
  • 网络Japan Bank For International Cooperation;JBIC;Japan Bank for International Co-operation
  1. 在全球环境基金和日本国际合作银行的支援下,埃及正在试验一个小规模的集中电厂项目。

    Egypt is piloting a small scale concentrating power plant with support from the Global Environment Facility and Japan Bank for International Cooperation .

  2. 服部孝补充称,“成功的一个关键因素”,是获得日本国际合作银行(japanbankforinternationalco-operation)的融资。

    Mr Hattori added that a " key success factor " would be securing finance from the Japan Bank for international co-operation .

  3. 上周五,该公司与日本国际合作银行(jbic)签订了合作协议,将联合向发展中国家提供贷款。

    On Friday it signed a co-operation deal with JBIC , the Japanese finance institution , to offer joint loans to developing nations .

  4. 日本政府还决心更多地利用日本国际合作银行(japanbankforinternationalco-operation)及其它国有机构,为海外项目提供融资。

    The government is determined to make greater use of the Japan Bank for international co-operation and other state institutions to finance overseas projects .