
  • 网络Export Import Bank of Japan;The Export-Import Bank of Japan
  1. 自1979年12月日本输出入银行在北京设立第一家外资银行代表处起,我国银行业开放的步伐逐步加快,外资银行在我国的发展也逐步深入。

    Since the Export-Import Bank of Japan established the first foreign bank representative office in Beijing at December in 1979 , the China banking industry has gradually quicken the pace of its opening up , and foreign banks ' development in China has also gradually deepened .

  2. 日本输出入银行对华贷款种类与特点

    Japan Import and Export Bank : Types and Features of Its Loans to China

  3. 1979年日本输出入银行在北京设立第一家代表处,标志着新中国银行业对外开放的开始。

    Japan Import and Export Bank opened its first representative office in Beijing in 1979 , which marks the beginning of opening up of Chinese banking industry .

  4. 其中,1979&1980年为第一阶段,其标志就是1979年,日本输出入银行在北京设立代表处。在这一阶段,外资银行还不能直接设立独立的营业性分支机构。

    The first stage is from 1979-1980 , the symbol is that Japan Export and Import Bank set a branch in Beijing in 1979.During this stage , the foreign bank can not set independent branch .

  5. 1979年,我国批准第一家外资银行机构&日本输出入银行在北京设立办事处,这是外资银行在华发展的第一步。

    China authorized first foreign capital bank organization - Japan to lose the difference bank to set up the office in Beijing in 1979 , this was the foreign capital bank develops the first step in China .