
  • 网络capability of public service;public service capacity
  1. 公共服务能力是一项整合公共服务意识、公共服务态度、公共服务技能、公共服务方式的系统能力。

    The capability of public service is the systematic integration of public service consciousness , public service attitude , public service skill and the method of public service .

  2. 公共服务能力建设要点分析

    An Analysis on the Essential Factors of Public Service Capacity Building

  3. 以公众服务为核心(PS)的网上行政审批系统作为电子政务的重要组成部分,对提高政府部门的管理能力、决策能力、公共服务能力起到至关重要的作用。

    Administration permits online service system is a very important part of E-government . It is a vital factor that will improve government 's management ability , decision-making ability and public service ability .

  4. 该文对最新版本的CCM3.0与EJB2.1在组件类别、接口定义、编程语言、运行效率、支持的工具尤其是公共服务能力等方面作了深入而细致的比较和评价。

    Full and deep comparison and evaluation between the latest version of CCM 3.0 and EJB 2.1 are given , which focus on the component categories , interface definitions , programming languages , run-time performance and supported tools , etc. , especially on the common service capabilities .

  5. 陕西省基层政府公共服务能力的财政角度分析

    Financial analysis on the public service capacity of Shaanxi basal government

  6. 民族地区公共服务能力解释结构模型研究

    On the Interpretative Structural Model of Public Service Ability in Ethnic Regions

  7. 提高政府公共服务能力的财政思考

    The Public Financial Thinking of Improving the Government 's Public Service Ability

  8. 加强公务员公共服务能力建设的思考&兼论贯彻执行公务员法

    Consideration on Enhancing Public Service Capability of Civil Servant

  9. 政府提供基本公共服务能力显著增强。

    The government will markedly enhance its capability of providing basic public services .

  10. 乡镇政府公共服务能力评价的价值取向研究

    Value Orientation of the Assessment on the Public Service Capability of Township People 's Government

  11. 首先就社会转型期与基层政府公共服务能力理论进行分析,然后对当前我国基层政府公共服务能力的现状进行分析,最后探讨了社会转型期基层政府公共服务能力建设的愿景。

    Firstly , we analysis the theory of social transformation period and the public service capability .

  12. 公共服务能力是指以政府为主体的公共组织满足一定范围公民的公共需求的有效性。

    Public service capacity means the effectiveness for the public organizations to meet the demand of the citizen .

  13. 地方政府的公共服务能力在很大程度上取决于其收入能力。

    Ability on public services provision of local government depends on its revenue generation ability to a large extent .

  14. 针对这些影响因素,本文提出提高地方政府公共服务能力的路径选择。

    Focused on these factors , the article proposes an approach for local government to improve public service ability .

  15. 公共服务能力建设是公共行政能力、执政能力建设的重要内容。

    The building of public service capacity is an important content in the building of public administrate capacity and ruling capacity .

  16. 为了提高公共服务能力,1960、1970年代展开了大规模的地方政府重组。

    In order to improve the ability of providing service , local governments were reorganized on a large scale during 1960-70 .

  17. 提高公务员的公共服务能力包含对公务员服务意识、责任意识、行政成本意识的培养,以及推行责任制、绩效评估、完善公务员的知识结构和决策能力等几方面。

    It includes the improvement of service awareness , responsibility awareness and the carrying out responsibility system , achievement evaluation system etc.

  18. 因此,改进公务员管理,提高公务员的公共服务能力,成为学术研究研究热点问题。

    Therefore , the improvement of civil service management , improving the civil public service capacity , become academic research hotspot problem .

  19. 其次,政府应通过提升资源配置能力,实现自身直接供给公共服务能力的增强。

    Secondly , the government should realize the ability of directly supply of public services through improves the ability of allocation of resources .

  20. 但是,目前我国政府的社会管理和公共服务能力同构建和谐社会的要求还有一定差距。

    But at present our government 's social management and public service abilities still have disparity with the request of building a harmonious society .

  21. 目前,公务员公共服务能力欠缺的主要原因在于体制、机制的障碍。

    At present , the main reason of being short of civil servant 's public service ability is the obstacle of system and mechnism .

  22. 完善省以下财政体制,增强基层政府提供公共服务能力。

    We will improve fiscal systems at and below the provincial level to enhance the capacity of county and township governments to provide public services .

  23. 因此,对基层政府公共服务能力问题进行研究,对于我国政府发展具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Therefore , the research to public service capability of the basic-level governments for our government development has significant meaning of the theory and practical significance .

  24. 本文以省管县体制下的县级政府公共服务能力为研究对象,第一部分简单概述了省管县体制、县级政府公共服务能力等基本概念及其理论基础。

    The first part is a brief overview of the province governing county system , the county governments ' public service capacity and the theoretical basis .

  25. 但是,从省管县体制运行的实践来看,县级政府要真正提高其公共服务能力还存在很大困境。

    However , from the practice of province governing county system , there is a big dilemma for county governments to improve their public service capacity truly .

  26. 治理能力的最终表现是公共服务能力,而服务能力以财政能力和经济能力为基础。

    The final performance of the management ability is the ability of public service , and the service ability bases on the ability of finance and economic .

  27. 改革开放30多年以来,广西邮政经过邮电合一、邮电分营以及政企分开三个阶段的改革得到了较快的发展,基本公共服务能力得到了较大提升。

    Reforming and opening up more than 30 years , though three stage reforms Guangxi postal had developed fast and its Basic public service capacity were greatly ascend .

  28. 但是现实中却存在一个突出的矛盾:公务员的公共服务能力远远不能满足公民的公共服务需求。

    But in reality , there exists a striking paradox : the public service capacity of civil servants seriously can not meet the citizens ' demand for public service .

  29. 根据联合国全球电子政务发展状况报告,提升公共服务能力和资源整合已是电子政务的发展趋势。

    Based on a United Nations ' development report of global e-government , it has become a trend of E-Government to improve capacities of public services and intergrate governmental resources .

  30. 针对内蒙古地方政府公共服务能力存在的问题及导致这些问题产生的原因,本文提出了提升内蒙古地方政府公共服务能力的对策。

    According to the problems and the reasons that lead to the problems , this thesis proposed many measures to enhance the public service capacity of Inner Mongolia local governments .