
  • 网络Public gathering places;public assembly occupancies
  1. 公众聚集场所消防安全现状及对策

    The Status Quo and Countermeasures of Fire Protection Safety in Public Assembly Occupancies

  2. 加强公众聚集场所消防监督管理的几点思考

    Considerations in strengthening the fire supervision management of public assembly area

  3. 分析了近十几年来发生在公众聚集场所的火灾;

    Analysed fires in public gathering places over recent ten years .

  4. 关于公众聚集场所消防安全若干问题的探讨&对现阶段消防安全管理机制的思考

    Discussion on some problems of fire safety for the dense population places

  5. 公众聚集场所人员安全疏散性能化设计与评价

    Performance-based Design and Assessment on Safety Evacuation of Crowds in Public Concourse

  6. 群死群伤特大火灾明显增多,公众聚集场所是火灾高发场所;

    Public place was the most high - risk place for conflagration .

  7. 公众聚集场所消防监督管理存在问题及对策

    The fire problems existing at public places and the solutions to them

  8. 关于已建公众聚集场所简化湿式自动喷水灭火系统的可行性研究

    The possible study to simplify wet automatic fire-extinguishing sprinkler systems in the built public place

  9. 浅谈大型公众聚集场所应急疏散预案制定中的几个问题

    Brief introduction to some items to be moted when compiling emergency evacuation plan for large size public congregation place

  10. 本文对公众聚集场所的消防安全现状及形成原因作了较深入的分析,并对如何加强公众聚集场所消防安全工作提出了可行的对策。

    The status quo and the formation factors of fire protection safety are deeply analyzed and the possible countermeasures are put forward .

  11. 公众聚集场所人群高度聚集、流动性大,构成了具有动态性、不确定性等特点的复杂地理场景。

    The crowd in public gathering places has the characteristics of high concentration and high mobility . This constitutes a dynamic and uncertain geographical scene .

  12. 论述了公众聚集场所灭火救援中疏散救人的对策、方法及行动要求,旨在寻求快速有效的疏散救人对策。

    The countermeasures methods and activity measures to rescuing peoples in the fire field are described in four aspects to looking for the most valid methods of personnel evacuation .

  13. 给出了混合策略那什均衡的求解与分析,并提出了防治公众聚集场所火灾事故的对策和建议。

    The Mixed strategy Nash balanced solution and analysis was given and countermeasures and suggestions on preventing and managing hidden dangers of fire in public assembly places were put forward .

  14. 该世界村提供了一个大面积的公众聚集场所,可以举办职业足球比赛,音乐会,会议,展览和跳蚤市场。

    The central space of the village offers a large area for public gathering , which can host professional football matches , concerts , conferences , exhibitions and flea markets .

  15. 公众聚集场所发生火灾极易造成群死群伤恶性事故,灭火救援的首要任务是在最短时间内疏散抢救出被困人员。

    In the public gathering places , the fire is the main reason to cause serious personnel dead and injured , so rescuing peoples in the fire field on time is the initial mission .

  16. 结合多年来开展消防监督工作的实践,从消防法律法规、消防安全管理体制、技术标准等方面分析了公众聚集场所消防安全监督管理存在的问题,并提出了相应对策措施。

    This paper analyzes the problems concerning fire safety management based on fire fighting practice , fire laws , fire safety management system and technology standards . The paper also put forward some solutions to them .

  17. 这两个公共艺术设计目的是成为为公众聚集的场所。

    What follows are images of two public art proposals that are designed to also function as public gathering places .

  18. 公众聚集的场所未经消防安全检查或者经检查不合格,擅自使用或者开业的。

    Those who arbitrarily make use of or start business in places where the public gather without going through fire control safety check or fail to pass the qualification check ;

  19. 中国国家旅游局要求中国旅行社加强法国旅游人群的安全防范措施,也警告说,中国游客不要去发生攻击的地区或公众聚集的场所。

    The China National Tourism Administration ( CNTA ) asked Chinese travel agencies to enhance safety precautions among tour groups in France and also warned Chinese tourists not to go to areas where the attacks occurred or to places of public gathering .