的思想深刻地影响了弗洛伊德的精神分析学说。

    COMMENTS ON LACAN 'S STRUCTURALIST PSYCHOANALYSIS The concepts of Dionysus and Apollo had influence on Freud 's theory of personality structure of Id , Ego and Superego .

  29. 尼采认为人生是恐怖与苦难的深渊,为了逃避生活的重负,人们可以到日神的梦幻世界,也可以到酒神当中去寻找力量。

    Nietzsche believes that life is essentially an abyss of terror and misery , so people may resort to the Apollonian spirit and the Dionysus spirit to escape from reality .

  30. 他认为艺术是日神和酒神两种精神冲撞和迸发的产物,是权力意志的表现形式。

    Nietzsches aesthetic view is an essential part of his life philosophy which holds that art is the manifestation of power will and product of collision of two spirits-Apollo and Dionysius .