
  1. 为了提高公路路况管理及路产管理的效率,开发了基于全球定位系统(GPS)的公路视频影像信息系统。

    In order to improve the efficiency of highway condition and asset management , a new highway video image information system based on GPS was developed .

  2. 然后提出了解决问题的策略:其一是改善内山公路路况;

    Several tactics to solve the problems have been suggested .

  3. 本次假期高峰的美国公路路况打破新纪录。

    And traffic on U.S. roads could reach record levels this holiday season .

  4. 通过全面分析形成公路路况质量下降的主要原因,针对性地提出了在目前情况下,公路养护中应采取的几方面措施,来确保整体路况的长期稳定。

    By analysing the main cause of quality descenting of highway condition , the paper proposed some relative measures for assuring the stability of road condition .

  5. 实践证明:该算法可有效地控制图像帧的里程误差,该系统可有效用于公路路况管理和公路路产管理。

    Practice proves that the algorithm can efficiently control the mileage errors of video frame and this system can be effectively used in road condition and asset management .

  6. 通过大量调查,对村村通工程产生的社会效益、经济效益、公路路况、对周围环境影响等进行的后评价,为今后工作的进行提供了参考。

    Through mass investigation , the post appraisement on social benefit , economic benefit , road condition and infection on environment of " village to village " project , can provide reference for similar work in future .

  7. 他开始抱怨公路的路况。

    He started on about the state of the roads .

  8. 本文以公路养护路况计算机管理系统开发实例,介绍了形成省级公路养护路况管理的三个子系统,并对各功能模块的实现作了说明。

    Taking a road maintenance management system based on computer as an example , the paper introduces three subsystem in the province level road management system . The implementation of functional modules is described .

  9. 由于五征以前以农用车为主,销售的用户群体主要是农民,常用路况多为乡村土路或乡间公路,路况差,因此他们要求车速不高,能多拉,但不需快跑。

    As the five main symptoms prior to agricultural vehicles , sales of the user groups are primarily farmers , used mostly for rural road dirt road or country road , poor road conditions , speed is not high , so they ask , can Dora , but no gallop .

  10. 公路管理系统路况破损检测与评价

    Road Deterioration Measurement And Evaluation of Pavement Management System

  11. 公路的部分路段路况很差。

    The road was in bad repair in parts .

  12. 然而乌江流域公路等级低、路况差,决定了乌江水运在流域内交通的主体地位。

    However the Wu River basin highway classification is low , the state of roads was bad , has decided the water transportation to be main status in the Wu river basin .